Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 49 Shame on the pen! Why don't you believe me (24 ask for a monthly pass)

The next day, before the last class, Chu Huan knocked on the door of Fu Wenbo's office.

"Come in!"

A few seconds later, Fu Wenbo's voice came from the office.

Pushing open the door and entering the office, Chu Huan found that Xu Hongwen was also in Fu Wenbo's office.

Turning his head to look at Chu Huan who entered his office, Fu Wenbo said, "Is something wrong?"

Chu Huan smiled "hey" with a bit of shyness that is unique to a student: "Well, Teacher Fu, let's discuss something with you. Can I do it myself in the afternoon?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo turned his head to look at Chu Huan with interest and said, "Oh? You don't want to go to class in the afternoon?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's what it means."

"The reason?" Fu Wenbo asked.

Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "I feel that my classmates and my progress are not in the same rhythm. It's a bit of a waste of time to go to class according to the class schedule every afternoon. It's better to arrange your own practice."

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo slowly turned around and said with a smile, "Yo! It's only been a few days since I woke up! You've swelled up like this?"

Not to mention Fu Wenbo, even Xu Hongwen glanced at Chu Huan with a faint look in his eyes.

After all, what Chu Huan said is that he can't come to school freely every afternoon.

He, Xu Hongwen, happens to be the teacher of the actual combat class in Class 18 every afternoon.

Therefore, Chu Huan's current request obviously makes Xu Hongwen feel offended.

Facing Fu Wenbo's words with a bit of Onmyoji and the cold eyes next to Xu Hongwen, Chu Huan shrugged and said, "It's not inflation, it's just a fact!"

In the morning, Chu Huan also learned through text messages with Wang Qiang that when he was in the third year of high school, the school would only teach "Basic Fighting Techniques".

In addition, in the last semester, the teacher led the class and then pulled the students in the class into the secret realm of the piercing wolf and beast, so that every student could kill the piercing wolf once and see blood.

Whichever it is, it doesn't help the current Chu Huan.

In this case, there is no need for Chu Huan to continue to stay in the school every afternoon.

Now, the best situation for Chu Huan is to continue studying culture in the school in the morning.

In the afternoon, he was headed into the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm to earn system points.

Come back at night and use the beast crystal to assist in the practice.

Full and regular.

If the whole afternoon is wasted in the school every day, Chu Huan's progress will be greatly affected.

After glancing up and down on Chu Huan for a while, Fu Wenbo waved his hand and said, "Don't think about it, now is not the time for you to arrange your time freely, and naturally no one will take care of you until next semester. "

In this regard, Chu Huan sighed: "Then how do you pay Teacher to agree to let me be free to move around in the afternoon?"

Seeing Chu Huan's perseverance, Fu Wenbo thought about it and said slowly.

"It's not difficult. In the afternoon of the first semester of senior year, students mainly do practical exercises. Since you say that your progress is different from that of the other students in the class, you must at least show that your progress is indeed quite different from that of the other students in the class. ."

After speaking, Fu Wenbo continued after a short pause: "In this way, don't say that I don't consider your feelings, when your "Basic Fighting Technique" reaches the second level and can make double sounds, I will agree that you can do it in the future. In the afternoon, you can move freely.”

"Twice? Good!"

Facing the conditions proposed by Fu Wenbo, Chu Huan nodded and took a step back with his right foot.

Afterwards, the soul power quickly circulated within the body, the force rose from the ground, and a fist was thrown out from the tense muscles.

"crack, clap"

As Chu Huan swung his fist, the sound of two bursting beans came from Chu Huan's arm and shoulder.


Hearing the two sounds coming from Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo, who was still looking as usual, glared.

Like that, it's like seeing a ghost in the blue sky.

On the contrary, Xu Hongwen just raised his brows slightly.

After all, Xu Hongwen had heard such a voice from Chu Huan a dozen times in the training classroom yesterday.

On Chu Huan's side, after he successfully threw a punch and made two sounds, Chu Huan bowed slightly to Fu Wenbo and said, "Thank you, Teacher Fu, for your understanding, and I won't come to school in the afternoon!"

After that, Chu Huan turned around and ran out the door.

Like that, I was afraid that Fu Wenbo would go back on it after he reacted.

It was only after Chu Huan left that Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen came back to their senses.

Afterwards, Fu Wenbo suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Hongwen and said, "Did you just hear that?"

Xu Hongwen looked at Fu Wenbo with a wooden face and said, "I heard it yesterday!"

Having said that, Xu Hongwen's expression was also a bit unnatural.

Although Xu Hongwen heard many times yesterday the double sound of Chu Huan's "Basic Fighting Technique".

But that afternoon only a dozen times.

It's enough to prove that Chu Huan's "Basic Fighting Technique" was only level 1 yesterday, and he couldn't make a double bang every time he used "Basic Fighting Technique".

But judging from Chu Huan's calm double-click before, it is clear that he has successfully cultivated the "Basic Fighting Technique" to the second level.

Xu Hongwen tried his best to recall the time he spent from learning to Level 2 in "Basic Fighting Techniques".

Seems like it took two months?

Thinking of this, Xu Hongwen suddenly grinned.

I felt a little bit hit all of a sudden.

But after a few seconds, looking at Fu Wenbo who was completely stupid next to him, Xu Hongwen felt that the discomfort and frustration in his heart were much less.

"Shut up! Let you not believe me."

"Huh? No!"

It was also at this time that Xu Hongwen suddenly changed his face as if thinking of something.

Then he gave Fu Wenbo a quick push: "That kid's soul power fluctuation is not the one-star awakened apprentice, but the three-star awakened apprentice's soul power fluctuation."

Fu Wenbo: "??????"


Fu Wenbo and Xu Hongwen didn't know what Chu Huan thought.

After the last get out of class, Chu Huan, who had simply eaten something, took the shuttle bus and headed out of the city.

It's just that, unlike the previous shuttle bus to the Secret Realm of the Fierce Wolf and Fierce Beast, basically there are only two people in the car after the car leaves the city.

This time, after the shuttle bus to the bloodthirsty gnome and beast's secret realm left the city, besides Chu Huan, there were several other awakened people holding weapons.

While Chu Huan was secretly looking at these awakened people, the other awakened people in the car also put their eyes on Chu Huan. .

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