In the vast galaxy, if you want to make a long-distance voyage, you will inevitably have to enter the subspace.

That is a field that is difficult to describe in human words. In that field, all the laws of physics will be invalid, including time and space. Because of this, it takes thousands of years to travel in the physical world. It may only take a few days in subspace.

It is a non-stereoscopic, non-planar, and non-linear field. Even the most knowledgeable mechanical teaching scholar, it is difficult to see a trace of Profound Mystery.

It is the well-being of mankind, and it is also the curse of mankind.

Human civilization has been glorious because of it, and because of it, it is on the verge of extinction. If you have to find a description, then the subspace is like a vast ocean, and human beings are always only shallow The surface of the water,

And deeper in it, there is a horror that is unacceptable to reason.

Chaos Daemon, this is the official Imperium's unified name for those indescribable horrors. Whether it is true or not, they have indeed plagued mankind for tens of thousands of years.

Until now, the Tribunal, the State Church, and the Astarte Order are still vigilant against these non-physical threats.

The most vulnerable to attack by Chaos Daemon are ships that actively enter the subspace.

In the long history of Imperium of Man, every day all there will be countless ships disappearing in the waves of subspace, some of these disappeared ships will be lost forever in the gap of time, and some will They will be sent to Liyaspace at certain times, and they are often given back to the physical world as a dangerous "gift".

In order to protect the safety of subspace navigation, in the eighteenth millennium, Geller's position was invented. Its core is a comatose psionic person, which can form a power to isolate the subspace after activation. The bubble film, within this bubble film, human beings can avoid the intrusion of those evil forces.

But this is not absolutely safe. Once you enter the subspace, half your feet are already in hell.

Because Spark is the only hope of Chapter, Soshian repeatedly ensured the normal operation of Geller's position before entering the subspace. After the battleship started the subspace engine, he still kept the battleship on alert.

There must be no mistake on this journey.

"Chapter Chief, we have counted the number of people. At present, we have a total of 33,672 mortal servants, 51,854 aircraft servants, including 8,821 technical servants, 10031 technical servants, and 8,250 armed servants. Formed into four combat battalions, 13110 armed fighters, but our light weapons reserves are insufficient, most of which are live ammunition weapons, and only a few standard laser rifles."

Luosha, who was appointed as his deputy, pointed to the bridge on the bridge. Soshian reported on the current staffing status of the Wildfire.

"There are currently ten choirs and three mechanical priests. They are responsible for the engine room, the main weapon deck and the Geller stand generator. They each have some apprentices and servants, which I did not count."

Soshian's fingers tapped on the guardrail of the captain's platform, he was calculating and thinking.

For a strike cruiser like Starfire, although this kind of staffing can ensure the operation, it is obviously not enough.

Starfire belongs to the Pioneer-class cruiser, which is also the most widely used strike cruiser of Space Marine Chapter. Its design emphasizes propellers and loading capacity, allowing the Pioneer-class to be out of supply. Independent operation for a long time, but the attack ability is relatively weak.

Furthermore, the Armed Configuration of the Spark is still the weakest, only a large light spear array plus a macro cannon to cooperate with the launching cabin of the attack boat.

But even so, as a huge ship with a length of 8 kilometers and a width of 1.2 kilometers, the Xinghuo should be equipped with more than 100,000 crew members in principle.

But the Sable Sword has allowed Soshian to take away those who can take it away, he is impossible unsatisfied.

"You said, after we arrive at the Ma'kande II, can we replenish a batch of manpower."

Lotha shook the head.

"Although Ma'kande No. 2 is not very important for Forge World, it is still under the jurisdiction of the Mechanical Education. We can order from there only because we have helped a mechanical bishop find a certain STC fragments, the bishop promised to provide Chapter two hundred years of equipment supplements after the incident. This is the last batch."

"For two hundred years, can't we give us some slave labor out of affection? ."

"Chapter long, you may not know the logic of the people taught by the machine, they only talk about exchange, not about friendship."

"Is this..."

Soshian thought for a moment and said:

"In any case, Ma’kande 2 is likely to be our last replenishment opportunity in the near future. We have to find a way to get as much as possible. Resources, whether it is materials or manpower."

"The bishop doesn't know if he is still alive. If he is still in place, there may be some opportunities."

Soshian nodded , Patted Lothar on the shoulder.

"You are responsible here first, I will go to other areas to patrol."


After leaving the bridge, Soshian turned to the rear deck, This is where Space Marines live and train.

The Spark is divided into three layers. The upper deck is responsible for ship control and carrying Space Marine. The middle deck is the weapon deck. The main weapon systems are there, including the flight deck, combat personnel and Technicians also live here.

The lower deck is generally called the slave deck. The servants and slaves are mostly crowded in this all black, no daylight and danger lurks on every side place. They are mainly responsible for the power system and energy. system.

Because Space Marine's sailing time is sometimes very long, and even will not be anchored in the port for hundreds of years, so slaves and aquatic people also set up their businesses on ships and thrive.

Many have even served for several generations and formed small families. This can be considered a major feature of Imperium.

And Space Marine, under normal circumstances, basically will not get involved in the lower deck, and even the middle deck is rarely visited, most of them have their own independent space.

The light on the rear deck was darker than on the bridge, and Soshian made a hu hu noise when he entered there.

A dozen hard-wired fighter servants, distributed in the spacious aisle, used their weapons to aim at Soshian as soon as he entered.

This new chapter is good at ignoring them and moving forward, and after a while, they return to their original positions like weird puppets-the threat assessment scan is complete.

After that, the servant in the cloak quickly walked through the shadow of the hall and bowed. Soshian waved his hand to disperse them.

This is a temporary training ground. Almost all Space Marine trains here. At present, the main training direction is fighting and close combat.

It stands to reason that these trainings should be conducted under the guidance of veterans or instructors, but now there is no such role. New recruits can only train alone or train each other.

Soshian saw two shirtless warriors constantly throwing each other to the ground, and farther away, two soldiers were competing in a sword technique.

I have to say that their skills are too immature. Soshian had imagined how long they could live if they were put on a battlefield like a world engine.

The result is not optimistic.

The more deadly point is that he himself has no confidence to teach these recruits.

In addition to training with comrades in arms, Space Marines could also choose to use training robots, but there happened to be no such facilities on the Spark. Soshian could only find a way from the Ma’kande II. Get some.

At this time, the trained recruits also noticed the existence of Chapter Chief, and stopped their actions one after another.


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