Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 197 Ghost Bride is equal to a flying mount? (25)

After successfully admiring the transformed puppets around him, Chu Huan also began to move quickly with these puppets as his soul power returned to full value.

Under the uniform movements of the thirty-six rock puppets transformed into necromancers, the movement of these necromantic rock puppets is definitely not small.

Even if they were two or three hundred meters apart, they could feel the vibrations on the ground from the movement of these undead rock puppets.

Under such a movement.

A rock puppet slowly raised its head and looked in the direction of the sound.

Almost at the moment when the sight just turned, this rock puppet had already seen the thirty-six undead puppets that had already rushed in front of it.

On the shoulder of the undead puppet at the end, there was also a human riding on it.


In the daze of this rock puppet, the thirty-six undead swarmed up.

In just a few seconds, this rock puppet was beaten to death by rounds.

The whole process Chu Huan only needs to give a thought, and does not need specific manipulation.

Under the suppression of this quantity, the rock puppet just became cold.

Seeing this, Chu Huan couldn't help smiling with satisfaction.

Even a vicious beast like a rock puppet can be eliminated in an instant with Chu Huan's strength.

But it doesn't matter a few times, and over time, it will definitely cost a lot of physical strength.

So, consider the issue of sustainability.

Even after the various attributes of the body are improved.

Chu Huan's way of dealing with these beasts is to concentrate and play a song to these beasts.

Let them accompany Huangquan and walk unrestrainedly.

But at this moment, with the increase in the number of puppets that he can control.

Chu Huan can completely rely on the number of rounds to die.

And the efficiency of hunting is not much slower.

And Chu Huan doesn't need to move on his own yet.

The only problem may be that the undead puppet he is riding now has a bit of a diaphragm and a diaphragm.

After all, the structure of the rock puppet's body is a rock that is dozens of times stiffer than granite.

Coupled with the shock caused by the rapid movement.

Even if it was only a few minutes now, Chu Huan, who was riding on the shoulders of this undead puppet, felt a little nervous.

If it is like this for a long time, Chu Huan is not sure whether it will wear off a layer of skin.

But I'm afraid that my pants will definitely be worn out.

"It seems that if you choose the secret realm of beasts in the future, you still need to find some beasts that are softer and easier to ride!"

After muttering in his heart, Chu Huan glanced around subconsciously.

And when his eyes fell on the nine ghost brides beside him, a thought suddenly popped into Chu Huan's mind.

"These ghost brides are themselves ghosts, and the way they move is also floating."

"Would it be more stable if I let them drag me?"

Thinking, Chu Huan thought.

After controlling the soul power fluctuations in this ghost bride's body to manifest and become tactile.

Chu Huan jumped lightly and rode directly and steadily on the ghost bride's shoulder, and then pressed a hand on the ghost bride's head with a red hood to stabilize the center.

And being ridden by a big man like Chu Huan, this ghost bride didn't react at all.

Feel free to ride on your shoulders and do whatever you want.

In the control room, the ghost bride dragged Chu Huan slowly into the air.

"Eh? Really!"

Looking at the ghost bride floating steadily in the air at the moment, Chu Huan's eyes lit up.

Then I tried to let the ghost bride drag her and move quickly.

Sure enough, just as Chu Huan thought, Chu Huan didn't feel the slightest bump in the movement.

And the speed is much faster than the rock puppet.

Not only that, under Chu Huan's control, this ghost bride is still dragging Chu Huan's constant height.

In this state of being told to move in the air, Chu Huan, who obviously does not have the soul skill of the Awakener's aircraft, actually felt the same feeling of flying.

You know, human beings have an incomparable yearning for the sky.

Otherwise, there would be no such means of transportation as airplanes.

But at this moment, after riding a ghost bride into the sky, Chu Huan can say responsibly that flying and flying are completely two different feelings.

At this moment, after determining the new usage of his ghost bride, Chu Huan played in the air like a child who got a new toy.

Sometimes he controls the ghost bride under him to fly high, sometimes fall, sometimes accelerate and sometimes stand still.

Just like that, after playing for a few minutes, Chu Huan fell from the air.

Looking at the ghost bride who is 7 meters tall and has no regrets, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

"So, these transformed ghost brides can also be used as flying mounts for me?"

After successfully unlocking the new gameplay of Ghost Bride, Chu Huan felt extremely comfortable.

However, this kind of gameplay is too conspicuous, and it can only be played like this when there is no one else in the depths of the beast secret realm.

Under the control of my heart, the other four ghost brides surrounding Chu Huan suddenly stood face to face in two rows and raised their arms in unison.

After sitting firmly on the arms of the four-legged ghost bride and taking out a bag of potato chips, Chu Huan controlled the undead puppets in front of him and continued to move.

However, not long after Chu Huan's side left, Matthew Cheng and Pang Jiang also appeared in front of the rock puppet who had just been killed by Chu Huan's undead puppet, Lun Ou.

Looking in the direction where Chu Huan was leaving, and using his mental power to get Chu Huan, who was sitting on the arms of the four ghost brides and eating potato chips, Matthew Cheng said in a complicated tone: "dammit, is this kid going to heaven? I actually thought of this way of playing. What about using that ghost as a mount?"

Pang Jiang said with a wry smile: "Yes! This kid actually uses these ghosts as a means of transportation. No one has this brain circuit!"

Matthew Cheng curled his lips and said, "Hey! I think it's just lazy!"

But having said that, the envy in the eyes of Matthew and the others could not be hidden.

"Such a tool soul skill, I and the others really want one!"

Taking the envy in Matthew Cheng's eyes into his eyes, Pang Jiang couldn't help shaking his head, and he was also sighing in his heart.

To be honest, before contacting Chu Huan, Matthew Cheng had never seen any awakened person like Chu Huan in the secret realm of beasts.

Simply maddened. .

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