Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 37 Without him, only familiar with you

The battle was on one side.

Because he saw the effect of Chu Huan's skills with his own eyes, Wang Qiang was successfully stimulated. Although he couldn't use his soul power, the attack was a fierce one.

Even if he was caught a few times, Wang Qiang didn't care. After killing a piercing wolf, he immediately turned to the next piercing wolf.

As an assistant, Wang Qiang was so fierce, Zhou Qichuan and the other three seemed to have aroused their fighting spirit as combat-type spirits, and there was a tendency for them to compete with each other in terms of killing speed.

In this way, in five minutes, all 26 biting wolves have been eliminated.

And it was only ten minutes before several people entered this biting wolf dimension, and the task was already half completed.

After holding his knees and gasping for a while, Zhou Qichuan couldn't help but look at Wang Qiang, who was also sweating profusely at the moment, and said, "I said, you are working really hard today! It's completely different from when you entered the secret realm of beasts in the past. "

Wang Qiang replied, "Bullshit, I won't be able to take the college entrance examination if I don't complete this task. Why don't you work hard for you?"

"That's right!" Zhou Qichuan murmured after listening to Wang Qiang's reply.

At this time, Chu Huan, who was on the side, walked up to a few people and looked at the corpses of the piercing wolf around them and praised: "Senior, you are hunting so fast!"

Hearing this, Zhao Chen on the side shook his head and said, "How can we be fast here! It's still a bit worse than your junior brother."

Hearing this, Wang Qiang and several others turned their heads to look at Chu Huan.

Glancing across the corpses of the piercing wolves on the ground, several people were surprised to find that the number of piercing wolves that Chu Huan had dealt with before had reached six.

One or two more wolves than Xiang Xiaoyan and Wang Qiang each hunted.

You know, although they can't use their soul power now, their level is much higher than Chu Huan.

After all, it's not lower than the number of biting wolves hunted by Chu Huan!

But that is the case now.

The reason for being able to do this is also simple.

Not only that, but after a few careful fights, it was found that Chu Huan's methods of killing these wolves were very clever.

Judging from the location of the wound, Chu Huan's attack methods are all at the weak points of the piercing wolf's throat, stomach and eye sockets.

Moreover, the wounds and scars on each piercing wolf are irregular.

Apparently it was caused by Chu Huan attacking several times in succession at the same location.

Wang Qiang and the others looked at Chu Huan with strange expressions, and they were able to directly aim at the piercing wolf every time like now and attack.

In such a situation, even Wang Qiang and the others couldn't do it.

After all, before everyone faced with a biting wolf.

In addition to attacking, several people also have to dodge and defend in the process.

Therefore, most of the biting wolves killed by Wang Qiang, Xiang Xiaoyan and others had multiple wounds on their bodies, not classic blows like Chu Huan did.

Therefore, after looking at the wounds on the corpses of the piercing wolves in front of Chu Huan, Zhou Qichuan couldn't help but ask, "How are you so skilled?"

Chu Huan smiled softly: "Without him, only familiar with you!"

Chu Huan has been staying in the secret realm of the Bone Wolf for the past two days. The number of Bone Wolf killed has been in the hundreds. Naturally, he is clear about the attack methods and weaknesses of these Bone Wolf.

Basically, what these wolves will attack Chu Huan next can be discerned from the subtle signs of these wolves.

In addition, Chu Huan has a little brother who can help attack and retreat and dedicate himself to help him block the attack!

The speed of hunting is naturally not that bad!

Listening to Chu Huan's words, Wang Qiang's eyes flickered slightly.

Chu Huan has only just awakened for a few days. Before he successfully awakened, it was naturally impossible for him to fight against such a fierce beast as a piercing wolf just by virtue of the weak physique of an ordinary student.

In other words, Chu Huan should have started to touch the piercing wolf after awakening.

And now Chu Huan's performance has fully demonstrated his experience in the face of Biting Wolves.

But it was only three days before the school's awakening ceremony.

In other words, when Chu Huan had just awakened, he had already begun to go deep into the secret realm of the piercing wolf and the piercing wolf, and began to fight with the piercing wolf.

Thinking of this, several people looked at Chu Huan with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

He dared to enter the secret realm of the Bone Wolf and Fierce Beast just after he woke up. Not to mention his strength, his courage and diligence alone are enough to make Wang Qiang and the others applaud in their hearts.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, there are still twenty minutes left, hurry up and finish the task."

After taking a few deep breaths again, Wang Qiang, whose physical strength recovered a little, said.

Hearing this, Chu Huan looked at Wang Qiang unexpectedly and asked, "Don't you need to care about the beast crystals in these biting wolves?"

Wang Qiang waved his hand and said, "It's just a low-level one-star beast crystal, and one piece is only 100 yuan. When these are collected, it is estimated that more than half of the time has passed!"

"Oh, it's a good feeling."

Hearing Wang Qiang's words, the corner of Chu Huan's mouth twitched slightly, and then a thought flashed in his heart.

The next moment, all the energy in the beast crystals in the surrounding 26 biting wolves was converted into system points by Chu Huan.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. It's a shame to waste!


In the ensuing time, according to the previous model of several people, the five people spread out in an orderly manner to provoke the surrounding biting wolves and then focus on killing them.

During the process, Wang Qiang looked around from time to time, and recorded as many clips as possible of a few people hunting the bone wolf.

This approach is also to prevent some repeat students from making small movements during the task process.

This is one of the reasons why the task is so difficult for Wang Qiang.

Finally, when there were only three minutes left in the allotted time, as the third batch of stinging wolves had been eliminated by everyone, after recording the bodies of these stinging wolves on the monitor above his eyes, Wang Qiang raised his voice in satisfaction. Said: "It's done!"

When the words fell, Zhou Qichuan and the others on the side breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground gasping for breath regardless of the blood on the ground.

Chu Huan on the side also sat down leaning on a tree stump.

"It's not easy!"

For half an hour in a row, not only must they move at full speed to attract the piercing wolves around, but also concentrate on eliminating these piercing wolves gathered together in the shortest possible time.

Things were not as easy as Chu Huan imagined.

However, the task was successfully completed and the reward was negotiated with Wang Qiang. For Chu Huan, as long as Wang Qiang can fulfill his promise and hand over the reward to Chu Huan as usual, it will not only solve Chu Huan's immediate need for money.

More importantly, there are ten black iron one stars, which are worth a thousand system points.

It can definitely be called a big gain.

PS: These chapters are mainly excessive, and the later ones will be relatively more interesting! Here I beg for data support! Now there are only a few rewards, and I beg the big guys to give me a feed! .

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