Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 160 If you don't want to take the trouble to donate your brain, can you? (55 ask for su

In the black woodland, the thick fog lingered.

Occasionally there was a low roar and screams suddenly sounded, but in an instant it was annihilated and silent.

And in this secret realm, Xu Xu's music continued to spread from Chu Huan's side.

Wei Tao and others surrounded Chu Huan and followed Chu Huan's constant movement.

Behind Chu Huan and the others, there were abyss bloody corpses who kept stalking and howling.

Under the influence of Quyin, more blood corpses from the abyss crawled out of the ground to join the army and wanted to kill the animal that was singing and disturbing the people in the middle of the night.

Tap your toes lightly and move quickly around at a constant speed.

Half an hour later, with Wei Tao and the four resting on the side, Chu Huan, who was holding a beast crystal to restore his soul power, looked at his system points that were increasing wildly at the moment, the smile on Chu Huan's face was bright. a lot.

When dealing with these abyss blood corpses before, even Chu Huan needed to smash the heads of these abyss blood corpses to completely kill these abyss blood corpses.

Otherwise, the blood volume of these abyss blood corpses will be forced to drop to 1 point, and they will fall into a state of suspended animation.

But after half an hour of tossing, Chu Huan discovered that through the continuous damage in the range of "The Divine Comedy", it was possible to directly clear the blood of these abyss blood corpses to zero.

That is, a complete kill.

You must know that in these abyss blood corpses, in addition to their own soul crystals, there are some blood crystals in their brains.

And under the absorption, it is also the same as the system points converted from the beast crystals of the black iron nine stars of these abyss blood corpses themselves.

In other words, for Chu Huan, these abyss blood corpses are basically a buy-one-get-one-free situation.

Killing one more is to earn one more black iron nine-star system point.

In addition, Chu Huan also found another situation.

That is the blood fog around, although it will affect the sight and five senses of Chu Huan and others.

But it couldn't affect Chu Huan's Tool Soul skill.

That is to say, Chu Huan's music can clearly cover the surrounding area of ​​1000 meters.

This situation also allowed Chu Huan to gain system points that used to take an hour and a half to earn in just half an hour.

A full 300,000 system points.

According to this calculation, 600,000 system points per hour, and then working hard for 12 hours a day is 7.2 million.

Thinking of this, Chu Huan couldn't help but took a deep breath and whispered, "Is this heaven?"

However, when the voice came out, Wei Tao, who was resting at the moment, blinked.

After calming down for a few seconds, Wei Tao couldn't help but look at Wang Xinyue next to him and said, "What did the boss just say? I suspect I'm hallucinating!"

Hearing this, Wang Xinyue said with a strange expression, "He said this is still heaven."

Wei Tao: "??????"

Listening to Wang Xinyue's words, Wei Tao, who was sure that he had no hallucinations, looked blank.


Then he looked at the position behind the crowd.

Looking at the endless corpses of beasts along the way, Wei Tao didn't understand where Chu Huan's strange idea came from?

Soon, after ten minutes, Chu Huan took out a notebook from the space watch, looking at the four who were still recovering their soul power through the beast crystal.

Then take out a pen and sketch on the notebook.

On the other hand, Wang Xinyue, who basically did not consume much soul power from beginning to end, watched Chu Huan's movements and couldn't help but stepped forward and glanced curiously.

Chu Huan did not stop Wang Xinyue's actions.

Still, while reminiscing, I kept sketching the pattern on the notebook.

After carefully looking at Chu Huan's notebook, Wang Xinyue asked in confusion, "Boss, are you drawing a topographic map of the secret realm of this beast?"

Hearing Wang Xinyue's voice, Wei Tao and the others who were chatting at the same time also turned their attention to the two sides with a bit of curiosity on their faces.

Chu Huan responded with a soft "um".

Seeing this, Wang Xinyue said curiously, "But isn't our mission this time to get that special spar? We didn't ask to draw a topographic map of this secret realm!"

Chu Huan glanced at Wang Xinyue and said, "Then tell me, where did we come from?"

Hearing this, Wang Xinyue raised her hand subconsciously and said, "We are from..."

However, the first few words had just been exported, and Wang Xinyue suddenly got stuck.

0 ·For flowers

Not only Wang Xinyue, but also Wei Tao and the others tried their best to recall, and found that they did not know the route they moved after entering through the secret passage.

At this time, Wang Xinyue and Wei Tao suddenly realized the problem.

It is different from the previous time when entering the secret realm of beasts.

Because even if the light in the secret realm of tasting is different, the general line of sight will not be affected by too much eyes.

Within a few hundred meters, several people can still see clearly.

Under such circumstances, no matter how everyone moves in the secret realm of beasts, it is enough to return to the original path in the end.

But this time, the mysterious realm of beasts was filled with blood mist everywhere.

Under these blood mists, their line of sight can only see the situation within a range of tens of meters.

........ 0

It has been more than an hour since entering the secret realm. In this state of blocked vision and continuous battles and rapid movement, several people still know where they came from.

Looking at the few people who were stuck in place, Chu Huan really wanted to say, if you don't want to take the trouble to donate your brain, can you?

After shaking his head, Chu Huan sighed: "I can understand why the Awakened Association had such a high mortality rate when entering the secret realm of these special beasts or exploring the wilderness, you are really frank enough, nothing consider?"

The world is full of smart people.

There must be a lot of people even smarter than Chu Huan.

But the problem is that these smart people all have a big problem, that is, they like to be reckless.

The idea that the Awakened's strength comes first is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although this is true in many cases, in many cases, it has made many people develop the habit of using their hands and brains first.

And the more talented and powerful, the more he likes to rely on his strength to speak.

They are all gradually "smart" in the way of eating a lot of money and becoming wiser, and then they become sophisticated in their behavior.

Therefore, after realizing this trend, Chu Huan secretly set a position for himself in his heart.

Be the one who lets other people eat a sting.

After all, suffering is a blessing. Chu Huan feels that he is lucky enough. It is what he should do to distribute more blessings to more people who need them.

This is called selflessness. Ten thousand.

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