Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 51: I can be a little more rambunctious! (44 ask for a monthly pass)

ps: Thanks to lpp**,** for the reward, woohoo, good man!

Taking into account the situation of the awakened people in the base before, Chu Huan at the moment did not hunt and kill slowly from the outside like the first time he entered the secret realm of the piercing wolf and beast.

Instead, they moved quickly all the way after entering, avoiding several groups of bloodthirsty gnomes discovered in the middle and continuing to move towards the depths of this beast secret realm.

After moving at a constant speed for nearly ten minutes, and when he was about ten kilometers away from the entrance to the secret realm, Chu Huan slowed down and jumped to a tree to rest for a while.

At the same time, Chu Huan's eyes were also set twenty meters away.

In line of sight, a group of bloodthirsty dwarfs were gathering in an open space about the size of a basketball court among the trees twenty meters away.

At the very center was a tiger-sized beast, which was being tied up by one of the bloodthirsty dwarfs.

Beneath this beast, there are several bloodthirsty gnomes lying with their big mouths greedily swallowing the blood dripping from the wound of this beast.

The bloodthirsty dwarf looks a bit like a dwarf in a fairy tale, and looks as tall as an ordinary ten-year-old child.

It's just that the muscles on his body are raised high, the skin on his body is also green, and his face is covered with some pimples.

With those dark red eyes and teeth like serrated teeth, it looks particularly hideous.

Next to or in the hands of these bloodthirsty gnomes, there are some sticks that look like wood.

Some of the sticks also had sharp wooden thorns on them.

His gaze quickly swept across the bodies of these bloodthirsty gnomes. After determining the number and location of these bloodthirsty gnomes, Chu Huan quickly looked around.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan's gaze was already fixed on a big tree three meters away beside the group of bloodthirsty gnomes.

After judging the distance between this big tree and the farthest bloodthirsty gnome, Chu Huan used the surrounding big trees as his foothold to move continuously.

During the whole process, the speed was slowed down, so that the sound from the movement was minimal.

In this way, after going around in a circle, Chu Huan successfully landed on the tree closest to the group of bloodthirsty gnomes.

As the soul power surged, the soul of the erhu tool had already appeared in front of Chu Huan.

In the next second, a low and sad sound of music spread out with Chu Huan as the center.

The moment the sound echoed, the bloodthirsty gnomes who had gathered in the open space below reacted immediately and grabbed the weapons on the ground to look at Chu Huan.

But just when these bloodthirsty gnomes just grabbed their weapons, a series of "-20" health values ​​suddenly began to appear on the heads of these bloodthirsty gnomes.

Along with that, the expressions of these bloodthirsty dwarfs distorted, and they began to howl in pain.

However, at the same time as Chu Huan's tune was being pulled, Chu Huan felt that the soul power in his body began to decrease at an extremely fast rate.

But in just two or three seconds, the soul power in Chu Huan's body had already decreased a little.

According to this situation, the soul power in Chu Huan's body will be completely consumed before a song ends within two minutes at most.

But regarding the change of soul power in the body, Chu Huan only frowned slightly and did not reduce the amount of soul power injected into the soul and thus reduce the consumption.

In Chu Huan's sight, these bloodthirsty gnomes have only 1600 HP.

According to the speed of reducing the blood volume by 20 points per second, at most 80 seconds, that is, one minute and twenty seconds will be consumed.

It is still within the acceptance range of Chu Huan's soul power.

However, under the song Chu Huan, although these bloodthirsty dwarfs were obviously suffering, they did not wail on the ground like piercing wolves. A sharp scream rushed towards the big tree where Chu Huan was.

The sticks in his hand also swung towards the big tree under Chu Huan.

You know, the "strength" attribute of these bloodthirsty gnomes has reached 18 points.

With all his strength, even the big tree where Chu Huan was standing was forty centimeters in diameter, and a big hole was smashed directly by these bloodthirsty gnomes.

When they swarmed up and down, almost instantly, the tree that Chu Huan was staying on was smashed.

At the same time, several bloodthirsty gnomes still jumped up and rushed towards Chu Huan on the tree.

It fully shows that although the legs are short, the elasticity is good.

However, Chu Huan, who has been observing the movements of these bloodthirsty gnomes below, jumped to another big tree next to them the moment these bloodthirsty gnomes just smashed the tree under them.

At the same time, the soul of the erhu artifact that originated from Chu Huan still continued to emit that kind of low and somewhat sad music.

Then, Chu Huan moved around these bloodthirsty gnomes quickly on the surrounding trees.

There is no thought of wanting to fight hard steel head-on.

The "Agility" attribute of up to 20 points cannot catch up with the speed of these bloodthirsty gnomes.

Even in the siege, Chu Huan, who is condescending, can immediately detect and find the best moving route.

In this way, under Chu Huan's kite tactics, the blood volume of the surrounding bloodthirsty gnomes kept decreasing.

When all the blood volume returned to zero, these bloodthirsty gnomes fell to the ground one after another with a whimper as if their blood volume was emptied.

At this point, Chu Huan just jumped down from the tree.

After taking out the beast crystals from all the bloodthirsty gnomes with a dagger, Chu Huan took out one of the bloodthirsty gnomes' beast crystals and quickly absorbed the energy in the beast crystal to restore his own soul power.

At the moment when the soul power was fully replenished, he immediately looked at the corpses of several bloodthirsty gnomes on the ground.

Two minutes later, seeing the three bloodthirsty dwarfs jumping out of the coffin and surrounding him like guards, Chu Huan smiled lightly.

Back then, when he was in the Biting Wolf dimensional space, Chu Huan had to struggle for a while in the face of several Biting Wolf.

But now, because of the new weapon soul skill area attack, the whole hunting process is completely easy.

And it took less than a minute and a half to directly kill 12 bloodthirsty gnomes. How much more than doubled the efficiency?

"Carrying the Coffin March" wants to turn the target's body into a puppet, the first condition is that the target's body is complete.

And his "Unknown Divine Comedy" attack method is to reduce the enemy's blood volume in a way similar to sound attack.

There will be no damage to the surface of the body after death.

Really a perfect match.

With three puppets who can block the sword at any time, Chu Huan feels that he can be a little more rambunctious next time! .

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