Tzeentch’s Demon Princes are usually those wizards who are extremely obsessed with knowledge or mana. They have extremely powerful psionic spells and can summon any Tzeentch demon at will, and because of Tzeentch’s eternal change The identity of Tzeentch Demon Prince’s body is no less distorted than other Evil God’s Demon Prince.

Sometimes it is even worse.

They have strangely colored feathers on their wings, and faces with different expressions often appear on their bodies.

Most of the wizards or warriors who believe in Tzeentch can gain the favor of the Gods of Tzeentch through crazy learning psionic spells and peeking into the secrets of subspaces, but to be promoted to a Tzeentch Demon Prince, you need Completely discard humanity and peek into the secrets of the entire universe.

Many wizards or warriors have been corrupted in the process to become human yet not human, ghost yet not a ghost monsters, and those who succeed will experience the unimaginable pain of ordinary people and eventually become a monster Tzeentch Demon Prince.

This kind of existence cannot be described in terms of terror in the physical universe.

As long as they appear, it means that an unprecedented disaster is imminent.

"Fool! Death!"

More lightning and flames were released by the giant Archfiend that appeared, tearing more than ten warriors to pieces.

The explosive bomb can't keep up with its flashing changes. Although the plasma hits its wings, it is randomly reflected away.

An armor piercing rocket rushed toward the demon, hitting the monster's chest, detonating the huge energy contained within.

But the flare just makes it take a step back, and it has no other effect.

Such a result made the soul drinkers startled and hurriedly reloaded the rocket.

But this time, Demon Prince only extended one hand.

Energy condenses in its palms and circulates at the fingertips, like a miniature storm. At the same time, its head is slightly arched, looking at the cloud of energy.

Suddenly, Demon Prince’s pupils shrank suddenly, and turned his head to look towards the soul drinker warrior who attacked him, releasing his energy restraint.


The warrior immediately let out a scream, the body was enveloped in darkness, blood vessels and arteries were squirming, and blood slowly flowed out of the seven orifices, and then Then I fell softly, no longer unable to move even a little bit.

With a weird laugh, Demon Prince's eyes scanned back and forth in the cabin, craned his neck as if he was hungry and thirsty for something.

Suddenly, a wave of turbulent forces swept across, shattering the resistance of Space Marines.

Saul and others were thrown away fiercely and hit the wall or fell to the ground.

Extend the body completely and Demon Prince looked towards Thor.

It looks very relaxed, with one hand gently stroking the flame on the robe.

When he was stared at by the demon eye, Saul felt that something was in his head, much like the feeling of Space Jump, like a sharp needle piercing continuously in the center of his brain. .

He tried to block this feeling with his fingers, opened his mind and skills, and found out the pain inch by inch. He could not stop the mental impact of this creature.

After a moment, Thor's limbs were numb, and he stood up like a walking corpse.

Around him, other Space Marines have just awakened from the shock released by the monster.

"The cursed one, come and embrace your destiny."

Demon Prince extend the hand, motioning Thor to move forward.

"Go back to the subspace!"

Soshian stepped on the writhing fire demon on the ground and exploded, then took a step forward and swung out the long sword, trying to escape. The demon chopped into 3 segments, and the colorful juice of the fire demon suddenly splashed over the deck.

He paused for a while to evaluate the surrounding environment. There were no enemies around. He could hear the warriors fighting behind him, and the return of explosive bombs echoed in the tunnel he had just left.

Although he knows that the soul drinkers are facing a terrifying dilemma, he must focus on his goal-to eliminate the threat of the fire demon first.

At this time, a call rang from the communication channel, and Soshian heard Mark's voice. The other party sounded nervous and seemed to be speaking through gritted teeth.

"Soshian Chapter is long, here are some...some things that we can't eliminate."

"I'll be here soon!"

Soshian takes the fastest Rush to the passage at speed, and get there in a moment.

Dozens of soul drinkers warrior substations everywhere, their weapons were pointed at a bird-shaped monster, but they did not fire. There were more than a dozen soul drinkers scorched corpses lying on the ground.

Standing in front of the creature is Thor, a few meters apart, his arms hanging so straight on his sides.

It seems to have lost consciousness.

"Stop the attack, or he will die."

This sentence rang directly in Soshian's mind, and did not pass through his ears, and the voice was soft and pleasant, and The ugly and harsh creature that emitted them formed a sharp contrast.

Soshian stopped. He noticed that the other warriors didn't react at all, so he guessed it was told to him alone.

He didn't know whether the warriors' slow actions were voluntary or forced, but he knew they were in serious danger.


Soshian took a step forward towards the monster.

"If you think you can challenge me, then I will make you pay a heavy price! I have killed a Slaanesh plaything, don't mind killing another Tzeentch freak!"

"hahaha! Everything you do on Valledo is in my control. Who do you think helped you defeat the chant?"

Soshian brows tightly knit, the devil But he raised his head and laughed.

"It's me! A great planner! The embodiment of wisdom and lies!!!"

"Devil, no matter what you try, I will let your efforts go to waste. "

"Let my efforts go to waste? I have put a lot of effort to get here. I have been looking for you for a long time, Soshian of Astral Knight."

Suddenly, monster 'S voice became a little familiar, like a babble from an unknown source in a half-dream and half-awake period, but I don't remember where I heard it.

Soshian is certain that this is not the first time he has heard this voice.

He searched vague memories in his mind, hoping to find related things.

"You don't know that your destiny is a great and eternal wealth."

"Get out of my head!"

Soshian Step to the left. Concentrates one's mind blocks the invasion of the monster in the mind, and the power of the gray marrow shapes a shield.

Demon Prince Abrassis looked at him with a profound and inexplicable gaze, as if to penetrate this barrier.

"This is my realm. If you want to ignore me, it is impossible."

"I don't deal with demons."

Soshian doesn't move Sensual moved a little to the left again, and narrowed the distance between himself and Demon Prince again.

"Devil? Devil?"

The voice was full of disappointment.

"I am not comparable to the simple creatures in your mouth. I am the key of fate and the ferryman of time. The past and the future are in my eyes. Military force may be able to defeat me. But we must never defeat fate."

"I heard enough of your fatalism."

Soshian slowly moved behind the monster, and the other's head was not hurriedly Staring at him.

"Do you think I’m tempting you? You guessed wrong. You don’t want power or power. It’s obvious, but you’re being guided by a force you can’t control. That power will Reshaping the Milky Way will also bring destruction. You don't know what path you are walking."

As Soshian continued to circle, Demon Prince also slowly turned his neck.

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