Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 63 is definitely a dad level assistant (710)

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Wang Qiang was startled for a moment, then seemed to think of something.

"By the way, junior, you are now a four-star awakened apprentice, and you must have mastered the skills of the second tool soul!"

"Could it be that your second tool soul skill is a buff-type gain skill?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Not bad!"

"What's the effect of the BUFF-type tool soul skill?" Zhao Chen asked curiously.

Hearing this, Chu Huan smiled lightly and said, "You will find out when you feel it for yourself!"

While speaking, Chu Huan took out the blue blood pill from the space watch.

Watching Chu Huan take out the blue blood pill, Wang Qiang said with a strange expression, "Didn't you say BUFF for us? Why are you taking this blue blood pill now?"

Chu Huan sighed and said, "I don't want to either, but if I want to activate the effect of my second artifact soul skill, it must be a little bit injured!"

Xiang Xiaoyan was stunned and said, "It's not that special conditions need to be triggered to activate the Soul Skill. Before launching the skill, you must first injure yourself? What the hell is that?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "Who told this to be "The Unknown Divine Comedy", it takes only residual blood to start the wave!"

"However, even if you are injured, junior brother, you are eating too much!"

Looking at the handful of blue pills in Chu Huan's hand, Wang Qiang couldn't help grinning.

"Don't worry! I know it!"

After speaking, Chu Huan directly stuffed the pill in his hand into his mouth, then took out a bottle of water and swallowed the pill into his stomach.

A few seconds later, through his attribute panel, Chu Jian could also see that his blood volume was rapidly decreasing.

It's just that as Chu Huan's physique has improved at the moment, compared to the last time, the aunt's pain in the abdomen is not so intense.

After the blood volume was successfully reduced by 10%, while the spirit power in the body was stirring, the erhu was already in front of Chu Huan under the blessing of the spirit power.

After sitting on the side of a dead tree that seemed to be pushed to the ground, as the bow touched the strings, the erhu sounded slowly with a special sorrowful voice.

While Chu Huan was playing, the soul power in his body was also rapidly depleting.

Soon, as Chu Huan pulled the erhu for about thirty seconds, a golden note suddenly appeared in the erhu in front of Chu Huan and slowly floated out, and then drilled into the bodies of Chu Huan and Wang Qiang. middle.

At the same time, Chu Huan felt the same as the last time.

It was as if the heavy shackles were suddenly released, and there was a feeling of lightness all over his body.

"Huh? Does this body feel light?"

Also after the successful blessing of BUFF, Zhou Qichuan, one of the four, suddenly changed his face slightly.

After bouncing gently on the spot, Zhou Qichuan, who was puzzled, suddenly ran into the distance.

The speed was so fast that Wang Qiang, Xiang Xiaoyan and Zhao Chen could only see a phantom.

But before Wang Qiang could speak, he saw that Zhou Qichuan, who had run away before, had already dodged back to his position.

But compared to before, Zhou Qichuan's expression changed as if he had discovered something extremely terrifying.

Opening his mouth, his voice trembled a bit: "I, my speed, my speed is actually faster than before, three times faster."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Wang Qiang and the others changed.

After feeling the change in their body, the four of them all focused on Chu Huan.

Facing the gazes of the four, Chu Huan chuckled lightly: "The effect is to increase your "Agility" attribute by 100%."

When these words came out, Wang Qiang and Zhou Qichuan were shocked, and they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

"Increase, increase, one hundred, one hundred percent々ˇ."

After learning about the effect of Chu Huan's second tool soul skill, the four of them were shocked.

After a while, Zhou Qichuan's body trembled with excitement: "Boss, you are really a boss, let's not talk about the first tool soul skill, the second tool soul skill is so terrifying, 100% increase.”

A 100% attribute improvement, even if it is only a single item, is absolutely terrifying.

In shock, Xiang Xiaoyan couldn't help but murmured.

"A 100% increase in agility, if it is said that in the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination, before the assessment, the junior will use this BUFF for each of us, then..."

Although Xiang Xiaoyan didn't finish what he said later.

However, Wang Qiang and others, who have already experienced the college entrance examination once, still don't know the meaning of it.

Wang Qiang and others knew that even if they were repeat students, their talents were here.

For talented students like Chu Huan, in the college entrance examination, they are only a group of candidates belonging to the middle level.

But if they have Chu Huan's buff, and their agility attributes are doubled, in the actual combat assessment, their strength will also enter the first echelon among the candidates.

Then get a higher score.

Thinking of this, when several people looked at Chu Huan, their eyes were already burning.

It's like looking at some treasured national treasure.

As the most unscrupulous among the four, Zhou Qichuan stepped forward and bowed directly to Chu Huan: "Big brother, the future of my younger brother depends on you! Please cover me!"

With Zhou Qichuan taking the lead, Wang Qiang, after looking at Xiaoyan and Zhao Chen, also stepped forward to stand beside Zhou Qichuan and bowed deeply to Chu Huan.

"Boss, ask for a cover!"

At this moment, Wang Qiang, Xiang Xiaoyan and Zhao Chen's names for Chu Huan and Zhou Qichuan were unified.

And it's the real one.

Some auxiliary awakeners, such as Wang Qiang, are at best an auxiliary.

Some auxiliary Awakeners, with more powerful tool soul skills, are called powerful auxiliary.

For a support like Chu Huan, the word "strong" is no longer suitable.

Only two words are enough to describe Chu Huan.


Proper golden thighs!

Anyone who knows the effect of Chu Huan's Item Soul skill will take the initiative to post it to show his goodwill and then flatterly call out, "Assist Dad!"

Now it's just a big call, let's make money!

Facing the actions of the four, Chu Huan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly: "Stop making trouble! The buff has been added, so let's hurry up! Now my buff is only effective for twenty minutes. You have to take drugs to unleash your skills!"

Hearing this, Wang Qiang smiled and said, "It's okay, the medicine is easy to say, enough, I will bring a box to the boss tomorrow!"

Chu Huan: "?????"


In the dim jungle, the light was thin, and the sweet smell of blood mixed with the smell of the rotten dead leaves filled every corner of the surroundings.

The meandering rivers can be seen almost every few hundred meters.

The surrounding ground was as muddy as it had been washed by heavy rain, and it was hard to tell which place was just a swamp with a layer of mud floating on it.

Although they have the BUFF bonus of Chu Huan's tool soul skill, Wang Qiang and others are only apprentices of five-star awakened people.

Therefore, even if there is an improvement, it is only about ten points higher than that of the colorful python.

In terms of "agility" attributes, it is not as high as the current Chu Huan.

And although the Mystery Realm of Colorful Python Ferocious Beast looks like a rainforest, the rivers extend in all directions.

And the water in the river is not as clear as the real world.

Instead, it is colorful and flowing, and it looks as dazzling as the Milky Way in a fairy tale.

And there are many swamps around.

Therefore, no one knows which river or swamp will hide a few colorful pythons.

If one is not careful and is surrounded or even attacked by a few colorful pythons, it will be cold or cold.

Therefore, during the movement, Wang Qiang and the others were extremely focused.

Compared to the four of them, Chu Huan on one side seemed casual.

After all, there is a system, even if those colorful pythons are hidden in the swamp, Chu Huan can find those colorful pythons right away.

With this ability, Chu Huan naturally doesn't need to be as nervous as Wang Qiang and others.

Maybe it's because Chu Huan's own level is only a four-star Awakener apprentice, and he is also an auxiliary Awakener.

So during the move, Wang Qiang, Xiang Xiaoyan, Zhou Qichuan and even Zhao Chen all stood beside Chu Huan and guarded Chu Huan.

Such an act made Chu Huan sigh.

"Sure enough, Auxiliary Awakeners are the most comfortable."

Soon, after everyone moved at a constant speed for a few minutes, Chu Huan looked at the river almost 60 meters away.

Above the ground, there are six information panels suspended about ten centimeters above the river.

"Colorful Python"

"Level: Low-level five-star"

"HP: 3700/3700"

"Hate Value: 0"

And when Chu Huan saw the information panels of those colorful pythons in the distance, in Chu Huan's line of sight, the hatred column on the information panel belonging to those colorful pythons by the river jumped in unison.

From the original 0 points to 30 points.

In the next second, the information panels began to move quickly along the river toward the location where Chu Huan and the others were.


When the distance between the two sides was only less than 20 meters, the five seemed to be 30 centimeters wide, and the colorful pythons with colorful scales all rushed out of the river and swam quickly towards Chu Huan and the others. rush over.

"Wang Qiang!"

The moment he saw the five colorful pythons, Xiang Xiaoyan, who was beside Chu Huan, shouted quickly.

The moment the voice came out, the soul power in Wang Qiang's body surged rapidly.

The next moment, a quaint-looking bell suddenly appeared in front of Wang Qiang and vibrated quickly.

As the light voice of "ding bell bell" reverberated, four streams of light instantly shot out from Wang Qiang's bronze bell and rushed towards the four colorful pythons respectively.

In an instant, the four colorful pythons that were still moving fast a moment ago stopped in unison.

Obviously, he fell into the illusion created by Wang Qiang's tool soul skill.

When four of the five colorful pythons fell into the environment created by Wang Qiang, Zhou Qichuan, who was standing in front of Chu Huan, also rushed out like an arrow from a string.

When Zhou Qichuan set off, Xiang Xiaoyan also rushed out together, keeping a distance of about two meters behind Zhou Qichuan.

While moving quickly, Zhou Qichuan's body was agitated with soul power, and flames actually emerged from Zhou Qichuan's long knife.

When the whole big knife was covered by a layer of flames, Zhou Qichuan swung towards the colorful python like a cannonball.


Facing Xiang Xiaoyan who was rushing towards him quickly, this colorful python also opened its bloody mouth and bit Zhou Qichuan.

But just when the big mouth of this colorful python had just opened, and while rapidly moving Xiaoyan's soul power into the silver-white Emei thorn in his hand, the weapon suddenly elongated and changed into a bar full of inverted arrows. The thorny whip swung towards the colorful python.

As the long whip wrapped around the body of this colorful python, the barbs stabbed into the colorful python's body the moment it wrapped around the colorful python, and Xiang Xiaoyan, who was holding the long whip, yanked it violently.

Under the powerful force, the body and head of the colorful python were instantly deviated in the direction of Xiaoyan.

At the same time, after this colorful python was trapped by the long whip that transformed into Xiaoyan's weapon.

Zhao Chen on the side quickly raised the longbow soul that he had been holding tightly in his left hand, and the soul power between the bows quickly converged into a pitch-black arrow.

After a while, the arrow turned into a streamer and instantly reached Zhou Qichuan's side in the air and shot into the large open mouth of the colorful python. A loud bang caused the colorful python to let out a howl of pain.

It was also in this short time interval of less than two seconds that Zhou Qichuan in the air had already rushed in front of this colorful python.

The long knife in his hand took the flames of the flames across the air.

The moment it landed on the colorful python's head, the flames blazed wildly, and then left a scar nearly one meter wide on the colorful python's head.

There are also some burnt black marks on the side of the scar.

At the same time, it was also under Zhou Qichuan's knife.

"Hey, there are some words!"

Seeing the performance of the four in these few seconds, Chu Huan, who was standing aside, couldn't help but "tsk tsk" a few times.

It's different from the last time in the Bone Wolf and Fierce Beast Secret Realm.

At that time, Wang Qiang and several others were suppressed because of their level.

Therefore, it is impossible to see the true strength of several people.

But now, seeing the cooperation between the several people at the moment, Chu Huan couldn't help but light up, and couldn't help but praise the tacit understanding of the several people.

ps; The seventh chapter is a 4,000-word chapter! , continue to beg for the support of the first order! .

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