Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 152 Is this a normal conversation between teachers and students? (25 ask for monthly pass an

In the curiosity of several people, Chu Huan said slowly: "The effect of other tool soul skills may not be good for you, but my buff tool soul skill can double your "Agility" attribute buff effect. "

But that is to say, Chu Huan wrapped the surrounding with soul power in the process, so that only a few of them can hear the current conversation.

Wei Tao and the others: "????"

After a simple sentence came out, Wei Tao's four eyes blinked, as if they didn't respond.

"How much, how much?"

After a while, Li Yuanzheng, one of the four, was the one who was stunned, with a face that seemed to be hallucinating just now.

Not to mention Li Yuanzheng, even the reactions of several other people were surprisingly consistent.

They all sound like they heard it wrong.

Seeing the reaction of the four, Fu Wenbo on the side said, "Don't think about it, this kid is an S-rank talent, and one of the effects of the BUFF Soul Skill is that it can double the "Agility" attribute."

After receiving confirmation from Fu Wenbo, the four of them all cried out in unison, "Fuck!", and their expressions instantly turned dull.

After more than ten seconds, Wei Tao and the four recovered their eyes and looked at each other, looking at each other and bowing slightly, "Big boss!"

During the conversation, the attitude of the four of them almost wrote the word "seeking cover" on their faces!

The reactions before and after the four rooms can be said to be completely different.

Fu Wenbo said, "Don't look at this kid's youth. In terms of strength, the four of you can't beat this kid together. In terms of black heart, I can't play this kid. I advise you to be careful." 01

As Fu Wenbo broke out the successive messages, Wei Tao and the four listened with more and more consternation on their faces.

As Fu Wenbo, there is no need to deceive them with these words.

Natural authenticity does not need to be considered.

Naturally, looking at Chu Huan's shy appearance now, no matter how many people look at it, they all feel that Chu Huan is not as black-bellied and powerful as Fu Wenbo described.

Seeing Fu Wenbo revealing his situation so quickly, Chu Huan couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "I said, Mr. Fu, you're boring!"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo said angrily, "They're all members of the Awakened Association, and they'll be working together as a team. Are you still asking me if you're embarrassed?"

Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "Didn't I just want to surprise the enemy after going in for a while? If I can't deceive myself, how can I deceive others?"

Everyone: "........"

If Wei Tao still had doubts in his heart before.

So now Chu Huan's words are out, which undoubtedly proves that Chu Huan is definitely an old man.

For a time, when the four of them looked at Chu Huan, their eyes changed.

"Co-authoring from the beginning to the end, this harmless appearance of humans and animals is all fake!"

Thinking of this, the four of them looked at Chu Huan with strange eyes.

Fu Wenbo shook his head involuntarily when he saw the four of them in hindsight.

Originally, what Fu Wenbo thought yesterday was to wait until he entered the secret realm of beasts, and when Chu Huan used the Soul Tool skill on the four of them, the four of them would naturally be able to change their attitude towards Chu Huan.

But after a night, Fu Wenbo felt that this was still too risky.

In Fu Wenbo's understanding, Chu Huan is not only able to hide, but the key is to be ruthless.

This can be seen from the few people in the picket who were completely maimed and could not help themselves.

When it's time to strike, Chu Huan strikes and it's really black.

The reason why I let a few people chat with each other before entering the secret realm of beasts is to let them know Chu Huan's tool soul skills and let them understand the importance of Chu Huan.

So that these guys in the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm will provoke Chu Huan for a while, and then Chu Huan will be the first to beat up not the enemy but his own.

So now, Fu Wenbo still gives a few people the truth in advance, so that a few people can be obedient after entering the secret realm of beasts.

Avoid getting beaten up.

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The sinister nature of people's hearts is most vividly shown in Chu Huan.

"Sure enough, it's not unreasonable to say that playing routines has a dirty heart!"

It was also in Fu Wenbo's heart that he sighed,

Several other cars slowly drove in from one side of the blockade.

Looking at the Peugeots at the pickets on the vehicle, Fu Wenbo narrowed his eyes and said, "Oh! The key opponent is here!"

Chu Huan and the others also turned their heads to look at the rapidly approaching cars in the distance.

After a while, as the vehicle stopped, more than a dozen people slowly stepped off the vehicle.

But when looking at the middle-aged man in his forties, with a slightly fat body and a smile, Fu Wenbo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It turned out to be this guy leading the team, and the picket office attaches so much importance to this special beast secret realm?"

Hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Fu, do you know this person?"

Fu Wenbo nodded lightly and said, "This guy is called Sun Changde. I heard that he entered the Golden Nine Stars not long ago. He has a good name, but in fact his personality and behavior are completely different from his name. To achieve the goal, it can be said that there is no limit to anything.”

Chu Huan thought for a while and said, "I know so well, could it be possible that Teacher Fu suffered a loss in front of him before?"

Fu Wenbo sneered and said, "Just him? Dream about it! I was beaten up once by me for a chance, so the contradiction is bigger."

However, in the face of Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan pouted and shook his head: "Tsk tsk, the golden nine stars were beaten by the silver three stars!"

Listening to Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo was slightly silent but did not continue to speak.

Noticing Fu Wenbo's situation, Chu Huan guessed in his mind: "Could it be that, Mr. Fu, your previous level was also gold?"

Fu Wenbo said in a low voice, "Don't guess!"

Those three simple words made Chu Huan feel even more puzzled.

Chu Huan was weird before.

Since it is said that Fu Wenbo's teacher is a character like Li Tianyang, why should he not be so miserable now.

Moreover, the level of silver three-star is a bit unreasonable.

Now it seems that there are some reasons that I don't know that caused Fu Wenbo's rank to drop to three silver stars.

While thinking in Chu Huan's mind, Sun Changde, who got out of the car, glanced around and gathered on Chu Huan's side.

To be precise, it was gathered on Fu Wenbo's body.

Looking at Fu Wenbo, who looked neither sad nor happy, Sun Changde in the distance slowly walked over after a slight twitching of the corner of his mouth.

"Isn't this paying the team? I haven't seen you in a few years, stay safe!"

As he spoke, Sun Changde stretched out his hand.

Just as Sun Changde stretched out his hand, Fu Wenbo didn't respond, just looked at Sun Changde indifferently.

In this regard, the smile on Sun Changde's mouth not only did not decrease, but instead became more publicized.

"Heh, it seems that our Fu team is really as rumored, because of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm, the strength has dropped greatly. After changing the previous, the Fu team's temper will not be as indifferent as it is now!"

Facing what Sun Changde said, Fu Wenbo took a light breath and said slowly, "You were beaten by me."

Sun Changde's smile paused for a while, and after the coldness in his eyes passed, the smile on his face also decreased slightly.

"Heh, Fu Wenbo, do you think that you have been thrown into a small place like Linhai City, are you still qualified to show off your strength in front of me?"

Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "I'm not showing off my power, I'm just telling a fact, you were beaten by me seven years ago, and you were beaten badly! Don't say you don't remember?"

While speaking, Fu Wenbo looked serious.

Hearing Fu Wenbo's words in his ears, the people at the picket office behind Sun Changde couldn't help looking at Fu Wenbo and then at Sun Changde in amazement.

Obviously, he was a little surprised by the dark history of Sun Changde.

Feeling the gazes of those behind him, Sun Changde's fists clenched subconsciously.

After a while, the gloomy Sun Changde hummed coldly: "Hmph, I haven't seen you for so many years, and your mouth is still so hard. I want to see how hard your mouth is."

After speaking, Sun Changde was already leading the people behind him to the side.

"Hey! After so many years, it's still such a good face."

Seeing Sun Changde walk aside, Fu Wenbo smiled in satisfaction.

Suddenly, I felt that the past few years in Linhai City were not in vain.

Taking the recent example, as he got closer to Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo felt that his skin had grown a lot thicker.

The infuriating kung fu is also on the rise.

Thinking about it, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but look at Chu Huan next to him, with a smile in his eyes.

Chu Huan: "????? What does it mean when you suddenly look at me and smile?"

Before Chu Huan could figure out what Fu Wenbo's sudden smile meant, he turned his attention to the five Awakened team behind Sun Changde.

After pondering for a while, Fu Wenbo said: "Boy, Sun Changde is now a member of the Magic City Picket Office. Although he is not the person in charge of the Magic City Picket Office, his authority is not low."

"Since this guy brought people here in person this time, I am afraid that the strength and talent are not low, and now the old and new hatred, I am afraid that the people at the picket office will not be very friendly after entering."

"After entering, you should pay more attention, don't kill too hard, you can kill them all if you have a chance, and when you start, do it cleanly."

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Don't worry! I'm familiar with this aspect, and I guarantee that I won't leave any traces after I do it."

Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "I believe you!"


Hearing the conversation between Fu Wenbo and Chu Huan, Wei Tao and the others grinned.

From the previous chat, several people also know the teacher-student relationship between Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo

A good relationship is as it should be.

But now the problem is, although Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo are teachers and students.

But now the conversation between the two, is this a normal conversation between teachers and students?

Several people felt that their student life was a little different from that of Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo. .

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