When the first fierce claw rushed out of the corridor, only rows of meditators were seen, the monitoring station, the omen array and the engineering terminal were surrounded by a cloud of fire and smoke.

Shards and broken materials flew out under the influence of atmospheric rifts, and new alarms sounded throughout the bridge, competing with the screams generated by the leak.

Under the action of the early warning mechanism, the heavy explosion-proof wall began to be closed, and the broken ceiling wreckage blocked the crack while the bridge atmosphere was stable.

Iron shards and crystal shards fell like rain, the metal groaned slowly, and the corpses of crew members were everywhere on the ground.

"Brothers, attack and retake the bridge."

When Talos' roar sounded, Spirit Race was already prepared.

Although there are only a dozen of them, they are all wearing long robes, covered with stones and strange rune ornaments, which means that these alien creatures are psionicists.

They react quickly, and psionic tricks surround them, making them move at a speed that blurs the edges of reality.

Blast guns fired in response to their assault, and the roar of Space Marines echoed in the ruins of the bridge.

But none of them hit.

Talos looked away from looking at his brothers, because a wizard was already holding a long and elegant sword at him.

This wizard, he remembered, was the one in the corridor that knocked him down. It was obvious that he did not leave the curse echo.

Talos tried to resist, but his speed was too slow.

The War Witch Sword pierced Talos' breastplate, almost slitting his chest.

The prophet swung his powered sword to fight back with its powerful and crackling blade.

But it didn't get close and hit.

The war witch already not in the place where he had been before, sliding to the right of Talos with unnatural grace, and another of its kind came in front of the prophet, the blade pointed under the scream His throat came.

Once again, the preview inherited from the original body saved Talos' life. He saw the enemy's attack in advance and deflected the blow with his weapon.

He tried to rush into Xenos' guards and grab their robes, but it seemed to move smoothly in his hands.

During several accelerated heartbeats, Talos realized that he was surrounded.

The momentary pause was just enough for Talos to breathe a sigh of relief.

Then they attacked--

The blade attacked like a rain at a speed that his eyes could not keep up. He felt a blade cut to his right shoulder armor, and another One cut was on his left leg guard, and the third cut was on his left thigh.

His power armor screamed and issued Mars, almost overwhelmed by the merciless attack.

Talos roared and waved, but the long sword didn't touch anything.

Xenos moves around him and strikes with grace that he can't match.

Finally, one of Xenos' weapons got blood.

A lance passed through Talos' left leg guard, stabbing the flesh and bones.

The prophet thumped one-knee kneels to the ground.

The stimulant pumped overcame the pain, and the wound quickly became numb, even though he felt blood dripping into his boots.

He stopped.

There is a short pause before the Xenos assembly launches the final blow.

The opportunity is fleeting.

Talos seized this opportunity.

"Come on!"

With a loud roar, Talos lifted the power sword off the ground.

A war witch has already leaped on his bare head, the blade turned into a silver phantom.

But while doing so, it finally got itself too close.

The preview of Spirit Race failed.

The power sword hits before he dodges, and the energy is released and echoed in the control center.

Xenos with no difficulty disintegrated, his robe began to burn, and his body was shaken into a mass of flesh.

Talos injected all his power into the swing of the power sword, causing it to smash to one side in an arc of 360 degrees, smashing the other six blades facing him.

Spirit Race stepped back and returned to a circle around him. The remains fell on the twisted deck.

Talos stood with his teeth clenched, holding the long sword with both hands.

At this time, an action outside the encirclement attracted his attention.

A Xenos is working on the Cursed Echo Cannon console.

The rune is made of strange and smooth materials. The main thinker node has been inserted into the launch port and data. It is undoubtedly used to override the aiming system of the curse echo.

Spirit Race's long fingers are working on the rune stage. It is mainly used to control the laser array on the side of the battleship.

"Face me, witch!"

Talos roared, and then a silhouette left the encircling circle around Macarion.

Her armor and robe are embroidered with more patterns than the surrounding Xenos, and the helmet is engraved with intricate rune marks.

Spirit Race War Witch wields a moaning psionic sword, and the blade is eager for blood.

The red eyeglasses on War Witch's tall helmet stared at Talos' eyes, and then a contemptuous voice floated into his ears.

"Fallen Monkey."

Even if the helmet's visual shielding is activated, these words can still enter Talos' mind.

"Your presence will only put us in deep danger."

"Get out of my head, Xenos scum!"

Talos turned towards each other With a spit, the war witches who surrounded him immediately raised their swords together.

The air vibrates due to the suppressed spiritual power.

"Useless resistance will only cause pain."

She raised her hand, stretched her first and third fingers and pointed at him.

Talos suddenly burst into pain in his skull, and he staggered forward.

She is in his mind, he can feel her.

Her mind struggles with himself, a Xenos invasion, trying to conquer and crush his consciousness, and the essence of his existence.

She was digging the darkness in his memory.

Talos saw the dull Nastrom-his hometown, the home of the eighth Legion, the world.

He saw it burning.

He saw nuclear flames engulfing it, burning up cities, oceans, and eating all life.

In the end, only barren rocks and ashes remain, and everything is only due to the original body's orders.

He took another step forward.

The wound on the back of the calf has solidified, but it still throbs.

He gritted his teeth and tried to concentrate, trying to stop the Spirit Race witch from being in his mind.

He saw Shire, his old friend and fighting brother.

He saw Charles fall to the ground, helpless and defeated.

He saw how Ruben changed, how filth corrupted his pale skin, and aroused a subspace pollution color in his eyes.

Talos saw the bullet that executed Ruben and shattered his skull.

Shot from his own explosive pistol.

Clearing his teeth, he took another step.

Uthas tried to save Talos, and he was already hit hard, holding a battle axe and rushing towards the Spirit Race wizard.

“blood sacrifice ——”

However, several Spirit Race wizards around are exerting force at the same time. Python-like lightning bursts out of the air and easily penetrates Uthas. The power armor, and half a second later hit his body.

Uthas let out a sharp roar, and fell to the ground sluggishly, until his flesh was scorched, and there was still an excessive amount of lightning passing through his armor.

Talos couldn't see this scene.

He closed his eyes tightly, his whole body tense and shaking.

In his mind, he saw another destruction, Sargulasa, torn to pieces by a cyclone torpedo.

Once again, the destruction of a world passed through his hands.

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