On this battlefield, the struggle between the rebels and the loyal is out of control, and the belief that drove the conflict between the two sides no longer exists. All that is left is to stimulate the impulse to war.

Anger, despair, and fear occupy people's souls. The storm nourishes the violent souls and enhances the power of subspace objects.

Savita can hardly see humans in the vortex, but there are still a group of creatures that were once humans, connected with many bodies, like a big tree full of nodules , And the branches are countless arms and thighs.

The body changed as Chaos strengthened its control, but the pillar was still there, which gave him a chance.

The storm is raging around him, and the storm of psionic energy swept through the extraordinary existence who dared to be alone in the storm, but he just grasped his long halberd tightly, because the huge danger would be here Coming in the attack.

The storm will try to make him give up fighting and destroy him.

The material world has become the most fragile and bleak form in this struggle. The crow Prince worked hard to accurately divide his attention into two halves, maintaining a balance between offense and defense, and strengthening The strength of each other.

Then he slapped a roaring long halberd, like a fork-like lightning, hitting multiple targets at once.

The mortal nodules in the storm erupted in the psionic fire, and the body and spirit burned at the same time, and the destruction spread from one plane to another.

Savita slammed again and again, and the tentacles and sharp claw that hit him on the long halberd were broken.

At this moment, his will is unshakable, his violent destroying heaven extinguishing earth.

Many monsters that were once human have died in despair.

The stunned energy approached and grabbed him, but his defenses were invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, and rejected the false promise.

Soon, the storm began to weaken before his attack.

Lost human nourishment, the whirlwind gradually dissipated, and the wider vortex was shrinking, and the airflow became less fierce when Savitado destroyed the nodules.

Slowly, the subspace energy loses cohesion and gradually dissipates.

As the storm retreated, Savita resisted the new temptation of victory and speed. His self-control and defense were unprecedentedly important.

Even so, he has seen the coming of the end of the struggle.

Suddenly, something was moving in the storm that was about to end.

Sevita can't clearly feel what it is.

It stirs the wind of the storm and stretches out from the depths of the subspace, acting with intentions.

In response to an order that forced the existence of the thin curtain of the material world, and was angry because he could not show up yet, the remaining human nodules in the storm suddenly changed the direction of all their power.

The gathered energy rushed out of the storm and hit Saivita. Although he was stopped by long halberd, the energy exploded with the light.

Savita was repelled by more than ten meters.

When he stood firm, those nodules grew and turned into a huge monster, gleaming, and even the surrounding stones exploded into flames.

Sevita saw the incoming attack, and he retreated from the storm.

Sol also saw the danger, and immediately adjusted the storm crow's weapon to the monster.

The bullet exploded at the edge of the halo, the storm weakened further, and its remaining fury transformed itself into an energy new star.

It has human faces all over its body, distorted in pain, strength and madness, and then the slender arms of the monster stretched out towards Saivita.

Ustad watched all this.

Before this, he had never seen such a battle skill, nor had he seen such a balance, such a swift and wild, such a ruthless art.

Even Thor's sword is inferior.

When the crow Prince spins the long halberd, the dark sunlight reflects like a halo from his silver-gray armor.

It was a brutal frenzy, a noble contempt, so brilliant.

He waved his battle halberd as if it were a living creature, a soul he once tamed, now being forced to dance wildly.

Savita refined the fighting language of disordered and in a mess into a horrible and ruthless chapter, never extravagant, never wasted-every hit is full of killing intent, just right, Not overflowing.

In just a few seconds, he repelled the crazy wild beast step by step.

It was furious at him, roaring at him in a rage of anger and pain, frantically waving the huge sharp claw and crab claws, hoping to pull his head from his body .

Savita clings to it, like a bat sucking the blood of its prey. The battle halberd breaks out and cuts back, piercing the unclean flesh with rapidly rotating sharp teeth, and bites deeply. Into the pickled bones below.

It tried to smash him with a heavy punch, but he whirled around, and suddenly battle halberd smashed.

Suddenly blood splattered, and monster's severed fist detached from his wrist simply and cleanly, and poured into a stream of dirty blood.

The wild beast of the subspace is getting more and more violent, its eyes are wild and unstoppable, and bubbles are constantly pouring out of the Bottomless Abyss-like throat.

Its other paw swayed as fast as a bullet.

At this time, Savita had already started to move, and saw him spin with one foot, backhanded the long halberd, and slammed the battle halberd's head against the opponent's sharp claw with the force of rotation.

The moment the two collided, the entire battlefield was trembling about it.

Savita remained unmoved, but seeing both of his hands pressed against the metal handle, the wild beast's arm suddenly shattered.

It flees from the onslaught staggeringly, and the roar becomes weaker and weaker and desperate.

Finally, its ultimate move is a bite of acid enough to dissolve metal.

But Saivita easily avoided it.

Prince the crows chased after him, his ruthless attack continued.

Battle halberd continued to roar, cutting a large chunk of fat from the disgusting body, then turning around, tearing a long gap in its chest.

Plasma is mixed with mud and gurgling under its feet.

Everything happened so fast.

The wild beast swayed around its waist, its stomach was bleeding, and its jaw was slumped weakly.

It stared at the murderer, its eight snake-shaped eyes filled with liquid, and its chest was undulating.

Savita remains unmoved, raises the battle halberd high, and has solid feet.

Monster didn't take any action to protect himself, that stubborn and poor face had long been damaged, and misery and confusion were its most obvious signs.

It knows what is dying, and it knows what is gone.

In despair, it shrieked a word.


Then, battle halberd whizzed down, drawing bloody trails as he dived.

With a bang, wild beast's head fell heavily.

In the next second, a fierce burst of subspace flame shot upwards from the headless body, but it was divided into two in front of Saivita.

Prince the crows coldly threw off the flesh and blood from the chain saw, and stepped on the monster's corpse, while fierce cheers erupted on the distant parapet.

The storm disappeared just at this moment.

At this time, everyone discovered that countless carbonized corpses were lying on the ground covered by the storm, twisting in the pain of destroying them.

Their deformities are unusual. Some corpses are nearly six meters long, some have five arms, and one third corpses grow a group of heads between each other-there are always enough human bodies to display What the dead monster once looked like.

These debris piled up on the battlefield, forming a corpse mountain nearly ten meters high, and Saiweita stood at the top of the corpse mountain.

Even he himself can't remember how many he killed.

All the laws of physics disturbed by the subspace, perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, he only stayed in the storm for ten seconds, but he felt that it might have been several days.

At this time, there was another roar in the sky.

Savita turned to look and saw the northern sky, and several thunder eagles were roaring towards him.

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