Dead Space

"Your Majesty, are we going to start the next plan?"

Eternity looked at Huang Yun and couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

Previously, in the Almighty Universe, Huang Yun suppressed all the gods with the power of the Light Dimension and bowed their heads.

It has made many gods jealous.

"The Primordial Reality Gem was a bit unexpected for my ascension, and we can start the next phase of our plans. "

A smile appeared on Huang Yun's face.

"Hasn't the Shadow Emperor arrived yet?"

"It's coming, this stage of the plan is indispensable to her. "

Huang Yun was thinking.

Who the Shadow Emperor's allies are?

He knew the Shadow Emperor too well.

He had formed an alliance with those dimensional demon gods to deal with him before, and even did not hesitate to give the power origin demon spirit stone to Mephisto and the shadow ancient gods.

But before the Almighty Universe, Huang Yun exterminated those dimensional demon gods.

The Shadow Emperor never showed up.

Not even meant to help.

These can only tell one thing.

That is, the Shadow Emperor has found an even more powerful helper.

More powerful than those dimensional demon gods.

It can make the Shadow Emperor so decisive to abandon those dimensional demon gods.

It can only show that this new ally is more powerful than the Dimensional Demon God.

"Who could it be?"

Huang Yun's mind flashed through a lot of choices.

"Could it be him?"

In the end, Huang Yun locked up.

In Marvel's setting.

Nalben is the god of darkness who sleeps in endless darkness.

"It's long overdue. "

Huang Yun thought of the death of his Chaos King.

Able to kill the Lord of Chaos in such a short period of time.

And seize the source of the other party.

The Shadow Emperor must have someone to help.

The only one who can help her is Nar, who is also the god of darkness.

What's more, the sword master of the Black Death Sword has also disappeared.

Since the shattering of the kingdom of God, Mangogo has lost its trace.

Even Huang Yun couldn't find it.

Now it seems that these two "four-five-zeros" should be included in the dark dimension by the Shadow Emperor.

"I didn't expect the Shadow Emperor to find Nar. "

"In this way, our alliance is broken. "

"With Nar by the side of the Shadow Emperor, the Primordial Light, the other party will definitely not give it to me. "

Huang Yun fell into deep thought.

Although it is not yet certain.

But Huang Yun was already ninety percent sure in his heart.

"The Shadow Emperor took me by surprise. "

Huang Yun smiled.

Nar is powerful, there's no doubt about it.

As the god of symbiotes, he is also one of the origin gods of darkness.

Nar's strength is undoubtedly all-powerful.

Plus Nar's brother, Black Winter.

This is tantamount to forming an alliance of darkness and devouring.

"I hope you don't let me down. "

Huang Yun's eyes flickered, and he didn't mean to debunk the Shadow Emperor for the time being.

After analyzing the original reality gem.

These two no longer pose any threat to him.

No matter how he targets Huang Yun, he is invincible.

And Huang Yun, as long as he plays his own play well.

Then wait quietly for the primordial light to appear.

Re-merge with the Shadow King's origins.

Wait until all the original Infinity Stones have been parsed to obtain the Heart of the Universe.

Finally, refine the reality controller.

It's time to have an OBA battle with OAA.

"Now that Nar has appeared, it's not far from the black winter. "

"Swallowing Stars can be used too. "

Huang Yun had always suspected that the Primordial Space Gem was on Black Winter's body.

It's just that I can't find where the other party is.

If the other party took the initiative to show up this time, it would not be a bad thing for Huang Yun.

"Here we are..."

In the dead space, the figure of the Shadow Emperor slowly appeared.

"Is there any action?"

Opening his eyes and looking at the three people in front of him, the Shadow Emperor asked.

"That's right, Thanos is already well matched with the Shura armor, and the multiverse Celestial Group can be eradicated. "

Huang Yun nodded.

"Not against cosmic entities?"

The Shadow Emperor asked, frowning.

"Cosmic entities? "

"Plus, not long ago, I completely destroyed the remaining three dimensional demon gods. "

"Now they don't walk in the multiverse with M bodies. "

"Most of them are physical. "

"Even a cosmic entity with small rules has a super-large cosmic-level combat power. "

"If you're confident that you're not going to show any of your feet, you can participate. "

Huang Yun looked meaningfully at the Shadow Emperor in front of him.

Hearing Huang Yun's words, the Shadow Emperor's heart sank.

"Does he know anything?"

The Shadow Emperor thought with some uneasiness.

But then I reacted, even if I knew.

I'm afraid Huang Yun won't say anything.

Because they are now on one front.

If something is exposed, they kill the entity incarnation of the rules of the universe.

I'm afraid they will face a siege from the cosmic entities of the entire Almighty Universe.

It's not a good deal.

So both of them simply pretended to be stupid.

Let's see who's better.

"And the origin of the multiverse Celestial Group is enough for you to make up for it. "

Huang Yun opened his mouth and added.

"No problem, I agree with your plan. "

The Shadow Emperor knew what Huang Yun meant.

Let Mangogo and the Black Sword of Death fight.

Assist Thanos in targeting the Multiverse Celestials.

Otherwise, they won't be able to do anything if they're being watched.

"Has the First Sky contacted you?"

Huang Yun looked at eternity.

"The First Firmament has contacted me, Your Majesty. "


"The First Firmament wants us to help him devour the rest of his eternal incarnations. "

Eternity said with a frown.

"It can't be. "

"Eternal incarnation is the bottom line, and it can only be fused by you. "

"If First Sky contacts you again, tell him to change conditions. "

"Otherwise, I'll personally send him to the first colored gods. "

A hint of fierceness flashed in Huang Yun's eyes.

The first firmament is really an inch.

Although now the First Firmament has returned to the middle stage of the omnipotent universe.

But in the all-powerful universe where many great gods gathered, he is still not a powerhouse in the first echelon.

So I still have to be very careful.

"But won't this affect us, Your Majesty?"

Eternity looked at Huang Yun.

"No, it won't. "

"The power of creation and the power of transcendence are important. "

But that doesn't mean he's the only one who can achieve it. "

Huang Yun smiled and shook his head.

Although now Huang Yun is invincible in the entire Marvel omnipotent universe.

But he was still not ready to expose himself.

If the OAA discovers the incomplete plan.

Even if you don't lose, it's uncomfortable.

Do you want to be like OBA and fight against OAA for countless years?

Huang Yun didn't have that much time to waste.

After all, there is a CAAT who doesn't know if it exists or not.

If this guy really exists, won't it be extinguished?

However, Huang Yun had a hunch that there was a high probability that the other party existed.

"I see, Your Majesty..."

Eternity felt as if the yellow clouds had changed a little.

"Could it be that the ascension of the Primordial Reality Gem is really that huge?"

"Or is it that the four primordial Infinity Stones have been analyzed, and what boundaries have been broken through under the crown. "

Eternity fell into contemplation.

"Let's go as planned..."

After everyone finished deliberating, they all left the space where death was.


Back in the dark dimension, Nar asked impatiently.

"The Emperor is ready to target the Multiverse Celestials. "

"And he seems to already know about your existence. "

The Shadow Emperor looked at Nal.

"How is that possible?"

Nar said incredulously.

He hasn't fully recovered yet.

Just a thought.

It was because the Shadow Emperor's dark origin was extremely powerful that he noticed it.

How could Huang Yun know about his existence.

"I had my instincts, too, but he definitely knew something. "

"In the follow-up cooperation, we have to keep an eye on it. "

The Shadow Emperor rubbed his slightly swollen brow.

According to her person, such a situation is almost impossible. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But she did feel it.

It is enough to show how much she attaches importance to Huang Yun.

"By the way, how did Mangogo and the Black Death Sword fuse?"

The Shadow King looked at Nal.

"It was beyond my expectations. "

Nar mentioned Mangogo with some surprise.

"Tell me?"

The Shadow Emperor came interested.

Mangogo is now arguably the strongest force under her command.

"Mangogo's existence is the resentment of billions of living beings. "

"After the gamma energy collected earlier and the battle of the Kingdom of God, Mangogo seems to have evolved. "

"Incarnated as the god of destruction. "

"The Black Death Sword is a perfect fit for him. "

"Mangogo could cross the threshold of the multiverse level at any time and reach the super-universe level. "

"Maybe kill a few Celestials this time. "[]

"After the Black Death Sword is devoured, it will be able to reach the level of a super large universe. "

Nar's words took the Shadow Emperor by surprise.

But then came happiness.

Finally, there is good news.

"Inform Mangogo and cooperate with Thanos to hunt down the Multiverse Celestials. "


Nar asked, surprised.

"Yes, now. "

"The Emperor is trying to muddy the waters of the Almighty Universe completely. "

"That guy, what the hell is he planning. "

"I don't understand the emperor anymore. "

The Shadow Emperor originally thought that he knew Huang Yun very well.

After all, they have been fighting in the Armored Universe for so many years.

But now, she felt as if she couldn't see through the yellow clouds.

The other party's step-by-step planning and step-by-step actions were beyond her expectations.

But there are special surprises.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I see..."

Thanos was on the Templar and heard an order from Huang Yun.

He also clearly knew what he was going to do.

"Hunting the Multiverse Celestials?"

"It's finally time for this day. "

There was excitement in Thanos' eyes that could not be concealed!

He had waited too long for this day.

Finally waited for Huang Yun's order.

"But what is a God Eater?"

Thanos fell into deep thought0 ..

He was pretty sure he hadn't heard the name.

"It feels dangerous..."

"But since it's against God, it's my natural ally, just pay a little attention..."

Thanos thought of Huang Yun's words just now, during the hunt, be careful of the God Eater...

On the other side of the earth, there is also an abnormal situation...

"What the hell is going on?"

Looking at the green light in the sky, everyone fell into a daze.

"Do you feel a call?"

Tony was sure it wasn't his hallucination.

"I felt it too. "

Team America also spoke.

"What about you?"

Tony looked at Bucky and Peter.

"We feel it too. "

"What the hell is going on?"

The people of the Illuminati gathered together, confused.

"I thought of a possibility. "

Strange walked over to the four.


"Have you forgotten whose power origin is the core of the Four Elemental Armor?"

Strange looked at the four of them as if he were looking at four more fools.

"What do you mean?"

Tony reacted quickly.

"That's right, the Mother Earth Goddess who has been sleeping for thousands of years, Gaia should be about to wake up. "

"Gaia, the Mother Earth..."

When the American team and others heard this name, they also reacted.

The Four Elemental Armor is said to be the god of the light dimension, at the request of Gaia and the Supreme Mage Agomoto.

A guardian force built for the planet.

Now that the four elemental armors heard the call at the same time, it was indeed a sign that Gaia had awakened.

"It's a good thing that Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, has awakened!"

Tony said in surprise.

Gaia, the Mother of Earth, one of the four ancient gods of creation.

It is also the only ancient god of creation that exists today.

Proper multiverse-level combat power.

And it has a natural affection for people and the earth.

Doesn't that mean they're on the side of the humans on Earth?

"Don't rejoice too soon. "

"For no reason, how could Gaia, the Earth Mother, wake up. "

"Something must have happened. "

Strange often looked through the documents of the Holy of Holies.

It is known that Gaia fell into a deep sleep because of the huge energy consumption.

If you want to exile those ancient gods and prevent them from stepping into the reality dimension, you also want to seal Atum, the God Eater.

Now, though Thethorne and Seth are dead, the God Eater is still there.

Even if Gaia woke up, it wouldn't be so fast.

"Don't crow's mouth!"

Tony waited for Strange to look.

"I'm just telling the truth. "

And the appearance of God is not a good thing. "

"Not all gods are willing to help humanity like Emperor Weishan and the gods of the Light Dimension. "

"He who does not meddle in anything among the human race. "

Strange shrugged his shoulders and said what he saw.


"What a strong sense of calling!"

Just as Tony was about to say something, he suddenly looked at the sky.

Four green rays of light enveloped Tony, Team America, Bucky, and Peter.


After a flash of light, the four disappeared in place.

"What's wrong?"

"What's going on?"

Many people saw the scene just now and came to the scene on 2.4.

"It's okay, don't worry, everyone, it should be the Earth Mother Gaia looking for them..."

Strange wasn't very panicked.

"Where is this?"

Once in the gods, the four of Tony have come to the space of the ancient gods...

"Don't be nervous, kids, this is the Old God Space..."

Gaia's gentle voice reached the ears of the crowd.

"Ancient God Space, you are Gaia?"

The four of Tony looked in the direction the voice was coming from.

A goddess of extreme beauty and maternal radiance was watching them.

"That's right, I'm Gaia. "

Gaia smiled softly.

"Why did you wake up all of a sudden?"

Team America asked.

He hadn't forgotten what Strange had just said.

"The God Eater has broken the seal..."

"It wasn't that long ago..."

Gaia sighed.

Not so long ago, she was asleep.

But she suddenly felt that Silthorne and Seth had shattered the magical runes that had sealed Atum the God Eater, at the cost of their lives.

It made her a little overwhelmed.

But don't be burdened with the divine power of banishment and sealing.

She also recovered quickly.

She wants to wake up as soon as possible and give the humans of Earth a wake-up call.

"The God Eater has broken the seal?"

Tony said in surprise.

"That's right, he's already out of the seal, and I don't know where. "

"His power is strong, the pinnacle of the multiverse. "

"Can devour the gods and grow. "

"If you don't find him soon, when he fully recovers, I'm afraid the multiverse will be over. "

"Even if the God Eater doesn't break through the seal, the multiverse will be almost over. "

Tony sighed.

"Kids, can you tell me what's going on lately?"

"I feel like both Sithorne and Seth have fallen. "

"Why did they release Atum at the cost of their own lives?"

Gaia asked, confused...

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