Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 98 People are stupid and have more m1y (25 for subscription and data)

When Yi Mengzi sat up from the bed, Zhou Hao's voice trembled a little: "Lying, what the hell! Brother, how did you know my phone number?"

"Asked by a friend." Chu Huan replied smoothly.

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Hao on the other side of the phone became anxious.

"Brother, isn't the previous thing forgot? You said it yourself, a man spit a nail, he can't go back..."

For no reason, after one day, Chu Huan suddenly found someone to ask about his phone number.

After all, Zhou Hao had a situation like "to endure for a while, the more you think, the more you get angry, and the more you take a step back, the more you lose".

So Zhou Hao is also worried that Chu Huan is in such a state now.

However, before Zhou Hao finished the series of words, the opposite Chu Huan said bluntly: "I want to find the three of you to form a team during this time. Do you have any intentions?"

"Brother, don't, eh? What? Team up?"

When these words came out of his ears, Zhou Hao was stunned.

After a few seconds, Zhou Hao said carefully: "Brother, let me call the other two first and ask the other two people to reply to you later, okay?"

"it is good!"

The voice fell, and Chu Huan directly hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Chu Huan found a drink shop and waited.

Halfway through, after receiving Zhou Hao's call, he continued to wait for about half an hour. Zhou Hao, Liu Luoyan and Zhu Tao, whom Chu Huan had contacted before, entered the drink shop where Chu Huan was.

After raising their hands to greet the three of them, the three of them also walked towards where Chu Huan was sitting.

Sitting opposite Chu Huan, the three of them looked at Chu Huan with deep doubts in their eyes.

After pondering for a while, Liu Luoyan went straight to the topic and said, "Zhou Hao said you want to form a team with me, can you ask why?"

Chu Huan's strength is obvious to all three.

At least for now, as far as Chu Huan's personal strength is concerned, it is definitely stronger than an ordinary Awakened team.

In all honesty, if Liu Luoyan was placed in the situation of Chu Huan's strength, he would not be willing to waste time with others.

Therefore, Liu Luoyan was curious about the purpose of Chu Huan's invitation to form a team at this moment.

Noticing the doubts and vigilance in the eyes of the three, Chu Huan thought for a moment and then honestly explained the reason.

"It's nothing, it's just that I entered the secret realm of beasts alone, and I'm a little busy, so I want to find someone to form a team."

Previously, Chu Huan had also been thinking of working alone in the secret realm of beasts.

Anyway, Chu Huan's current strength and tool soul skills are in the black iron-level beast secret realm.

Even if you work alone every day, at least tens of thousands of system points can be earned.

But because of the gambling, Chu Huan needed a considerable amount of beast crystals as a bet.

This is different from Chu Huan doing it alone.

If he did it alone, Chu Huan only needed to collect a little bit of beast crystals and keep them for later use. After killing them, Chu Huan directly absorbed the energy of their beast crystals through the system.

It doesn't take much time! .

But if he simply wanted to collect beast crystals, Chu Huan would inevitably need to dissect the beasts to be able to extract the beast crystals from the beast crystals of these beasts.

In this case, as far as Chu Huan is concerned, the time spent is probably much more than the time spent hunting those beasts.

It is estimated that at least half of the afternoon has to be spent on collecting beast crystals.

It affects efficiency too much.

Naturally, in order to solve such a situation, it is inevitable to need a few helpers to help Chu Huan collect beast crystals.

Originally, Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan, Chu Huan, are relatively at ease now.

But the problem is because of Li Tianyang's one platinum one-star beast crystal, Chu Huan's progress has been too fast this week.

It's almost time for Chu Huan to be a one-star black iron, and Wang Qiang is a six-star awakened apprentice.

Once he entered the secret realm of black iron-level beasts, Chu Huan had to devote some of his energy to taking care of a few people, not to mention the danger.

Obviously inappropriate.

Therefore, Chu Huan can only take a second place and put the goal of selecting teammates on Zhou Hao and several others.

It's just that Chu Huan obviously couldn't convince a few people, just by looking at the expressions "I believe you have a ghost" on their faces, it can be seen.

Seeing this, Chu Huan shook his head and said: "I need a lot of beast crystals recently, but collecting beast crystals is too troublesome and cumbersome, so I want to find a few teammates to form a team and help me in the beast secret realm. Those ferocious beasts brought in and helped me collect beast crystals afterwards."

Hearing this, Liu Luoyan frowned and said, "Since this is the case, you can recruit awakeners of the right level when you face the secret outside of the beast, there is no need to find us!"

Not every awakened person can have a fixed team to enter the secret realm of beasts to hunt beasts together every day.

Because of strength or accidents, many Awakeners actually do not have a fixed team.

Every day, when confronted outside the secret world, they form a team with others and then enter the secret realm of beasts.

Therefore, requests like Chu Huan can easily find suitable candidates outside the secret.

There is absolutely no need to find them.

Seeing that Liu Luoyan was still pressing on, Chu Huan sighed and said, "Because everyone is a student, at least they are simpler than those around the secret realm! And seeing that you all have space watches, you are not short of money.

If you form a team, you are too embarrassed to take too many beast crystals! "

Those awakened in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm can be said to be old fritters.

Either the strength is poor, or the careful thinking is too much.

Although Chu Huan is strong enough.

But I'm not interested in being teammates with some people who will backstab me at some point.

In comparison, Liu Luoyan and the three of them had already met twice, and their hatred values ​​had remained stable without any abnormality.

Coupled with the identity of the student, the security is obviously higher.

However, Chu Huan's ideas are all well-founded and based on reality.

But after learning the real reason why Chu Huan found them to form a team, Liu Luoyan and the three all looked strange.

After thinking for a few seconds, Zhou Hao touched Zhu Tao next to him and whispered, "Why do I feel like he is saying we are stupid?"

Hearing this, Zhu Tao glanced at Chu Huan and said helplessly: "Be confident and remove the word "like"."

"Simple" among the Awakened has never been a good word.

After all, pure awakeners are basically left in the secret realm of beasts.

Therefore, Chu Huan has said a lot now, but in fact the core meaning expressed is very simple.

The reason why I found them is because the three of them are "stupid and rich".

Therefore, after learning about Chu Huan's true purpose, even Liu Luoyan's eyelids jumped and his fists clenched subconsciously.

I've never seen such a slaughtered person.

Liu Luoyan wanted to defend herself.

But I don't know how to respond.

"So angry!"

After a while, Liu Luoyan pressed the urge to start and asked, "As you said, we will form a team with you, and you will take advantage of the benefits, so why should we form a team with you?"

Chu Huan chuckled and said: "' . From the sound that broke out from your body when you were running yesterday, your "Basic Fighting Technique" level is not high, they are all at the fourth level, you help me, every day from the fierce The Beast Secret Realm is back and I can be your sparring partner, how about it?"

Liu Luoyan said disdainfully, "What level is your "Basic Fighting Technique"?"

Chu Huan whispered: "Level 9!"

"Level 9..."

Facing Chu Huan's answer, Liu Luoyan's eyelids jumped and she fell silent.

After a while, Liu Luoyan said in a slightly helpless tone: "Deal!"

Liu Luoyan, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao are all awakes.

It's just now that the third year of high school has just started, and he has already entered the black iron one star, and the speed of level improvement is not slow.

But also because they often fight with beasts, the three also know that although their level has improved, their combat effectiveness is still too high.

Now, Chu Huan has raised the "Basic Fighting Technique" to level 9. With Chu Huan as a sparring partner, they can also quickly raise the level of the "Basic Fighting Technique" through battles.

At that time, the combat power will naturally be improved, and the benefits to the three are definitely not small.

Therefore, Liu Luoyan and the others could not refuse this condition.

After successfully finding the tool person, Chu Huan also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

However, compared to Chu Huan, the three of Liu Luoyan didn't know whether to be happy or depressed at this moment.

In fact, being able to form a team with Chu Huan is obviously beneficial to Liu Luoyan and the others.

It shows that in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, their safety will definitely be guaranteed.

And every day, he can continue to improve his actual combat skills and experience through battles with clearly stronger awakeners of the same level like Chu Huan.

But a few people said that they really couldn't be happy!

After all, now that they have agreed to form a team with Chu Huan, it has become equivalent to admitting that they belong to the category of stupid people and rich people.

I am afraid that no one will be happy if they change.

Now that he has decided to form a team, Chu Huan did not delay. After smiling, he got up and said, "That's good! It's not too early, let's go!"

Hearing the call, Liu Luoyan asked, "Go? Where are you going?"

Chu Huan looked at Liu Luoyan strangely and said, "Of course I'm going to the secret realm of beasts! Isn't it all settled?"

According to the conversation with Wang Qiang at noon, it is estimated that the challenges of the middle school students in other schools in Linhai City will begin in the next few days.

While there is still time, it is natural to collect as many beast crystals as possible.

The more you gamble in the early stage, the more you earn in the later stage.

Hearing this, Liu Luoyan frowned slightly, looking at a picture of Chu Huan who looked right, and always had a feeling of being calculated.

Thinking about it, Liu Luoyan couldn't help but glance at Chu Huan who was walking in front of her.

"Cai Gao has so many eyes, he will definitely be a scumbag in the future!" Jin.

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