Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 67 Why are you so beautiful? (1110 for the 1 order)

Unlike bloodthirsty gnomes, although they look a little ugly, these bloodthirsty gnomes have hands and feet, and can play big windmill tactics.

But the problem is that this windmill tactic cannot be placed on the body of the colorful python!

After all, a python is a lizard if it has hands and feet.

Otherwise, Chu Huan wouldn't let Wang Qiang and the others help him share the burden, lest he be surrounded by those colorful pythons alone.

With the help of Wang Qiang and a few people, they could not completely prevent those colorful pythons.

But now that there are three more undead colorful pythons, the situation is naturally another matter.

In other words, with Wang Qiang and these undead colorful pythons, there is no need to say much about safety.

As for Wang Qiang and the others, their agility speed is also a little higher than that of the colorful python with their own buffs.

Therefore, combined with the current situation, it is obviously better to play kite flow tactics.

Immediately, after telling a few people what they thought, Wang Qiang and the others also lit up.

After a quick negotiation, Chu Huan took drugs again to give himself and Wang Qiang and his group a buff, and Wang Qiang and his group began to move individually in different directions according to the plan they had just made.


On the muddy ground, several thin rivers continued.

The melodious music kept echoing in the air, Chu Huan moved quickly while pulling the erhu.

Wang Qiang and several people surrounded Chu Huan.

Behind it, there are a lot of colorful pythons following closely.

It looks dense from a distance, and it seems to give people a feeling of infiltration.

If any other awakened people saw these seventy or eighty colorful pythons behind Chu Huan and others at the moment, they would be so frightened that they would turn around and run away.

With so many colorful pythons, once they were caught up and surrounded, even the Awakened of the Black Iron level would be completely dead.

It's just that the colorful pythons that followed closely were extremely fast, but they were always blocked by Chu Huan's three undead colorful pythons, who turned themselves into boundaries and turned their huge body into a line of defense, blocking the back. The approach of those colorful pythons.

Occasionally, a few colorful pythons rushed over, and they would be greeted by Wang Qiang or Zhou Qichuan's tool soul skills and attacked.

In this way, as the music surrounds, in the constant movement of Chu Huan and others,

Soon, with the sound of the music, the originally crazy and menacing colorful pythons began to fall one by one on the road chasing Chu Huan and others.

Under the circumstance of deliberately controlling the speed, Chu Huan tried his best to ensure that the release range of his tune could cover more colorful pythons.

After all, both rain and dew are king.

Until the last colorful python was exhausted and unable to continue chasing Chu Huan and others, Chu Huan and Wang Qiang, who were running all the way, stopped.

With two hands on his knees, while Legend, Xiang Xiaoyan scolded: "Zhou Qichuan, you idiot, you said that you should attract less, but you attracted more than 30, and as a result, this group of colorful pythons added It's all broken up!"

In the face of Xiang Xiaoyan's vicious words, Zhou Qichuan, who was also agitated with numbness in his legs, smiled bitterly: "I didn't know that there were two groups of colorful pythons in the place where I ran just now, otherwise I wouldn't go there. ."

"dammit, run away from me!"

"As if we weren't tired, a colorful python almost bit me just now! Fuck!"


Seeing the bickering between several people, Chu Huan's mouth twitched slightly.

Not to mention, in the bloodthirsty dwarf beast secret realm before, in most cases, Chu Huan could only attract monsters by himself.

In this way, the efficiency is also limited.

But now, with the help of four people from Wang Qiang, dozens of colorful pythons can be obtained in a few minutes.

Chu Huan was happy and relaxed.

The only trouble is that although this method of kite flying is effective, the problem is also obvious.

During the process, Chu Huan and others had to move constantly.

And Chu Huan's skill release range is now only 20 meters, which makes Chu Huan's soul power more demanding.

If it wasn't for Chu Huan who is now a four-star awakened apprentice, I am afraid that his soul power would not be able to resist such consumption.

Besides, Chu Huan didn't come alone this time, so he couldn't directly absorb the beast crystals in the surrounding colorful python corpses through the system.

As a result, each time the disposal of the colorful python corpse took a lot of time.

Just like now, along with the beast crystals that were put into the body of the colorful python that had just been put to death by a kite, the python tendons and python skin were all collected, and it took nearly twenty minutes to add up.

Looking at the time, several people unknowingly have entered this secret realm for more than five hours.

After glancing at Wang Qiang, who was excited but with a tired expression on his face, Chu Huan said, "It's almost there, let's be here for the time being today!"

When the words came out, Wang Qiang breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, the group walked towards the direction of the secret passage while chatting.

Half an hour later, as the group returned, they also met many other Awakened squads who were also heading towards the secret passage.

Moreover, the hatred value of more than half of these awakened squads reached about 9 points.

Just looking at the five Chu Huan who were neat and uninjured, there was no extra change.

After staggering an Awakened team again, while moving, Wang Qiang said solemnly: "Sister, you entered the Bone Wolf Fierce Beast Secret Realm and the Bloodthirsty Dwarf Fierce Beast Secret Realm before. different."

"Although the colorful python is only a low-level five-star beast, because the python skin and python tendons are valuable, the value is higher than the low-level nine-star magic sound spider.

"So there are more awakeners of crooked minds here, so unless you have enough confidence in the future, you should try not to enter the secret realm of the colorful python and beast alone."

"Otherwise, it will be troublesome if they are targeted! After all, although these guys have estimated that their level is at this stage all their lives, some people's artifact soul skills are still relatively powerful and special, so be careful!"

Zhao Chen next to him said: "It is said that a few years ago there was a team of awakened people who specially guarded the entrance of the passageway in the secret realm of the colorful python and beast. If you want to leave the passageway, you need to pay a certain toll. !"

"Tolls? So arrogant?" Chu Huan looked at Zhao Chen in surprise.

Xiang Xiaoyan said: "It's true! It's just said that the Awakened squads who received protection fees at that time provoked a person, and then they were caught."

After a slight pause, Xiang Xiaoyan shook her head and said, "I don't know why you shouldn't underestimate the greed of any Awakened, especially these Awakeneds who hunt low-level beasts all year round.

After all, for them, talent and age are already doomed that there will be no further improvement in the future. People who can't see hope and future will naturally have fewer worries and work more recklessly. "


In this kind of chat, the five people stepped into the passage of the secret realm one after another.

After ignoring the obscure gazes of some Awakened people around him, he walked to the parked car, and Chu Huan was ready to pull the door and sit on it.

"Wait first!"

However, when Chu Huan's hand was just on the door handle of the car door, Zhou Qichuan stepped forward and pressed Chu Huan's shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Chu Huan asked suspiciously.

Zhou Qichuan pointed to Xiang Xiaoyan, who was not in a hurry to speak.

Then, under Chu Huan's suspicious gaze, Xiang Xiaoyan took out a silver-white slap-sized machine box from the space watch.

After starting the car, I opened the door and threw it on the chair in the front seat.

Ten seconds later, the red light on the machine that Xiang Xiaoyan had just thrown on the front seat suddenly turned on.

"Ding! After the test, psychedelic drugs were found in the air."

Hearing the mechanical sound from the box, Chu Huan's expression was slightly condensed, and the situation was still unclear.

Xiang Xiaoyan couldn't help but curse.

"Sure enough, someone moved his hands and feet quietly."

Said, Xiang Xiaoyan looked at Chu Huan and said, "Some guys will play tricks on unfamiliar vehicles parked outside, and get some secret medicines inside that are effective for awakened people.

If you don't know it, once you stay in the car for a long time, you will be stunned by those drugs when you breathe, and then someone will step up and search all the things on your body. "

Zhou Qichuan next to him added: "Not only that, the students in our review class found that there are some small needles protruding from the seat of the bus, and the medicine is also extracted on it. It is obviously a new technique for those guys."

Zhao Chen nodded and said, "But compared to the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, if you accidentally recruit the most outside, you will lose your finances, and your life will not be endangered, so you can be careful in normal times."


Chu Huan's eyes narrowed slightly after listening to what you said and what I said.

Although a few people said it was simple, but at that time, it would be equivalent to handing over all their lives to the other party.

Whether it is life or death, it is entirely up to you to decide.

Chu Huan knew that the surroundings of this colorful python and beast secret realm were very dangerous.

But apparently it's still simpler.

Unexpectedly, these guys dared to do something even after the Awakened went out.

This made Chu Huan a little fortunate in his heart to call Wang Qiang a few people who came to the secret realm of the colorful python and beast today.

Afterwards, under the inspection of Wang Qiang and several others, they soon found a small hole the size of a toothpick in a position on the rear door.

Apparently the drugs in the car were poured through the small hole in the door.

After opening the car door, a few people stood a little further away.

After waiting for about ten minutes, after the machine detected that the air content in the car was normal, a few people got on the car and drove to the city.

After fighting for an afternoon, both Chu Huan and Wang Qiang were more or less stained with the blood of the colorful python.

Everyone decided to go home and wash up before talking.

After sending Chu Huan back to the gate of the community, looking at Chu Huan who had entered the community quickly, Zhao Chen suddenly asked, "By the way, did anyone count how many colorful pythons we killed this afternoon? "

Zhou Qichuan thought for a while and said, "It should be about one thousand one or one thousand two, 757 is too many, I can't remember it!"

Listening to what the two of them said, recalling the experience of this afternoon, Xiang Xiaoyan smiled bitterly: "To be honest, I never thought that killing beasts could be like today, it's like playing! Junior! This kite tactic kills beasts too fast."

While driving the vehicle, Wang Qiang said in an angry voice: "Oh, don't think about it, this method is only with the apprentice! Without the buff skill and the group damage skill of the apprentice, dare to use the method in the afternoon, absolutely Too long."

At this moment, Zhao Chen suddenly sighed, with a bit of sadness on his face, for some unknown reason.

"Originally, when my junior asked us to form a team in the morning, I thought it was us to bring Fei junior, but now it seems that it was completely the junior who led us in the mysterious realm of the colorful python and beast."

As soon as these words came out, the others were all stunned.

It was obvious that Chu Huan had just awakened for about a week, but now with a few people in a team, Chu Huan was able to lead them to the waves.

It's still a wave method like this afternoon that ordinary awakened people can't even think about.

In this feeling, the inside of the car is also inexplicably quiet.

After a full ten minutes, Zhao Chen looked out the window and said quietly, "I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, how about you?"

Zhou Qichuan: "The same!"

Xiang Xiaoyan: "I used to have a little bit of it in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm!"

Then, the three of them looked at Wang Qiang in unison.

Being stared at by the three, Wang Qiang's hand holding the steering wheel trembled slightly.

After pondering for a while, Wang Qiang bitterly turned his head and glared at the three of them.

"What are you looking at? Do you feel bad for me? I'm also an auxiliary awakener, but look at my apprentice's tool soul skills, and then look at my tool soul skills! I want to cry in comparison!"

As he spoke, Wang Qiang's words contained a sense of grievance unknowingly.

What a fucking blow!

They are all auxiliary awakeners who were awakened under the nine-year compulsory education. How can you be so beautiful?

Seeing Wang Qiang's aggrieved look, Zhou Qichuan said, "That's right, compared to that of a boss, your tool soul skill is exactly like that of a child playing a house, so you are the most uncomfortable. One."

Wang Qiang: "......"

In the face of Zhou Qichuan's straightforward words, Wang Qiang, who already felt a little sad and autistic, felt even more uncomfortable in his heart!

Ps; there is one more chapter tonight! Continue to beg for subscription support! .

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