Aware of the gaze from behind, Soshian turned to face Gorge and walked over to extend the hand.

"I want to thank you for your intervention."


The only words Gorge could say, he His senses have not recovered from the singing released by the devil.

"The power of the will."

Soshian said in a tranquil voice, his face has long since recovered. Just now Gorgri didn't notice him when he was lying on the ground and covering his ears. Face, Soshian had already put on his helmet when Gorge's sight resumed.

But the scene where he defeated the devil was still seen by the other party, so he had to explain.

"That's it, the power of will, that damn witchcraft is not worth mentioning in front of two warriors like us, right?"

"Yes, I think Yes."

Gorgri also felt that his thoughts were too strange, so he took Soshian's hand and pulled himself up.

The pyramid was suddenly shrouded in weird silence, and the remaining demons all fell to the ground after their owner died, curled up and weeped, like a child who had lost a loved one.

"It seems that this time we--"

Half-talking, Gorgerie's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked straight behind Soshian.

Soshian immediately turned around, only to see the headless demon body floating on the ground again.

"I haven't failed yet! Soulless!"

With a cruel word, the demon suddenly rose into the sky with a howling and disappeared into the darkness.

"These things are really stalkers."

Soshian sighed, he is tired, confused, and worried.

"Kill all the remaining enemies, and then destroy this place, let’s leave."

After that, he turned around and walked along the broken pyramid to cheering The warriors walked away.

Gorgri picked up his weapon and watched the scene of victory unfold in front of him.

But Soshian was able to notice that his chest was rising and falling in laborious breathing. It was obvious that the opponent was using incomparable willpower to refuse the painkillers injected into the armor to make him lose his mind.

"Brother, you need Primaris Apothecary to handle it for you."


Gorgri smiled heartily.

"I have suffered much more severe injuries than this. You can't imagine how quickly I will stand up again. When the time comes, I can teach you one or two new tricks in the training room. ."

Even after experiencing this cruel battle and witnessing the lives that have passed away, Gorgri can still be so optimistic and cheerful.

Soshian feels that his mood is much better, and he is also laughed.

"I am very happy to fight with you, Gorgri."

"Me too, brother."

Gorgri nodded.

"But I have a hunch that we still have a chance to fight together before the end of this battle."

"If you always get hurt like this, then it’s nothing, I Seriously, you need a Primaris Apothecary."

"Nonsense, some people are more injured than me, they need a saw bone."

"You never Learn to accept the fact that you are injured, right?"

Soshian said with a smile.

"Never, but this is the style of the son of Donne, isn't it?"

"I can't say that."

Soshian said, Primaris Apothecary, a soul drinker, waved his hand to come over, ignoring Gorgerie's firm opposition.

This is, Marcus also walked up.

He looked at Soshian and pointed in the direction of the top of the pyramid.

"Did you kill her?"

"I think you read it right."

Soshian's slightly humorous answer, in fact, Marcus all the way They were all suppressed by the singing, and he didn't see anything.

"Well, it seems we are lucky."

Marcus took a deep breath, the air is still filled with the smell of the demon after he disappeared.

"Now let us destroy the source of this disaster."

At this time, Soshian's communicator suddenly sounded, and then Falzad's grieving voice came out.

"Chapter long, Lazo and Alex Great Mountain Formation are dead..."

Hearing this news, Soshian's mood fell to the bottom.

"You...protect their bodies, I will deal with them later."


Seeing Soshian's gloomy face, Ge Ergri opened his mouth to ask, but then his communicator also rang.

After a few seconds, his expression became similar to Soshian's.

Marcus probably guessed what happened, but there was nothing to say, he could only quietly arrange the manpower to destroy the altar.

As the elite forces of the two Chapters are working hard to destroy the subspace altar, the warriors who stayed in the fortress of the Ministry of Justice also faced difficult challenges.

Hold the fortress under the tide of enemy offensive.

Although the orbiting fleet inflicted huge damage to the enemy before the enemy group approached, the bombed rays of light can be seen even from a hundred kilometers away.

But there are too many enemies and they will continue.

When the orbital bombing ceased, large groups of enemies had already surrounded the fortress.

The cruel offensive and defensive battle started immediately.

"They are coming!"

The soldiers at the guard post shouted.

The heresy launched a charge from the thick fog, and at the same time some huge silhouettes were a crane in a flock of chickens among the followers and soldiers.

It is not only the heretics who are involved in the attack, but there are also many things that can only appear in nightmares.

These Slaanesh banshees shaking their whips, drove the infidels to charge into the battle, and pounced on the defenders' guns like a group of vicious dogs.

In a sense, they treat those believers as human shields.

"Block them!"

Yarik commanded calmly.

After that, the heavy bomb guns on the guard tower fired, and the defensive walls and gates also roared. Heavy weapons were added to the battle. Automatic guns, laser cannons, all muzzles were Roaring vigorously and spitting out tongues of fire.

The intensive firepower poured on the enemy's charge, causing considerable damage, slowing it down and dispersing it.

Thousands of explosions and shocks make a body all split up and in pieces or fly into the air.

Bright laser and plasma trajectories intertwined on the battlefield. Large groups of mortals in long robes were harvested. Arek smiled at his face covered by the brim. He saw many silhouettes trembling and falling to the ground. Death.

However, there must be a future.

The enemy also took out all the heavy weapons seized or self-made.

The artillery and machine guns roared and fired at a distance to provide support to those infidels who were chanting suicide charges.

Cannonballs and bullets smashed into the wall, blowing up bricks, and tearing the door.

The defenders began to suffer casualties.

If this is the case, no matter how many enemies there are, Yarek has no fear in his heart, because these all are they can kill.

The more terrifying ones are those they can't kill.

As the group of heretics approached the retaining wall, one after another a swift silhouette sprayed out of the thick fog.

That is the smart Slanesh banshee.

They ignore the laws of physics. Like a missile, it thunders over the wide trench outside the wall, plunges into the line of defense at the top of the wall, and leaves the main body of the unit far behind.

As soon as he landed, he immediately started killing with a whip and crab claws, and laughed jokingly and licentiously.

"Let’s have fun together!"

Large groups of Imperium soldiers were harvested like mature grains. They were bewildered by the laughter and the fragrance of the devil, and stood there. The ground was split in half, flesh and blood splattered, and the stump flew across.

"Knock them off the wall!"

Yarik yelled fiercely:

"Go on, the city wall will soon It broke down!"

Suddenly, a precision bomb shot down a howling banshee from mid-air.

The waist of the demon burst open directly, turning into a pool of pus and sprinkling it.

"For the God Emperor!"

Ustad ran along the stairs towards the parapet, and another warrior, Darwin, walked side by side with him.

They came to the top of the gate, at this moment blood flowing into a river on the wall.

Those soldiers who suffered severe wounds and died of blood used their frantic heartbeat to push the slight pulsation of overflowing blood. The red brook gurgled down the trench on the wall, pouring into the trench, as if It is rust water in iron pipes.

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