Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 162 I don't know how to die when I get it up (25 for subscription, data support)

As we all know, most beasts are quite sensitive to smells.

In the secret realm of beasts, even the slightest smell of blood may attract the beasts within two or three kilometers.

If you encounter some beasts with a particularly sensitive sense of smell, the floating range will also become farther.

Even seven or eight kilometers is not impossible!


Under normal circumstances, the average female awakened will basically not enter the secret realm of beasts during the monthly vacation.

I was afraid that those beasts would follow the scent of these female awakened aunts and come to join relatives and lead their entire team to annihilate.

At that time, she will have to go downstairs to see her aunt.

A little bloody smell is like this!

Not to mention that now, like Chu Huan, he is stoking hot pot in this secret realm of beasts.

What's the difference between this and longevity?

How greedy is it to be able to do such a thing in the secret realm of beasts?


After returning to God 01, the first of the five pickets, the Awakener named Ge Qingsong, whispered and hurriedly moved away.

However, before leaving, the eyes of the five people couldn't help but stay in the pot in front of Chu Huan for a few seconds.

"Hmm! The mutton is cooked..."

Ge Qingsong still noticed that Chu Huan was holding sesame sauce and a sesame oil dish in front of him.

The most excessive is that there is garlic and coriander in the sesame oil dish.

"I'm pretty good at eating...dammit, I'll eat you to death."

Looking at Chu Huan enjoying the moment, Ge Qingsong thought fiercely in his heart.

With a bit of reluctance to part, Ge Qingsong and the five swallowed their saliva in unison and left quickly.

It was also after the five people from the picket office left and entered the blood fog, Wei Tao, who had been slightly on guard because of the five people, relaxed.

Wei Tao looked at the beef jerky in his hand and then looked at Chu Huan next to him.

But just when Wei Tao opened his mouth to propose the idea of ​​​​wanting to eat, Chu Huan on the side seemed to notice something and spoke casually.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, the people from the picket office have come back."

During the time when he entered the secret realm of beasts, Wei Tao and several people were amazed by Chu Huan's strength and behavior.

And unknowingly, they have begun to sincerely regard Chu Huan as the backbone.

Now that they heard Chu Huan's words, the four of them were not immediately alerted by the slightest suspicion.

At the same time as the muscles tightened instantly, the eyes of the four people quickly glanced around.

A few seconds later, Zhou Qiang, who had the best eyesight among them, lowered his voice and said, "Two o'clock."

Wei Tao and the others looked in the direction indicated by Zhou Qiang without a trace.

Sure enough, in the direction of several people at eight o'clock, a few figures could be vaguely seen in the blood mist that were quickly circled from the front of them to the position behind them.

But in the next second, these figures disappeared from sight again because of the blood fog and distance.

If it wasn't for Chu Huan's warning, it would have been impossible to notice Ge Qingsong and the others' surprise after careful observation.

Li Yuanzheng couldn't help but scolded when he found out that things were really just like what Chu Huan said.

"Damn, these guys in the picket office are still doing their best as always, they actually want to play around."

Here, a piece of mutton was sandwiched between two chopsticks and gently moved in the pot. Chu Huan glanced at the direction of the movement of the information panels, his eyes were also slightly cold.

After learning about the relationship between Fu Wenbo and the picket's Sun Changde, Chu Huan guessed that after entering the secret realm of beasts this time, the other awakened people were not necessarily friends or enemies.

But if you meet an awakened person in the picket, I am afraid that everyone in the picket will have to beg for death.

For example now.

Obviously Ge Qingsong and several others have already left, but now they are back.

Still in this way of going around in a circle, it is obvious what the purpose is!

However, as time went back, Chu Huan looked at Wei Tao and the others who were still sitting next to him, Chu Huan couldn't help but ask with a strange expression, "What are you waiting for?"

Hearing this, Wei Tao and the others did not react for a while and said stunned: "What are you waiting for?"

Chu Huan asked a little speechlessly: "What do you think the guys at the picket are trying to do now?"

Li Yuanzheng touched his head and said, "It should be trying to do something to us!"

Seeing this, Chu Huan stared at a few people as if he were a fool and said, "Since you know, are you planning to fight back after they start? Can't you be the first to catch them off guard? Do you have to be so passive?"


Hearing this, Wei Tao said with a bitter face: "We want to do it, but the blood fog around the problem is around, we don't know where they are now!"

Seeing that the four of them didn't seem to have much experience, Chu Huan said helplessly: "They have to go around in a circle now, obviously they want to move behind us before starting."

"They go around in circles, and you run a few steps to find a grass or a tree to squat, aren't you just waiting for the rabbit?"

Listening to Chu Huan's words, Wei Tao's eyes lit up with a sudden look.

833 "F*ck! That's right! There is blood fog, and the guys at the picket can't see our movements now."

Wei Tao's eyes lit up, a look of stunned expression.

Afterwards, they all turned around and quickly moved forward fifty meters to hide their bodies.

At this point, Chu Huan rolled his eyes and sighed inwardly.

"If there are other enemies I meet in the future, it would be nice to have more like these! I'm so stupid, I don't know how to die."

After muttering, Chu Huan continued to focus on the pot in front of him.

"Cuckoo... ah... it smells so good!"

Chu Huan ate happily here, while Wei Tao and the others, who were hiding in the trees or in the grass as Chu Huan said, didn't seem to be nervous.

I don't know if it was the first time that the four of them were so sinister as they were now, and the four of them didn't even dare to take a breath.

Soon, while the four of them were waiting, several figures quietly passed through the layers of blood mist and slowly entered the sight of the four of them.

It was Ge Qingsong who had gone and returned to spare a large circle before.

Looking at Ge Qingsong who were approaching but didn't notice them at the moment, both Wei Tao and Zhou Qiang's eyes flashed.

Like a hunter who finds his prey about to be caught. .

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