God Emperor

Chapter 3454 Kill the God King with 1 Sword

Latest website: The Divine City is the core of the Rakshasa tribe’s star field.

Daluo Shrine is the heart of the sacred city.

The shrine is magnificent, with vermillion-colored palaces and palace walls stretching across it like mountains. At night, the walls were filled with bright lights, making it extremely prosperous. However, with the death of Emperor Luo Yan, the entire palace became quiet.

On the contrary, the Divine Prison, which is only two streets away from the shrine, was inaccessible to flies in the past, but it was extremely lively at this time.

The divine ship shrunk its body and landed outside the gate of the first level of the divine prison.

God King Nie stepped off the divine ship. He was as tall as a bull, with dark skin and ears as big as fans, but his eyes were calm and his momentum was as strong as a mountain. Every hair was shining with divine light, putting great pressure on the monks present.

Under the true God, everyone knelt down.

"Meet the God King!"

The gods chorused.

God King Nie looked indifferently, looked at High Priest Xinhe, and asked: "Is it really Yu Ying who showed up?"

"There is absolutely no mistake." High Priest Xinhe said.

"It seems that Luo Yan's twin daughters must be members of the organization. Let's go and take me to have a look."

To search for the souls of Luo Yi and Luo Shengtian, there must be a reason. God King Nie said this deliberately to the Rakshasa monks present.


There was a loud noise in the divine prison.

The ground shook, and buildings near the prison collapsed.

The formation inscriptions on the ground were torn apart a lot.


A formation beam of light with a diameter of tens of meters reached straight into the sky, illuminating the city for hundreds of miles in radius.

"The divine formation in the divine prison was touched. What happened?"

"Someone is robbing the prison!"

God King Nie had just arrived when something like this happened.

High Priest Xinhe looked a little embarrassed, and he and the priests from the temple immediately rushed to the divine prison.

The other gods of the Rakshasa tribe and the Holy Realm soldiers looked at each other in disbelief. It was really hard to believe that someone dared to break into the forbidden area of ​​the Divine Prison.

However, the true form of God King Nie is here, and no matter who comes, they will inevitably die.

God King Nie felt something in his heart, turned around, and looked at the broad street where the dense formation inscriptions and divine patterns flashed.

I saw a heroic man coming with a sword, and the formation inscriptions and divine patterns automatically retreated away as if they were afraid of him.

Wearing a silver-white divine robe.

Holding a hot and red divine sword.

Very strong aura.

The Rakshasa monks outside the prison, including the high priest Xinhe who wanted to return to the prison, all felt the rules of the sword flowing around them.

Every rule is like a sword.

They dared not move.

If he moves, he seems to be pierced by an invisible sword.

"It's him, he's here after all!" High Priest Xinhe said to himself, and after looking at God King Nie, he felt reassured.

As the envoy of Tianmu, Zhang Ruochen is extremely famous in the Rakshasa clan, not inferior to God King Nie.

It stands to reason that with Zhang Ruochen's status, any Rakshasa monk who sees him would have to step forward and salute.

But now the atmosphere is very strange, and all the Rakshasa monks are looking at God King Nie. In the final analysis, Zhang Ruochen is a foreigner after all, and he comes with bad intentions.

God King Nie grinned and laughed loudly: "It's really gratifying. Congratulations to Ruochen God Envoy for successfully breaking through. From now on, he will be called God Ruochen!"

When the other Rakshasa gods heard this, they were all shocked, and then they all smiled and congratulated.

The sword bone clone has come closer and said: "I'm here to take Luo Yi away. Don't you think you have any objections?"

The smiles on the gods' faces gradually became stiff.

A black-robed priest with seventy-third level of spiritual power said: "Luo Qian is a member of the organization and a serious criminal of the Rakshasa tribe. Even though the divine envoy has a noble status and has infinite realm, he has no right to take her... Walk……"

The black-robed priest was stared at by the sword-bone clone. He suddenly felt an invisible sword penetrating his soul, and his words became stuttering.

Jian Gu's clone said: "Is there any evidence to prove that she is a member of the Liang Organization?"

High Priest Xinhe could withstand the power of the sword bone clone and said coldly: "It's easy to find evidence, just search for the soul."

"Luo Yi is my fiancée, Zhang Ruochen. She has been married by the God of Fortune and Lu, and is engaged in the Destiny Realm. Who dares to search for her soul?"

The force of the sword bone clone was like a heavenly sword being unsheathed, forcing High Priest Xinhe to take a step back involuntarily.

The smile on God King Nie's face turned playful, and he said: "Fortunately, it's just an engagement, so Lord Ruochen can stay out of the matter, otherwise the world would think that you, Lord, are also a member of the Liang Organization."

The sword bone clone said: "Is the God King trying to impose a crime?"

"No, absolutely not."

God King Nie shook his head repeatedly and said: "The God is the divine envoy appointed by Grandma Tian, ​​how can he be a member of the organization? How about the God, you personally search for the souls of Ji and Luo Shengtian?"

"God King Nie's proposal is very good." High Priest Xinhe said.

The sword bone clone looked at her and said: "As far as I know, the high priest is also a member of the organization. I want to search for the high priest's soul first. Is the high priest willing to cooperate?"


High Priest Xinhe stared at him angrily.

The sword bone clone said: "Why would you want to accuse me? Because of a rumor, you collected the soul of Princess Nie. The emperor's body is still cold! You are... a capital crime!"

Contrary to everyone's expectations, the divine sword in the sword-bone clone's hand slashed out like lightning, and light marks cut through the space.


God King Nie was shocked and immediately used the artifact "Ice Soul Seal".


The sword light tore through the spiritual field of High Priest Xinhe. The red robe on her body had a great origin and was a defensive treasure of the Rakshasa Temple, but it only blocked it for a moment.


The red robe was torn into pieces, and the body turned into blood mist.

Even the soul was cut into pieces.

Only the thoughts of mental power were like smoke, making shrill screams and escaping in all directions.

He can kill a great god with one sword, and he is a top god with eighty-fourth level of spiritual power.

All the Rakshasa monks were frightened and retreated quickly.

A great Taibai god said: "Lord Ruochen, do you want to launch a divine war in the divine city? Do you want to declare war on the entire Rakshasa clan?"

"God's envoys cannot do whatever they want, and there is no way to escape from the truth." The stubborn Rakshasa god said.

The sword bone clone said: "You want to be reasonable? Then I ask you, can you casually search for the souls of Rakshasa gods without conclusive evidence?"

No one dares to speak!

Anyone who dares to speak will definitely be captured by Zhang Ruochen and searched for his soul.

God King Nie's face was ashen and he said, "If God Ruochen continues to make trouble unreasonably and wants to cause trouble to the city of God, why don't you blame me for not giving Tian Lao face?"

"What qualifications do you have to say this? Tianmu needs you to give her face?"

The sword-bone clone ignored God King Nie and headed straight for the first gate of the Divine Prison.

The smoke of mental thoughts floating around made countless voices: "Zhang Ruochen, you are so lawless. This is the Rakshasa Divine City, not your sword world!"

The smoke from his mental thoughts condensed into a wisp, and he rushed into the first prison gate first.

High Priest Xinhe wanted to use the divine prison formation to suppress Zhang Ruochen.

So what if it’s immeasurable?

You must also bow your head in front of the peerless divine formation.

High Priest Xinhe had just entered the first level of the prison door and condensed his body when he saw Queen Daixue standing above the prison door with a circle of formations surrounding her.

"High Priest, although this is not the sword world, it is no longer your territory!"

Queen Daixue pointed the crystal staff in her hand, and the circular divine formations, like white gears of heaven and earth, suppressed the high priest Xinhe.

Each formation inscription was like a mountain, which was so heavy that the body of High Priest Xinhe exploded again.

Outside the first prison gate, God King Nie unfolded the world of God King and evolved into a world of ice millions of miles away.

The ice soul seal is like a white sun hanging in the sky.

Although Zhang Ruochen was stunning, he had just broken through, but God King Nie was in the middle stage of Qiankun Boundless, so he was naturally confident enough to compete with him.

Even in his opinion, he had every advantage and was like a lion fighting a rabbit.

Zhang Ruochen didn't want to cause too much damage to the divine city because of the infinite battle, so he directly mobilized the rules of swordsmanship between heaven and earth and used the Eighteen Swords.

The sword came out, and the sea of ​​stars boiled for hundreds of millions of miles.

However, the power was concentrated on a thread, and with a stab, the vast world of the God King, which was millions of miles away, was divided into two.

God King Nie flew out, his body was split open from the center of his eyebrows to his navel, and brilliant blood flew out.

All the power of the God King was broken by one sword.

The divine body broke into two halves and fell heavily to the ground.

The sound of falling to the ground was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of all the Rakshasa gods present, and they all knelt down on one knee.

The world is silent!

With such a mighty battle, even the God-King was defeated with one sword. Who wouldn't respect him and who wouldn't be afraid of him?

In the distance, the Mofa God King sitting in the Mofa Temple has been paying attention to the situation outside the prison. At this moment, his expression is frozen and his heart is extremely shocked.

Although God King Nie somewhat underestimated his enemy, being split in half with just one sword was too subversive.

Is that the immeasurable power of the universe?

Is that Zhang Ruochen?

In Guizhuang, the Rakshasa gods were in an uproar.

"Impossible, impossible, God King Nie is coming in a clone, right?"

"Zhang Ruochen was too domineering. He first killed Xinhe and then God King Nie."

"It's clear that he wants to force his way into the Divine Prison to save people. He is just like the legend says. He is young, energetic and motivated."

Lord Yuegu wrinkled his forehead into the character "Chuan" and said: "What a powerful swordsmanship. With this sword, I, the emperor of the Kingdom of God, can't be as good as me!"

"How old is he? With such fighting power, there are not many people in the entire hell world who can defeat him!" Prince Xuehai looked bitter, feeling that it was too miserable to be born in the same era as Zhang Ruochen.

Divine Master Shizhi smiled and applauded, saying: "Zhang Ruochen forced his way into the Divine Prison. A foreigner wants to challenge the order of the entire Rakshasa clan. We have more sufficient reasons to take action!"

In the night, a shadow passed through the formations silently and came to the top of a sacred mountain in the city.

Here, you can overlook the endless lights, only a hundred miles away from Daluo Shrine and Divine Prison.

The figure of this shadow gradually solidified, and its face was blurred. Only the word "娨" on the corner of its clothes was fluttering in the wind.

Youying said: "You are still too young and do things regardless of the consequences."

A burly and domineering figure sat on a huge rock on the top of the mountain, peeping in the direction of the Divine Prison: "Only young people should have such energy! At our age, there are too many things to consider when doing things, and it is difficult to understand the thoughts."

Shadow said: "Will this affect our plan?"

"Yu Ying has appeared, and I think Tianyin is also in the city. Many things have come to light. Zhang Ruochen came just in time to help me close the net first. I just don't know if the big fish will take the bait?" That domineering figure His eyes gradually grew colder.

However, in the night, his sigh could be heard again.

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