Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 91 This feeling is still a bit over the top! (44 ask for subscription, ask for data support)

Having seen the effects of the "March of the Netherworld" with his own eyes, it is impossible for Chu Huan not to be surprised.

After all, anyone who saw this picture would be shocked.

But after being surprised, Chu Huan, who quickly calmed down, thought about the situation when the ghostly welcoming team appeared before.

It's just that when Chu Huan was about to judge the effect of his new weapon soul skill through his memories, the black-scale wildebeest, which was used as an experimental tool before, came to his senses, and he was struggling to pull his limbs out of the soil. He came out and rushed towards Chu Huan angrily.

Facing this black-scaled wildebeest rushing towards him, Chu Huan instinctively avoided him.

The things that happened just now are still in his mind.

However, the attack was dodged, and the black-scale wildebeest charged towards Chu Huan again after turning in one direction.

"Hey! It's not over, is it!"

In this way, after several dodges, Chu Huan, whose train of thought was interrupted one after another, was also angry when he saw this black scale wildebeest.

When the black-scale wildebeest rushed towards him again, he turned around, raised his hand, and in one move, Chu Huan directly grabbed the horn of the black-scale wildebeest and smashed it on the ground.

The powerful impact and shock made the head of this black scale wildebeest dizzy.

After smashing the black scale wildebeest to the ground, Chu Huan did not kill it.

After all, I have to continue to use this black scale wildebeest as a test product later. If it is killed, Chu Huan will have to waste time to continue searching.

Therefore, when the black-scale wildebeest shook its head and was about to get up, Chu Huan raised one foot and stepped on the head of the black-scale wildebeest.

With the huge difference in attributes, the strength from Chu Huan's feet was completely unable to free the black-scale wildebeest, and he could only roar angrily and impatiently.

After successfully controlling the black scale wildebeest, Chu Huan continued to think.

Judging from the previous effects, this "March of the Netherworld" has the same ecstasy effect as the "March of Carrying the Coffin".

And the method is similar to the "coffin-carrying march", which allows the beast to actively enter the big red sedan chair.

Just after entering the foot lift, the welcoming team will slowly enter the ground while walking.

Thinking of this, Chu Huan suddenly glanced at the four potholes not far away and then looked at the limbs of the black scale wildebeest next to him.

The soil on the four legs is exactly one-fifth of the height of this black scale wildebeest.

Now, this "March of the Netherworld" is only level 1, and the damage value is only 10%.

As the level increases, the effect of this "March of the Netherworld" will obviously be strengthened.

At that time, will it be possible for the bridal party that appears to be carrying a sedan chair with a target to bury it alive in the ground?

Thinking of this, Chu Huan secretly wrote down this guess in his heart, and prepared to compare it after the level of the "Marriage March" was improved.

However, for now, Chu Huan already knows what happened when the "March of the Netherworld" was released.

But the question is when did the ecstasy effect attached to this skill start to appear, which Chu Huan cannot do.

After all, the tool soul skill "March of Carrying the Coffin" was first tried by Fu Wenbo himself as a tool person, and then accompanied him to the Secret Realm of Biting Wolf and Fierce Beast to try it.

Combined with Fu Wenbo's personal experience and the experiment of finding beasts, Chu Huan can naturally understand the effect of his "coffin-carrying march".

But the problem is that this black-scaled wildebeest is not a human being, so he can't tell Chu Huan how he felt during the whole process after being targeted by that bunch of welcoming teams.

"Otherwise, ask Teacher Fu to try again?"

This idea only came up, and it was immediately suppressed by Chu Huan.

After all, Chu Huan was a four-star Awakened apprentice a week ago.

Now Chu Huan has been promoted to the first black iron star after a week.

Even if Chu Huan is an SSS talent level, the promotion speed is too scary.

Even if it is to say, it will take a while.

And the pit man can't always catch a man pit.

After all, Fu Wenbo became acquainted with himself during this period of time.

Thinking of letting Fu Wenbo sit in the ghostly sedan chair before, Chu Huan felt that Fu Wenbo might have to try his best to find himself after trying out his skills.

Since Fu Wenbo couldn't, then even if Chu Huan continued to test his skills, he would only see a surface.

It is impossible to gain an in-depth understanding of the effect of one's own tool soul skills through the feelings of the parties involved.

After trying to no avail, Chu Huan could only temporarily dismiss the idea of ​​finding a friend to help him test his Soul Skill, and once again set his sights on the black-scaled wildebeest.

According to the skill introduction of "March of the Netherworld", like the "March of Carrying the Coffin", if the target dies under its own soul skill, it will also trigger a special effect of 0 .

Naturally, Chu Huan was also curious about what this special effect was.

Looking at the black scale wildebeest at his feet, Chu Huan stretched out his hand and grabbed a leg of the black scale wildebeest.

The arm muscles were also tense, and the ink-scale wildebeest was like a sandbag by Chu Huan once again drew a circle in the air and smashed it next to it.

This time, without holding back, the powerful force and speed made the black scale wildebeest, whose body was in close contact with the ground, let out a miserable howl.

At the same time, this time also caused the blood volume of this black scale wildebeest to drop by nearly one tenth.

In this way, the black-scale wildebeest was repeatedly smashed up and down in a very violent way.

After a few times, under this kind of brutal beating, the blood volume on this black scale wildebeest was only about two hundred points left.

And in the process, it is still falling slowly at a rate of one second, and even the sound of roaring cannot come out of the mouth.

It seems that there is more air out and less air in, and it is not far from death.

"This should be almost the same!"

After successfully controlling the blood volume of this black scale wildebeest to the standard value, Chu Huan once again injected his soul power into the suona in front of him.

Immediately, with the sound of the tune, the loud and majestic music 3.6 appeared mixed with the chanting that appeared and disappeared from time to time.

However, in the tune and the humming accompaniment of the sobbing woman next to it, the blood-colored notes reverberated in the distance to reunite the welcoming team.

Under the bright red clothes of every member of the welcoming team, they were pale without the slightest bit of blood, and they all felt light and airy when walking.

As before, it was ghostly, giving people an inexplicable sense of coldness.

Looking at the welcoming team that came into view again in the distance, Chu Huan, who was playing the tune, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"This feeling is still a little over the top!"

ps: Today is the fourth update! Recently, 20,000 words have been updated every day, and my head is a bit woody. I am worried that continuing to write will affect the quality! Fourteen thousand updates today! Continue to update 20,000 words tomorrow! Continue to beg to subscribe! Please don't keep it for too long! Otherwise the data is too bad! Can't even get a small recommendation! .

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