Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 271 How did Tie Hanhan like this survive until now? (25 for subscription and data support)

It seemed that he felt the look in Chu Huan's eyes as if he were looking at a fool.

In hindsight, Huang Mengtao, who also realized that he had said the wrong thing, shouted and stopped talking nonsense and ran his soul power directly.

As three slight noises appeared, they were already rushing towards Chu Huan.

"Level 3 "Elementary Fighting Technique"?"

Hearing the sound originating from Huang Mengtao's body, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Chu Huan stepped on the ground with one foot.

Instead of retreating, his body moved forward and rushed towards Huang Mengtao.

In an instant, the two figures intersected on the ring like this.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The dull sound of the fight also echoed continuously around.

When the fists, legs and feet are swayed quickly, the movements even bring up a few afterimages, which are dazzling.

In addition to these, what is particularly eye-catching is the sound that erupted from Chu Huan's body when he was fighting against Huang Mengtao.

Every time, Chu Huan's body has the same body as Huang Mengtao's.

But the difference is that the number of voices in Chu Huan's body is much more than Huang Mengtao's each time, reaching a full nine.

Zheng Kaige, who was closest to the arena, felt the sound coming from Chu Huan's body and couldn't help but said in shock, "Ninth level "Basic Fighting Technique"?"

Immediately after Zheng Kaige, the other Wanlin Academy students around heard the sound coming from Chu Huan's body, and their expressions changed one by one.

"I'm going, did I hear it right? Why is there something wrong with the sound?"

"Ninth-level "Elementary Fighting Technique", what are you kidding?"

"Fuck, someone just raised the "Basic Fighting Technique" to the ninth level in the second year of his sophomore year. Isn't this too exaggerated?"


The voices of "Basic Fighting Technique" and "Basic Fighting Technique" are different.

Because of the difference in the endurance of the soul power and the way the soul power flows to the bones, the sound of the awakened person using the "Basic Fighting Technique" is the sound of the bursting of beans.

The sound of the soul power of "Basic Fighting Technique" being subjected to the reaction force is the sound of bubbles bursting, and there is an obvious difference between the two.

In Wanlin Academy, generally in the first year of freshman, the level of "Basic Fighting Technique" will be raised to the seventh or eighth level and then begin to practice "Basic Fighting Technique".

If the talent is higher, you can upgrade the "Basic Fighting Technique" to the sixth and seventh levels in the sophomore period, and have the conditions to start practicing higher-level fighting techniques.

And as Chu Huan is now, he is just a sophomore, and "Basic Fighting Technique" has already reached the ninth level. It does not mean that it has never appeared, but it is very rare.

At the same time, those present also knew why Chu Huan still accepted the challenge even though he knew the level gap between himself and Huang Mengtao.

The ninth-level "Basic Fighting Technique" is already enough for Chu Huan to have the strength to leapfrog.

In addition, Huang Mengtao is another cross-department challenge this time.

In the case of not being able to use the tool soul and the tool soul skills, with the ninth level "Basic Fighting Technique", Chu Huan is not necessarily without a chance of winning.

The students around were so surprised when they learned that Chu Huan's "Elementary Fighting Technique" had reached the ninth level, not to mention Huang Mengtao who was on the ring at the moment.

Looking at Chu Huan, who was able to compete with him, Huang Mengtao was shocked.

"How is it possible? This guy's "Elementary Fighting Technique" can actually reach the ninth level?"

It was also because of the momentary distraction brought by the surprise that Huang Mengtao's movements were slightly delayed.

The next second, while Huang Mengtao was stunned, Chu Huan's fist appeared on Huang Mengtao's head.


It was like being hit on the head by a hammer weighing thousands of pounds. After Huang Mengtao's head shook a few times, his body hesitated a few times and then sat on the ground with his buttocks.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

"The result of the challenge, the sophomore student of the auxiliary department, Chu Huan wins!"

Almost at the moment when Huang Mengtao was knocked to the ground, Zheng Kaige, who was beside the ring, immediately spoke up.

Hearing the voice echoing in his ears, Chu Huan was not only not happy, but a black line.

Originally, in Chu Huan's plan, he relied on the ninth level "Basic Fighting Technique" to have a relationship with Huang Mengtao.

When both sides were exhausted, Chu Huan's side found a chance to narrowly win.

In this case, the next time the game is set up again, the game will have a gambling element to attract students from Wanlin University to bet.

But after all the calculations, Chu Huan never thought that Huang Mengtao would be so stupid that he was distracted when he was fighting.

As a result, Chu Huan's punch that obviously suppressed the speed was not immediately defended and then was directly blinded.

"This guy has a brain, right? Stupid!"

Bronze three-star, must have entered the secret realm of beasts many times.

The combat experience will be much stronger than the little Loli.

But the basic rule of not being distracted in battle is not even clear.

Chu Huan is really curious about how Tie Hanhan like Huang Mengtao has survived until now?

While thinking about it, Chu Huan said with a stunned face: "Well, why don't we count it again?"

Zheng Kaige: "??????"

Other students: "??????"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, everyone present was stunned.

Zheng Kaige looked at Chu Huan in amazement and said, "Are you serious?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Since it's a challenge, it's natural to be fair and just, fight with all your strength, and even if you lose, you can absorb experience through the battle, and you can be ashamed and brave."

"But just now, classmate Huang was distracted for some reason. Otherwise, my punch would not have hit him, so I felt it was necessary to do it again!"

While speaking, Chu Huan's face was serious and sincere.


Taking Chu Huan's response and the expression on his face at the moment, everyone present couldn't help but give a compliment in their hearts.

Although Wanlin University is one of the nine top universities.

But the school's various rules and credit system is 3.6 to encourage students to compete with each other.

If you want to get better resources and improve your level and strength, you have to fight for resources.

Among the challenges among students in the past, although it cannot be described as omnipotent.

But in order to succeed in the challenge, it is normal to ask students from the auxiliary department to add a buff to themselves before playing.

Where can Chu Huan be like now, he has already won, but he still wants to do it again.

It is also for this reason that Chu Huan's performance at the moment is particularly obvious to everyone.

Freshmen may not feel much.

But sophomores, juniors and even seniors, Chu Huan was exuding a sincere and mellow quality.

It's almost like putting the "reliable" label on Chu Huan. .

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