In the last two hours before dawn, the last batch of transport planes landed.

The row of Chapter servants slightly moved slightly, as if they aroused all their attention from the silence of meditation, welcoming those who slowly appeared from the last batch of thunder eagles.

The wounded were first out of the cabin. The Astartes, who were more severely traumatized during the Civil War of the Soul Drinkers, had their bodies placed on anti-gravity prying and were carefully guarded by Primaris Apothecary.

What followed was the Honor Guard, led by Soshian, his tough and unyielding face hidden deep under the helmet.

The members of the Honor Guard have changed the old deep purple painting to a plain silver gray. The hem of the burqa outside the Battle Armor is decorated with the logo of crossed swords, which represents the holder’s attitude towards Chapter Dedication.

The entire honor guard, except for one.

Sol, following ten steps behind Soshian.

Like Soshian, his face is also covered by a helmet, and his armoured hands hang under his simple and simple robes.

The Honor Guard followed behind their injured brothers, maintaining a cautious pace of respect.

The wounded slowly passed between the standing queues and were sent to the medical area.

At the other end of the landing field, a Thunder Eagle also lowered the landing tailgate amid the scream of hydraulic pressure.

The ruby-colored light gushes out, casting a slender and brave silhouette on the burning landing field.

A single person, the armor-covered figure slowly walked into this raging stormy night, unknown to anyone.

Returning to the monastery fortress after more than a year, Soshian lamented a lot-he can still recall the period when these open spaces were still covered by jungle.

In the past, there were more than 20 villages and settlements around the fortress of Astral Knight’s monastery for hundreds of kilometers. They used food, clothing, metal ore, machinery and all supplies to support the neighboring nest. All.

And now all of this no longer exists.

The land surrounding the fortress mountain peak has been leveled and converted into a huge military equipment park. Soshian has to work hard to recall the former location of those villages and towns.

Apart from this, there are more auxiliary army training centers, barracks, armouries, storage warehouses, maintenance areas...

All the buildings in the eye are on the four sides Extending infinitely, they serve the Chapter wholeheartedly, providing them with manpower and material support in the great expedition.

Even though it was so late at night, the mighty queue still did not attract much attention from the noise around it-loading and unloading planes and transport planes took off and landed constantly, frequently returning between platforms in various regions.

From the height of the monastery, you can see a whole line of trucks full of ordnance whistled past on the newly built highway, heading for the assembly point in the south of the fortress, and the training field of the Chapter auxiliary army.

Even the Chapter servants, many of them are newly recruited.

The young men and women in brand-new military uniforms stared at the giants marching dumbfounded, staring at the silhouette of the leader of the giants.

They walked into the depths of the monastery in wind and rain, and walked between the curtain walls full of gold, protective shields, and automatic weapon arrays.

As the warriors gradually approached, the main fortress of the monastery became taller and taller.

In the end, the Astartes began to continue along a path that was illuminated by artificial light balls and was dug.

The fortress of strength and tradition stands upright among the vast rain and fog like a vast ocean.

The former granite base of its body has been excavated and exposed by construction machinery. Even in the middle of the night, the excavating machinery is still racing against time, throwing away the earth, melting out the path, burying the pipe, and extending the fortress itself into the mountains. deep.

Some of the projects were arranged by Soshian, such as building a series of gates at the foot of the mountains to facilitate underground passage.

But some of them are not. For example, adding elevators in the fortress that can transport passengers to the core of the fortress in just a few seconds.

Although everything is for efficiency, in his opinion this proposal is a bit too narrow.

The road leading to the gate should be the road that the warrior treads with his feet, and it should be polished by generations of warriors thousands of years later.

If the other cultivators are happy, they can take the stairs to the fort, but he will never.

Whenever he victoriously returns, he wants to walk the road that the warriors have set foot on again and again, until he can no longer do it.

But he still felt relieved, because while he was away from home, the construction of the fortress was still orderly.

At the foot of the mountain, at the end of a road separating the two guard towers, a stone statue stands on each side, marking the starting point of the warrior road.

The conception of the stone statue is also very good.

The image on the left is a stalwart warrior holding explosive bombs and a chain saw sword, stride proudly ahead into the world.

On the right side is a warrior covered in scars. His Battle Armor is broken, his weapon is broken, and his knees are weakly knelt on the ground, his head and back are raised high, his eyes staring at the door deeply.

The beginning of the warrior and the destination of the warrior.

While passing by these two statues, Soshian saw Saul stretch out his hand and gently touch the stone statue on the right-the thoughts of this ancient warrior seem to float ten thousand years ago, recalling the former brothers.

As they walked through the narrow and winding road, the storm had dissipated, leaving only the breeze to gently roll up their burqa.

The night and heavy clouds in the distance have also disappeared, and the first light of dawn has arrived.

Soon, the climb was over. Although it was long, it was shorter than Soshian's expectation. It seemed that he walked from the landing field to this flat and open square only an hour later.

The fortress had already opened the city gate for the return of the warrior. Soshian saw that the courtyard in the center of the fortress was filled with young servants, forming a welcome queue between the gate and the outer tower of the castle.

It was obvious that they saw the master they were about to serve for the first time, and many of them were looking at them with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

Soshian led the warriors through the welcome queue calmly.

As he had expected, two silhouettes were waiting at the far end of the queue. One of them has been tenacious like a mountain after years of training, and the huge iron coffin is covered with traces of previous battles.

The other is wearing a white Battle Armor, and his robe is embellished with silver ornaments.

Soshian stopped in front of them, leaving a respectful distance, behind Astarte's footsteps stopped in a patch of thunder.

"Side Venerable, Soshian Ariksha has completed the mission to annihilate the enemy of Imperium, and now lead all warriors on the expedition to triumph."

"Welcome home , Soshian Chapter is long."

Said cultivator's speakers sounded, and his voice was sharpened and withered, making his tone more rigid and outdated.

"But I remember, when you started, there were only 19 warriors, and when you returned—"

Soshian immediately felt the hidden tension in the venue, and then straightened slightly Sol on his shoulder also shows that he realizes the same taste.

The Said cultivator took a step forward, as if looking at the "new warriors" in the queue that had changed their paintwork.

"brothers! I introduce myself, my name is Said, an old bastard who has lived for about seven or eight thousand years, I am watching the destruction of Astral Knight, and now I am watching its rebirth, no matter what Wherever you are from, I look forward to your great performance in Chapter, and I also believe that you are worthy of this expectation! Glory is waiting for you, brothers, and do you have enough loyalty and reputation to win them!"

An ancient Venerable, for the Soul Drinker, who lost the last fearless Chapter six thousand years ago, is a mountain that has to be looked up.

If Soshian's words still made them a little bit suspicious, then the words of the Said cultivator really convinced them.


The old soul drinkers roared and answered.

"That should be the case."

Said said with satisfaction:

"But time is not waiting, and there are still many tasks to be completed. Imperium still has many big The enemy needs to be destroyed, Imperium needs you, and we also need you. Starting today, you will accept a test that is completely different from the past!"

The challenge of the sacred fearless to the new entrants in one fell swoop The atmosphere changed, and even Soshian was infected by the belief in Said's voice.

"However, for now, I just want to say a word to you."

The Said cultivator raised an arm high.

"Welcome home."

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