Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 142 The pants have to lose (25 ask for a monthly pass)

After successfully destroying several corpses with potion, Fu Wenbo waved his hand.

After coming out of the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm passage, the Awakeners of the Awakeners Association who were cleaning the grounds outside the base have disappeared.

After walking to the gate of the base, Fu Wenbo glanced at Zhou Hao and the three of them and asked, "How much do they know?"

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "I've also seen a few of my Tool Soul skills!"

Fu Wenbo said angrily, "I saw your Tool Soul skill! I saw you do it yourself, right!"

"Huh? How did you know, Teacher Fu?"

Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo in surprise.

In response, Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and then gestured to the three of Zhou Hao: "Follow me!"

Hearing this, the three of them all looked at Chu Huan in unison, with a bit of panic on their faces.

Noticing the sight of the three of them, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry! I'm going to the Awakened Association, and I won't do anything to the three of you."

Chu Huan's words just came out, but this time it was Fu Wenbo's turn to be surprised.

"Boy, how did you know that I was going to take you to the Awakened Association?"

Chu Huan said in a low voice: "This time, the matter involves the picket office, and the matter is obviously not over! If the three of them go back by themselves, it will not be long before they will be taken away by the picket office."

"If the follow-up matters need to be dealt with, is it possible that it can still be a school? Where else can I go other than the Awakened Association?"

In other words, Chu Huan was a little surprised.

Those who took care of the base before clearly belonged to the Awakened Association.

Moreover, in his words and deeds, Fu Wenbo did not take the people at the picket in the slightest, and he killed him if he wanted to.

This kind of behavior made Chu Huan have to sigh that there is a backstage.

Being a teacher is not an ordinary arrogance.

After learning that Chu Huan guessed the reason why they were going to the Awakened Association, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but glanced at Chu Huan and said, "You are really calm! Your mind is so flexible at this time. , I thought you would panic for a while, at least for now."

Saying that, Fu Wenbo glanced at Zhou Hao and the three of them and said, "You three don't get too close to this kid, lest you learn badly."

Being signaled by Fu Wenbo like this, the three suddenly laughed bitterly.

In Fu Wenbo's words a second ago, Chu Huan was also praised for his agility and calmness.

Now tell them this, isn't this a disguised way of saying that they are not calm enough and their brains are not flexible?

But looking at Chu Huan, who seemed harmless to humans and animals with a sloppy face and a gentle smile on his face, the three of them couldn't help but sigh.

I feel that the meaning of Fu Wenbo's words is correct.

From the beginning to the end, the three of them were just bystanders, and their heads were a little numb after everything.

But Chu Huan, who was the party involved, could not see any difference.

In terms of single-mindedness, Chu Huan dumped them a few streets away.

Afterwards, when he got into Fu Wenbo's car and drove towards Linhai City, Chu Huan looked as usual along the way.

But I don't know if it was because of Fu Wenbo's ruthlessness and his method of destroying corpses and destroying traces that Zhou Hao and the others were frightened.

When they were in the car, the three of them all sat upright.

The vehicle went all the way to the Awakened Association after entering Linhai City.

After entering the office building behind the Awakened Association, Fu Wenbo took Chu Huan directly into an office.

After speaking to the three of Zhou Hao seriously and stunned the three of them, Fu Wenbo pressed a phone button on the desk and said a few words, and a staff member of the Awakened Association entered the room respectfully. among.

"You take the three of them to sign a nondisclosure agreement."

When the door was closed and only Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo were left in the room, Chu Huan said "tsk tsk", "I said, Mr. Fu, you have this position in the Awakened Association to teach at Tianlin Middle School. book?"

Fu Wenbo said casually: "Some things can be done in private, but not necessarily everyone knows."

Chu Huan shrugged and the sloppy expression on his face calmed down a little and said, "Mr. Fu, what are you going to do with this matter?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo sneered, "How to deal with it? You'll know in a while!"

Seeing that Fu Wenbo didn't say anything, Chu Huan was not in a hurry.

Fu Wenbo was able to appear in the secret realm of beasts before, and this alone is enough to make Chu Huan's trust in Wenbo greatly increased.

Anyway, Fu Wenbo had a good idea. When it comes to the picket office, it's not up to a student like Chu Huan to worry about the others.

After that, Chu Huan changed the subject: "But it's strange, although the amount of winnings I got this time is not too small, and it adds up to a few platinum stars, but I won't let the picket watch. Come on me, what's the problem here?"

Although the Jintang Club is the property of the picket office, Chu Huan's lottery is quite a lot for ordinary low-level awakened people.

But if you really want to count it, it is only equivalent to the hard work earned by a silver-level awakened person for several months.

The picket office wouldn't specifically investigate itself just for this, and it took so much trouble to send someone to chase the beasts to the secret realm.

If he waited a few times and waited until the winnings turned into dozens of platinum-level beast crystals, Chu Huan could still figure it out.

Now, in Chu Huan's opinion, it's a bit of a fuss.

However, when Chu Huan lowered his head and muttered, he did not notice Fu Wenbo's slightly dodging eyes and somewhat embarrassed expression.

After a while, Fu Wenbo coughed lightly: "What's the matter, maybe the picket has won more money than you and made the picket lose money this time, that's why they're asking you for trouble!"

Chu Huan spread his hands and said, "Even if that's the case, you should go to those who have won a lot. Why are you looking for me? I'm looking for a student like me for no reason... eh? No!"

However, just when Chu Huan had not finished his words, Chu Huan suddenly raised his brows as if he had thought of something.

"The reason why the picket office came to me this time must be at a loss, otherwise the reaction would not be so big."

"But in the two openings of the Jintang Club, Tianlin Middle School was relatively disadvantaged. You can know the amount of the bet every time you place a bet."

"Basically, that kind of bet is for those who don't want to bet on anything other than pure luck."

"And to make the picket lose money, at least you have to make a big bet, but if you don't have enough self-confidence, it's impossible for ordinary people to make a big bet on Tianlin Middle School."

Having said that, Chu Huan suddenly squinted at Fu Wenbo and narrowed his eyes.

"Mr. Fu, how much did you bet these two times?"

"Cough cough... not much!"

Hearing Chu Huan's analysis, Fu Wenbo couldn't help coughing, and quickly picked up the water on the table to moisten his throat.

But seeing Fu Wenbo's reaction in his eyes, Chu Huan's doubts increased rather than decreased.

Afterwards, Chu Huan said with a sullen face, "You did the co-authoring this time?"

The only people who knew that Tianlin Middle School would win twice were Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo, besides Wang Qiang.

And Wang Qiang and several others always go with Chu Huan every time they receive the bonus, and the sum of their two bonuses is much less than that of Chu Huan.

Naturally, after much deliberation, the only target is Fu Wenbo!

The Silver Three Star Awakened still has a great connection with the Awakened Association, not to mention the connections.

It may be a little difficult for other silver-level awakeners to borrow a lot of money.

But with Li Tianyang, the director of the Awakened Association, as a teacher, it would definitely not be difficult for Fu Wenbo to raise money.

While Fu Wenbo won big money, Chu Huan won small money.

Both of them bought two and two, both made heavy bets, and they were both from Tianlin Middle School.

The key point is that Chu Huan is still a student in Fu Wenbo's class.

Thinking of this, Chu Huan's eyes 817 suddenly became resentful.

Being looked at by Chu Huan like this, Fu Wenbo didn't know why Chu Huan should have guessed the reason now!

"This stinky boy, does he have an exquisite heart? Does his mind change so fast?"

After complaining in his heart, Fu Wenbo sighed and said, "I didn't know that Xie Wenbin from the picket office was so stingy, or it was because he won the picket office that he was so aggressive."

Facing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan was full of disbelief: "How much did you win this time?"

Fu Wenbo touched his nose and said, "That's not much, just tens of millions!"

"Hehe, Teacher Fu, please be more specific!" Chu Huan said with his arms crossed.

If Chu Huan had the usual attitude, Fu Wenbo would quit immediately.

But this time, Fu Wenbo was the first to lose. Facing Chu Huan's current complaints, Fu Wenbo really had no choice.

Immediately, after sighing, Fu Wenbo said sincerely: "Not much, and I won more than 67 million."

"Sixty-seven million, just winning, pure profit, deducting the original bet, 1.8 of the bet amount, I will go, equivalent to more than forty platinum one-star beast crystals, where did you get so many?"

After a quick calculation in his heart, Chu Huan was shocked.

Before Chu Huan felt that Fu Wenbo's bets would definitely not be less.

But Chu Huan estimated that there were at most hundreds of silver-level beast crystals.

How could he have thought that Fu Wenbo was playing so ruthlessly, that Haizi Street had collected more than 40 platinum one-star beast crystals.

No wonder the people at the picket responded so strongly.

This is a total loss of red eyes, okay!

If you don't find the cause, I'm afraid you will lose your pants next time.

Fu Wenbo pouted and said, "I borrowed it from everywhere."

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Huan immediately spread his hands and said, "Mental loss, lost work and back-up costs."

Looking at Chu Huan's outstretched hand, Fu Wenbo grinned.

"dammit, I knew it!".

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