God Emperor

Chapter 3456 Defeat Zongmu

Latest website: As the divine chain was untied, Luo Shengtian's imprisoned divine energy began to circulate in his body.

Flesh and blood are nourished, and the meridians are extended.

The blood scab fell off the eye socket, and a new pair of eyes grew out.

Just like new shoots sprouting from a tree stump, it is no longer the natural divine eye it once was.

The innate divine eye itself contains the mysteries of heaven and earth, just like innate divine power and innate wisdom. It is a reflection of one's own talent and is of great benefit to practice.

When Luo Shengtian saw that Xuetu, who was far inferior to him in the past, had actually reached the level of a great god, he couldn't help but feel disappointed and lamented the changes in things and the vicissitudes of the world.

In terms of talent, Luo Shengtian is indeed above Xue Tu.

However, in terms of courage, luck, and decision-making at critical moments, Xuetu is better than Luo Shengtian. It is by risking his life and gambling again and again that he achieves today's achievements.

He also seized two great opportunities in the Temple of Origin and the Abyss of Darkness.

The same is true in life. If you seize an opportunity, you can become famous. Catching it twice is enough to make up for the shortcomings of birth and surpass those born nobles.

The sword bone clone asked: "Who took away your eyes?"

"No need, it's just a pair of eyes that can't recognize people. If you lose it, lose it!"

Luo Shengtian experienced the biggest setback in his life, and his mood improved significantly. He washed away all his mistakes and had a new understanding of the gains and losses of honor and disgrace. When he looked at the great god Ling Quan, his dejection dissipated and he regained his fierce momentum.

He condensed a long sword with his divine energy, slashed it out horizontally, and struck the Great God Ling Quan between his eyes.


The great god Ling Quan's power was blocked and he could not move. His eyes were broken open and blood splattered.

Great God Ling Quan's eyes were bleeding, and he did not scream. Instead, he laughed wildly: "Kill me now if you have the ability? You can't get out of the Rakshasa Divine City. If you break into the Divine Prison, you are trampling on the order of the Rakshasa clan. Killing the gods of the Rakshasa clan is declaring war on the entire Rakshasa clan. Zun and God King Nie will let you die without a burial!"

"Kill, kill me, and you will be buried with me."

A sword light as bright as day flew out of the sword bone body.

It's the sword spirit!

The sword soul struck directly at the soul of the Great God Ling Quan, killing countless thoughts in his soul.


The divine sword thrust straight out, penetrated the center of the Great God Ling Quan's eyebrows, broke through the divine sea, and picked out a divine source.

The sword bone clone grabbed the divine source, refined it, and threw it to Shang Yue.

The divine source of a Taixu peak god is a priceless treasure for lower gods, which can quickly improve their cultivation and knowledge. Shang Yue was naturally delighted and immediately put away the divine source.

In addition to the value of the divine source itself, more importantly, the divine soul of the great god Ling Quan still remains in the divine source.

Shang Yue's soul was searched by the great god Ling Quan, which was a great shame and humiliation. Naturally, his spirit was traumatized and he had inner demons.

Only by personally beheading the Great God Lingquan and ending the past of searching for souls can he make up for the mental damage from the depths of his heart.

The sword bone clone looked at Luo Shengtian and said, "Great God Ling Quan will leave it to you!"

The divine sea of ​​Ling Quan was broken, the divine source was lost, and countless thoughts of the divine soul were cut off. It can be said that his cultivation was completely ruined, and he fell from the pinnacle of life into the abyss.

This is more tragic than killing him!

"No, Zhang Ruochen, you kill me, I will die in your hands." Great God Ling Quan roared like crazy, unable to accept such a bleak fate.

Xuetu couldn't help but speak and said: "Senior brother, we agreed that his divine blood will belong to me."

"You can discuss it among yourselves."

The sword bone clone noticed that something was changing in the Rakshasa Divine City, so it led Luo Yi, Quan Zhongsheng, and Shang Yue to the ground first.

Queen Daixue and the two Rakshasa gods "Chaoge" and "Muwan" who had surrendered to Zhang Ruochen stood on the tower of the first prison gate, presiding over the formation.

They all looked solemn.

"Honored God, something is not right. There seems to be someone from the Rakshasa tribe who has been crowned king and honored to be staying in the city." Queen Daixue said.

Zhang Ruochen climbed up the tower and passed through the layers of formation light curtains.

I saw that the evil spirit outside was thick and dark red, like layers of clouds and mist, engulfing countless cities and heading towards the Divine Prison in a mighty manner.



Wherever the dark red evil energy passed, the formations on the streets were activated one after another, forming bright beams of light that shot into the sky.

The high priest Xinhe who was suppressed in the formation, with only a cloud of mental power left, let out a sharp laugh: "The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind you, Zhang Ruochen, you forced your way into the divine prison, rescued the members of the organization, and killed them again." The Great God Lingquan is now the public enemy of the Rakshasa clan. They are here, and they have absolutely sufficient reasons to kill you. They no longer have to worry about Tianmu. Haha, even if you are stunning and have stepped into the infinite for thousands of years, in the end you will still It’s going to end badly.”

In the starry sky, the throne planet of God Ling Quan went out!

In the divine city, countless Rakshasa monks were terrified.

When the Great God Taixu fell, he fell in the divine city.

For the Rakshasa clan, this is not only the loss of a strong man, but also the face being trampled on, the order being disrupted, and a disgrace to the clan.

Outside the gate of the first level of prison, the divine body of God King Nie has regrouped and is refining the sword intent that invaded his body.

The black-robed priests and gods of Dingzu's lineage surrounding him were all uneasy.

He was afraid of Zhang Ruochen in the Divine Prison, but also afraid of the overwhelming evil energy coming from the sky and the earth.

God King Nie turned back to look at the sword-bone clone standing above the first prison door. His eyes had calmed down and he said: "Today I have seen the power of the Divine Envoy of Heavenly Mother. After all, it is a new generation replacing the old. This city of God It’s a pool of muddy water, and I won’t go into it!”

God King Nie led a group of black-robed priests and flew onto the divine ship.

Jian Gu's clone said: "If the God King wants to leave, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

God King Nie frowned and looked up.

I saw that the starry sky above the divine city disappeared and was covered by thick black clouds.

The black cloud is like a black cloth covering the universe, swallowing up all the light, giving people a feeling of endless depth.

The spatial structure in the city increased more than a hundred times in an instant, and the rules of heaven and earth were solidified. Many monks in the Holy Realm who were not strong enough were suppressed and turned into mortals, making it difficult to remain standing.

One hundred thousand years later, the ultimate city-protecting formation of the Rakshasa City was once again opened.

With this formation activated, no monk can ever think of leaving the divine city again.

Lord Yuegu, Lord Shizhi, Prince Xuehai, and other gods from the Xuehai Kingdom came out of the thick evil aura and surrounded the Divine Prison.

Prince Xuehai looked at the direction of the clan mansion with confused eyes and said, "Your Majesty actually fully activated the city-protecting array at this time."

"The city-protecting divine formation suppresses everything. By turning it on at this time, you are showing your superficial attitude and siding with us. Neither Zhang Ruochen nor Luo Ji can escape!" Master Shizhi said with a smile.

In order for the city-protecting divine array to exert its strongest power, it must be activated simultaneously by the Clan Mansion, Da Luo Shrine, and the City Lord's Palace.

If only one side activates, the power is only 30%.

At this moment, the city-protecting divine formation has only exerted 30% of its power. However, it is not the Lord in the clan mansion who activates the formation, but the mass organization in Dingzu Mountain.

Goddess Tianyin shows a powerful spiritual power that is far beyond what the world knows, and is above the eightieth level.

Together with three spiritual gods wearing divine robes, she controlled the formation spirit.

The red leaf forest outside the City Lord's Palace has been razed to the ground.

Zhang Ruochen was suppressed by the divine pattern of Dingzu Mountain, and the same was true for Zongmu Divine Lord.

The two of them, one used fists and the other swung a knife, both activated the power of the divine weapons, and the fight was so violent that the heavens and the earth were shattered. Countless divine marks left by the gods of the Rakshasa tribe were also erased.

Zongmu Shenzun can be the master of a divine kingdom. He is by no means mediocre, and his cultivation has reached the immeasurable peak of the universe.

Zhang Ruochen first refined the divine elixir and then preached it in Kongchengzi. His cultivation level improved a lot, which was definitely not comparable to that of a newly promoted god who had just broken through the realm. He was only one step away from the middle stage of the Infinite Universe.

Looking at the god, the more he fought, the more frightened he became, realizing that the young god in front of him was really the first person in history to be able to cross two realms in the immeasurable realm.

Qi Lin, the former leader of the Qitian tribe, had been watching the battle, standing between the battlefield where the two were fighting and the city lord's palace.

She said: "What a terrible young man! Looking at it, if you don't show your true ability, I'm afraid you will be defeated by him!"

Zongmu God suddenly jumped up to a height of a hundred feet, grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands, and a divine sun appeared behind him.

Divine Yang, purple-red in color, with blazing flames.

The temperature that bursts out can burn through space elsewhere.

That divine sun is the legendary "entropy" and is the foundation of the Earth Entropy Kingdom. Only the kings of the Kingdom of God in each generation can absorb the power of entropy.

"The entropy of the earth is lawless!"

Zongmu Shenzun slashed out the strongest sword.

The entire purple-red Shenyang merged into the knife and struck straight down. The momentum was so domineering that it could open the world.

"If you had struck out with this sword when your momentum was at its peak, I would not have dared to take it. However, your momentum has long been exhausted. At this moment, you are just strong on the outside but weak on the inside."

Zhang Ruochen raised his left arm, and the earth tripod appeared in the palm of his hand.

All the shamanic writings on the tripod were manifested, and the phantom of a prehistoric world appeared, facing the peerless sword struck by the Zongmu God.

The prehistoric world was cut open by the blade, and the blade collided directly with the earth tripod.


Qi Lin sensed something was wrong, and a dazzling Gate of Destiny appeared behind her, shining towards Zhang Ruochen, trying to suppress his power.


The divine sword struck the earth cauldron, and the body of the cauldron immediately erupted with brilliant and dazzling divine light, shaking the sword body violently.

In the cauldron, a dazzling white beam of light rose into the sky and hit the Zongmu God.

Looking at the divine body of the deity, it is penetrated by the white source light beam, and the flesh and blood continue to turn into particles.

Qi Lin stepped on extremely advanced footwork, like a ghost, passing through the original divine light area formed by the earth tripod, hitting the immortal mark, hitting the tripod with a palm, sending Zhang Ruochen and the tripod flying out, and crashing into a sky On the mountain wall of Zhufeng.

The entire Tianzhu Peak was shaking, and countless formation inscriptions appeared.


Zhang Ruochen held the earth cauldron in his hand, flew out of the mud and fell heavily to the ground, and said: "The Qi clan has such profound cultivation skills, it seems that it is still too difficult to fight one against two!"

"Although you have borrowed the power of the Earth Cauldron, you are already proud of yourself for being able to force me to take action. At the early stage of Qiankun Boundless, even the current Heavenly Lord is not as good as you."

Qi Lin gave Zhang Ruochen a very high evaluation, but the killing intent in her eyes became even stronger.

The Zongmu God has fallen to the ground, with a transparent hole the size of a washbasin appearing in his chest, but his aura has not diminished at all, and his fighting spirit has become even stronger!

"When Jiuding comes out, who will compete with him? I am no longer his opponent, let's do it together!"

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