Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 81 Make m1y, or I will die for you! (45 ask for subscription, ask for data support)

Yesterday, I was able to directly allocate two rooms separately to conduct a talent evaluation test for a student who has just awakened.

Moreover, a low-level four-star stone armored lizard, which is not available in Linhai City, was prepared separately as a test beast.

Plus Chu Huan's speculation on Li Tianyang's platinum-level grade.

If it is said that there is no certain right to speak in the Awakened Association, Chu Huan will not believe anything.

But Chu Huan never thought that Li Tianyang's identity would be at the level of the director of the Awakened Association.

And Chu Huan didn't think Fu Wenbo would joke about such a thing.

This is not like a silly thing that a teacher like Fu Wenbo can do.

Therefore, if Li Tianyang is not surprised, he is really the director of the Awakened Association.

Knowing this, Chu Huan couldn't help but look moved.

Since hundreds of years ago, when the beasts invaded the Awakened, the status of the Awakened has been rising day by day.

As the Awakened Association, which is specially responsible for governing the Awakened, there is no need to say how much authority it has.

As the director of the Awakened Association, Li Tianyang's status can be said to be the top stab in the Yan Kingdom.

After his thoughts calmed down a little, Chu Huan said, "So, what do you mean now, that is to say, I was appointed by the Awakened Association?"

Fu Wenbo shrugged and said, "Almost! Regarding the results of your test in the Awakened Association yesterday, the teacher used his authority to list it as a top secret!"

"After you become an Awakener of the Black Iron One Star, you don't need to take the test again. You can go directly to the headquarters of the Awakened Association or the distribution to enthrone to get a copy of the information."

"No! As for no? I'm only in the third year of high school?" Chu Huan was a little at a loss.

Although the talent level of the SSS level is very high, Chu Huan feels that it has not reached the level that can let a person like Li Tianyang focus on taking care of himself so early!

Seeing Chu Huan's puzzled look, Fu Wenbo glanced at Chu Huan and said, "Do you think there are many SSS-level Awakeners?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not many, but isn't there news in each country's Awakened Association every year that there are SSS-level genius Awakeners appearing?"

The reason why Chu Huan knew that his test level was SSS level was also because he was happy but didn't take it too seriously.

After saying this, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes as if realizing something, "Wait, what do you mean, this news is all fake?"

After the old god took a sip of tea, Fu Wenbo said in a low voice, "Otherwise, why do you think everyone pays so much attention to you?"

After speaking, Fu Wenbo continued: "In these years, although the countries have obviously been in harmony, privately, there have been constant frictions, big and small."

"And if there are top talent seeds in some countries, it won't take long before they will be quietly assassinated.

And this kind of situation has been banned repeatedly. In order to prevent the domestic genius seeds from being assassinated and to enhance the safety of these students, the Awakened Association has specially released some fake news before and attracted those killers to take the bait.

It's just that as soon as this method came out, other countries followed suit, which led to the emergence of so-called SSS-level genius seeds every year.

In fact, even SS-level genius seeds, countries will try to protect them, let alone your SSS-level.

There may not be one in a hundred years, so yesterday I told you again and again not to tell others about your talent level. "

"Come on, there's such a thing!"

After realizing the truth, Chu Huan couldn't help but let out a foul language.

Knowing such a thing earlier, Chu Huan suppressed the speed of his strength improvement.

Wouldn't it be better to get an S-rank talent evaluation and make a fortune in a muffled voice?

Now, for no reason, because the talent level is too high, it has caused trouble.

Depressed in his heart, Chu Huan sighed, "So now I might be assassinated by Awakeners from other countries at any time?"

Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "Not yet, after all, no one except me and the director knows your talent level, so there is no way to talk about the danger!

However, when your level is getting higher and higher, and the strength that erupts is getting stronger and stronger, it is bound to attract a lot of attention.

That's when there will be more trouble, so now you can continue to toss in Linhai City for a while.

After a while, after cleaning up the inside of the Awakened Association, you will be taken to the headquarters of the Awakened Association in the capital.

As the headquarters of the headquarters, it is difficult for foreign hands to come in.

At that time, the teacher will also arrange for you to enter a suitable university, and the college entrance examination is no longer necessary for you. "

During this period of contact with Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo can also see a lot of things.

Although Chu Huan usually looks undisciplined, he is actually thoughtful and very intelligent.

This can be seen from the incident with Wang Qiang yesterday alone.

In addition, Chu Huan has absolutely no vanity and impetuousness that other students of this age should have.

On the contrary, he is like an old yin douchebag, even if he is facing a teacher like him, he will hide his hand.

Therefore, Fu Wenbo felt that Chu Huan was very serious.

It might not be a bad thing to let Chu Huan know the importance of things first.

After understanding all this, Chu Huan sighed deeply and suddenly became melancholy.

After a while, Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo and asked, "According to what you just said, the Awakener of the SSS level talent level is very important?"

Fu Wenbo responded: "It's natural. Awakeners of the SSS-level talent level all have their special strengths. Once they grow up, it's not just a matter of saying that one person is the enemy of the country."

On the other hand, Fu Wenbo felt a little sour in his heart.

jealous, envious.

"That is, my safety is important now?" Chu Huan continued to ask.

Fu Wenbo said as a matter of course: "Yes, if you die, the loss to our Yan Kingdom is absolutely immeasurable!"

After hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan calmed down and showed a bit of deep thought on his face.

Seeing the thought and heavy feeling on Chu Huan's face, Fu Wenbo shook his head.

"Is it an eighteen-year-old child who suddenly learns of his importance, can you imagine the pressure on his heart? 3.6"

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo just opened his mouth to comfort Chu Huan and let him not have too much pressure for the time being.

Just when Fu Wenbo's thoughts fell, Chu Huan raised his head to look at Fu Wenbo and showed a fierce smile.

This sudden savage smile caused Fu Wenbo to be at a loss for a while, not sure what the good-looking Chu Huan meant when he smiled like this.

However, in the next second, Chu Huan suddenly touched the space watch with one hand.

As the dagger appeared in his hand, Chu Huan put the dagger directly on his neck.

Then he stretched out the other hand to Fu Wenbo and said with a fierce face: "I, the Awakened of the SSS level talent level, pay the money, or I will die for you!"

Fu Wenbo: "........."

ps; There is another chapter to come, continue to ask for data support! .

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