"What the hell is going on?"

"Why is the whole earth trembling for no reason. "

Whether it's the Holy of Holies, the Illuminati, or the Dark Alliance, they're all very concerned about this change.

They knew that when the American team and others returned to the Illuminati, they knew the reason.

"What did you say??"

"You said that this time you have met the god of the light dimension on your mission?!!!

Tony, Strange, and the rest of the people all looked at Tony, Bucky, and Johnny Blazer in dumbfounded.

"Damn, I knew I was supposed to go!"

The most regrettable is undoubtedly Doom.

The god of the light dimension, that's the faith he has been asking for, wanting to meet but can't find the way.

This time it actually passed by.

His bowels were blue with regret.

Even Strange looked incredulous.

In the records of the Holy of Holies of Holies of Holies of Heaven, the god of the light dimension has not been born for hundreds of years.

The last time I came to Earth was at the coronation ceremony of the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

Such a great existence.

was met by the American team and others.

No matter how you think about it, it feels unlikely.

It's like if you go to the market to buy groceries and then find the top leader of the country.

Who can understand such feelings?

The news that the three members of the American team had met the god of the light dimension exploded in an instant at the Illuminati.

Countless people came to ask what the god of the Ming Dimension looked like.

It was difficult for the three members of the American team to cope.

I don't blame those people, the god of the light dimension, in the heart of the Holy of Holies is a more respectable existence than God.

Compared to the excitement of the Illuminati.

The atmosphere of the Dark Alliance is very solemn.

"Let's go, don't waste time. "

Agatha stood side by side with the Book of Darkness and the Apocalypse.

In front of them were the elders of the Blood Council.

"Let's go. "

Dracula's sleeping place, only the elders of the Bloodclan know where it is.

The first is to guard to avoid Dracula being disturbed, and the second is to keep an eye on Dracula and avoid Dracula from suddenly waking up.

But now, whether to awaken Dracula or not is no longer up to the Bloods to call the shots.

The group soon came to an ancient castle.

The location of the castle is very remote.

There is no one within a hundred miles.

The vast mountains here were all bought out by the Blood Clan.

The group walked towards the depths of the castle.


The Bloodclan guarding here stepped out and greeted the elders of the Bloodline Council.

"Push it down. "

The elder of the Blood Clan spoke.

Then he walked towards the innermost with the prepared blood slave.

640 Dracula has just woken up and definitely needs blood.

These blood slaves are carefully selected virgins.

If Dracula can't eat enough, he will eat it with his clan.

They don't dare to be careless.

"What a powerful breath. "

The moment you step into the secret room.

Both Apocalypse and Agatha's footsteps paused.

Although still asleep.

But Dracula's aura was no weaker than the two of them.

"Dracula, who has fully awakened, may be stronger than us..."

This was the first reaction in Apocalypse and Agatha's mind.

"Yes, it's a strong reinforcement. "

Apocalypse looked excitedly at Dracula's sleeping coffin.

Such a powerful dark creature, if combined with the Demon Spirit Stone, would it become a super powerhouse at the Heavenly Father level?

"Wake him up!"

Apocalypse looked at the Blood Clan Elder on the side.

"Don't need them, I'll do it!"

Agatha felt the movement of the Dark Book.

Know that the rumors of the Bloodline are true.

Rumor has it that the origins of the Bloodlines can be traced back to the Dark Divine Book.


The Elder of the Blood Clan looked at Agatha blankly.


After a string of unknown spells.

Powerful black magic power pours out from the Dark Divine Book.

All poured into the coffin where Dracula was.

"Knock Knock ~ Knock Knock ~"

The sound of a heartbeat sounded


Moments later, the coffin exploded.

The shriveled figure inside was revealed.


Like the roar of a wild beast.

Awakening from a long slumber, Dracula felt the smell of food as soon as he could.

A blood-colored glint flashed in his eyes.

The blood slaves brought by the Blood Clan Elder all flew uncontrollably.

One by one, their faces turned red.


Screams rang out one after another.


All blood slaves had a hole in their chests.

Blood poured out.

Rushing towards Dracula's mouth.

Dracula, who had been shriveled up, began to gradually regain his human form.

After a while, a handsome man with a noble atmosphere appeared in front of everyone.


"Why wake me up. "

Dracula looked at the Blood Council Elder in front of him, with some anger in his eyes.

The reason why I chose to sleep in the first place was because I had lived enough.

He also said that there is nothing (cbdg) and that he should never be woken up.

"Ancestor, the Blood Clan has reached the point of life and death. "

The elders of the Blood Council knelt down one after another.

Crying to Dracula.

"Life and death?"

Dracula frowned.

Then he looked at Apocalypse and Agatha.

"Who are you two?"

These two people are not blood, but they are quite powerful.

Dracula felt threatened as he smashed the two of them.

"The current allies of the Bloodline. "

Apocalypse said in a deep voice.


Dracula's eyes froze.

Whether it is Apocalypse or Agatha, in Dracula's perception, they are absolutely strong.

With such two strong men as allies, he still needs to be awakened.

What's wrong with the world?

He has been asleep for too long, out of the times?

Or is it that now a powerhouse of his level has become the norm?

"Tell me what the hell is going on..."

Dracula closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and adjusted his mind.

He needs to know the current situation.

"Ancestor, it's like this..."

The elders of the Blood Council spoke one after another, reporting the current situation to Dracula.

"The Battle of the Dimensions, the Battle of the Infinity Stones, the Illuminati, the Holy of Holies, Wakanda, the Dark Alliance..."

After Dracula heard this, he only felt outrageous.

Is the Earth's current power system and intensity so high?

Is it a war between the sub-Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Father?

"You have the Shadow Emperor's power crystal?"

Dracula looked at the apocalypse.

It was also the first time he had heard of the Shadow King's name.

Before he fell asleep, the Lord of the Black Dimension was Dormammu.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up, even the dimensional demon god had fallen.

It's incredible.

"Here you go. "

Apocalypse casually threw a medium spirit stone to Dracula.

"Good pure dark power. "

"The quality of the power is surprisingly high. "

"It's just such a crystallization of power, and it can actually work for me. "

Looking at the magic spirit stone in his hand, Dracula was very surprised.

He is the strong man of the sub-heavenly Father.

A Demon Spirit Stone was able to increase his strength, which was already very powerful.

Although the increase is not very large.

But Dracula knew that this was definitely not the strongest spirit stone in Apocalypse's hands. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, no one is so stupid that they will expose their hole cards.

"So what's your plan now?"

"Defeat the Illuminati?"

"With all due respect, I'm afraid that the Dark Alliance in your mouth is still a little worse. "

Dracula looked at the crowd in front of him.


Apocalypse and Agatha looked at Dracula curiously.

This is a strong man who has lived for thousands of years.

Surely know some special news.

"In the universe, there are many artifacts, two of which are called Infinity Stones and Armor. "

"You should have seen the power of armor. "

"But what I want to tell you is that the armor you encounter is not the strongest. "

"Two thousand years ago, I fought with elemental armor. "

"The end result was a draw. "

"Three thousand years ago, I fought with the Five Elements Armor of the Holy of Holies, and the result was a fiasco. "[]

"The armor you encounter now is not in its full form, and they can be stronger. "

"What's more, the Illuminati hold the Infinity Stones in their hands. "

"The power of the Infinity Stones is, in a way, on par with armor. "

"It's just that the power of the armor is a little better than that of the Infinity Stones. "

"According to what you just described, you probably haven't seen the power of the Infinity Stones. "

Dracula looked at the crowd in front of him.

They just felt that they didn't know anything, so they dared to be enemies of the Illuminati.

I heard that the Illuminati had six Infinity Stones in their hands, and the four elemental armors came out together, all of which were in the Illuminati.

Even Dracula felt suffocated.

What a powerful force.

That is, the Illuminati will be established for a short time.

None of the summoners of the Four Elemental Armor have grown to their peak state.

If they succeed in completing the elven armament.

These are the four sub-Heavenly Father-level powerhouses.

What does the Dark Alliance fight?

Do you hit with your head?

"You mean, we don't have a chance of winning?"

Apocalypse said with an ugly face.

Even Agatha frowned.

The news revealed by Dracula is too important.

They only know that the light will be powerful, but they have no idea how powerful the light will be.

But Dracula's words directly opened the eyes of Apocalypse and Agatha.

Apocalypse is not a timeliner, plus he has just woken up, so he doesn't know anything about these.

Agatha is not to mention, a self-enclosed witch who spends her days trying to find the power of chaos.

Indifferent to the rest.

The two powerhouses, the intelligence system is very closed.

"It's not like you're completely out of the picture, hand over the higher-grade Demon Spirit Stone in your hand. "

"The three of us used it. "

"If you can be promoted to the level of Heavenly Father, you will be beaten. "

Dracula looked at the apocalypse.

"If I could really be promoted to the Heavenly Father level, I would have used it a long time ago, so why wait until now. "

Apocalypse sighed.

Although the Shadow Emperor is powerful, it does not mean that her power crystallization demon spirit stone can also have such a powerful power.

Apocalypse has a feeling that now that he has used it, he will definitely not be able to be promoted to the Heavenly Father level.

But if you get stronger, maybe you can.

"In other words, it's possible, right. "

Dracula was thoughtful.

"That's right, if your power is at the tipping point of the Sub-Heavenly Father and the Heavenly Father, maybe the high-grade Demon Spirit Stone can help you. "

Apocalypse said truthfully.

"Maybe our allies are still looking for them in the universe. "

Dracula glanced at the apocalypse.

"What do you mean?"


"He was defeated, but he didn't die. "

"And he's desperate for power. "

"We should contact the Dark Order!"

Dracula spoke.

"But we don't even know where he is. "

Agatha frowned.

Dracula looked at the apocalypse and didn't speak.

"I see, I'll find a way to find Thanos. "

Apocalypse looked at Dracula's eyes and had already guessed the other party's thoughts.

But Apocalypse thought about it, and there was no problem.

Since you treat me as a pawn, then you should meet my needs.

Dracula gave them important news.

Resurrecting Dracula this time is undoubtedly the right choice.

"By the way, Agatha still has the Dark Book in her hand, and you can keep an eye on those superpowers on Earth who have evil personalities. "

"We've all been so oppressed by the Illuminati that there's no reason they'll have an easy time. "

Dracula looked at Agatha.

"I see. "

Agatha nodded.

It's time to look for some powerful helpers.

After leaving the Bloodline's castle, Apocalypse arrives at his secret base.

Activated the contact information left by the old goddess.

"What's the matter, Apocalypse. "

Almost instantly, the ancient goddess established a connection with the apocalypse.

"We need help. "


The ancient goddess is unknown.

"The power of the Illuminati is too strong, and we are currently being suppressed. "

"And they already have the means to seal the Demon Spirit Stone. "

"We need you to find Sanos. "

Apocalypse looked at the ancient goddess.


"We don't know where he is. "

"I'll keep an eye on it. "

The Old Goddess said she would pay attention to Thanos's movements.

"Also, tell the Shadow Emperor that the shape of Earth is not optimistic. "

"We want to get stronger support. "

Apocalypse stared at the ancient goddess.


The Old Goddess agreed to Apocalypse's request.

This is not too much to ask.

Now the four elemental armors of the Illuminati are all in unison, plus six Infinity Stones in hand.

It's quite difficult to deal with.

"What exactly is your purpose?"

Apocalypse looked at the vanished ancient goddess and guessed in his heart.

Except for the conditions for finding Thanos, the rest of the situation just now was just a temptation of the apocalypse.

Why do these powerful people pay so much attention to the earth?

Apocalypse doesn't know why.

It is no exaggeration to say that the earth is now a huge whirlpool.

On the other side, Agatha was staring at the dark divine book in her hand in a daze.

She was struggling with whether she should draw more power from the Dark Divine Book.

Agatha knew the power of the Dark Book.

It is also known that the Book of Darkness contains spells that summon dark creatures.

She can become even stronger than she is now if she wants to.

But the cost is also severe, and that is the gradual loss of self.

Unless she can find the power of Chaos.

"Damn, Chaos Force holder, where the hell are you?"

Agatha's eyes flashed with madness.

She's been waiting too long.

Without the power of Chaos, she would never have been able to truly control the power of the Dark Book

Nor can they reach the pinnacle of magic.

Now hostile to the Illuminati, the thirst for power is stronger than ever.

The ancient goddess who finished talking with the apocalypse has returned to the shadow world...

"Contact Mephisto..."


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