Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 135 Can you recognize this formation? (55 ask for a monthly pass)

In such a change, Chu Huan also clearly saw that on the information panels on the heads of these people, the values ​​suddenly soared to more than forty points one by one.

Obviously, after Chu Huan killed a companion of Wang Zheng and others, he succeeded in stimulating Wang Zheng and others.

Taking this change into his eyes, Chu Huan saw no fluctuation at all~ He even wanted to laugh.

There is a saying that says, "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares at you.-"

Since they said that these people were eyeing Chu Huan, they even followed to the secret realm of beasts.

There should be a sense of death.

But now, it was clearly Wang Zheng and others who first stared at what they wanted to be detrimental to themselves, but now that they were killed by themselves, Wang Zheng and others were angry.

It's like being wronged by the sky.

Simply ridiculous.

In a state of disdain in his heart, Chu Huan moved his left hand lightly, directly throwing aside Zhao Long's corpse whose neck had just been twisted by himself.

There is a lot of sloppiness between demeanor and action.

As if it was not a corpse, but a piece of useless garbage.

And Chu Huan's action and demeanor seemed to completely anger Wang Zheng and others.

Facing Chu Huan's actions at the moment, Wang Zheng roared directly.

"Ge Tao!"

The moment the voice fell, a middle-aged man with glasses behind Wang Zheng was agitating with spirit power, and a scroll-like device spirit rushed out of his body.

And at the moment when the spirit of the tool rushed out of the body, this scroll turned into a ball of blue light and rushed directly to Chu Huan and the others.

The cyan light, which was as fast as a shooting star, approached Chu Huan with bursts of cyan energy that quickly spread like mist.

When he arrived at Chu Huan's side, the scroll turned into a cyan wall, trapping Chu Huan in it.

In this cyan wall, Zhou Hao and the others actually felt that their bodies were bound, and even the speed of the soul power in their bodies was somewhat stagnant.

On the contrary, it is Chu Huan, because of the "physique" attribute, this feeling of retention is very slight, almost negligible.

Aware of the walls in front of him, Zhou Hao raised the eyebrow stick in his hand curiously and touched it.

But the moment Zhou Hao's eyebrow-raising stick touched these blue walls, there was a little rebound force from above, causing Zhou Hao's hand holding the eyebrow-raising stick to shrink back.

"This is the soul skill of the magic array! They want to tie us up through this."

Looking at the changes around him, Liu Luoyan next to Chu Huan spoke immediately.

"I trapped him, do it!"

At the same time, outside the cyan walls, the middle-aged man with glasses, Ge Tao, who Wang Zheng spoke of, spoke quickly.

Just when he was talking, Ge Tao's eyes and attention were on Chu Huan's side.

Soul power continuously flowed out of Ge Tao's body and entered the scroll that was about three meters apart from Chu Huan and the others.

"Go on! Break his limbs and grab it back to make a deal! The three students around him are also killed!"

Hearing what Ge Tao said, Wang Zheng immediately roared.

The moment the voice fell, except for Ge Tao, Wang Zheng and the other seven were surging with soul power.

"Formation! Ha!"

His eyes quickly glanced around him, and the corner of Chu Huan's mouth twitched slightly.

At the moment of whispering, Chu Huan grabbed the suona in front of him with one hand and put it to his mouth.

The moment Chu Huan himself started to play, the sound of the suona instantly lit up, and black notes began to float out of the suona in Chu Huan's hand.

After the note quickly circled around Chu Huan, 80% of the black notes were separated and then gathered together with Chu Huan as the center to form eight black coffin-carrying gangs.

Except for Ge Tao, who used the spirit-like skills of the array, it happened to be one-on-one, and the special team provided personal and cordial service.

Glancing at the eight coffin-carrying gangs around, the coldness in Chu Huan's eyes lingered.

Chu Huan always likes to take the lead.

Just like the last time he faced Yuan Hai who wanted to rob him.

At the moment of feeling the fluctuation of the opponent's soul power, Chu Huan directly and brazenly shot the Awakened who mobilized the soul power to kill.

This time, the reason why Chu Huan did not use the same vigorous and resolute way in the past is entirely because from the beginning, Chu Huan has already started to let the suona device soul play the "coffin-carrying march" by himself.

Otherwise, do you really think that Chu Huan has nothing to do and wants to listen to music for fun?

Whose family listens to the "March of Carrying the Coffin" when they are idle and have nothing to do?

Therefore, at this moment, these coffin-carrying gangs were summoned as soon as Chu Huan played it himself.

And when looking at the eight branches around them that suddenly condensed and began to step on the beat of the music and began to twist, the fast-moving figures of Wang Zheng and others on the side suddenly stopped.

Apparently, the eight coffin-carrying gangs summoned by Chu Huan's artifact soul made his heart tighten.

"Isn't that guy an auxiliary device soul? How can there be a summoning device soul skill?"

But the next second, Wang Zheng, who felt a little bad, immediately said, "Don't worry about those things, just attack that kid."

"Oh, the response is quite fast."

Hearing Wang Zheng's voice into his ears, Chu Huan was not at all anxious.

And Zhou Hao, who was watching Chu Huan all the time, saw Chu Hao's calmness, and their nervous hearts were relieved.

The ideas of the three are surprisingly consistent.

"Don't panic, boss, we won't panic."

During the fast playing, it was also when the soul power of Wang Zheng and his group was quickly injected into their respective Horcruxes.

As if there was an inexplicable attraction, whether it was Wang Zheng, Ge Tao, who was trying to control the soul of the tool, and several other awakened people, they all glanced at the coffin-carrying gang who had moved to them unknowingly.

Almost when their eyes moved to the coffin-carrying gang beside them, five white teeth and a hearty smile were imprinted in everyone's eyes.

This mouthful of white teeth and the hearty smile hanging from the mouth seemed to possess a soul-stirring magic, making Wang Zheng and the others' eyes quickly dull.

Along with that, the spirit power that had been mobilized quickly by the bodies of several people quickly calmed down.

Seeing that the spirit power of Wang Zheng and others around him had subsided, everyone was sluggishly watching the coffin-carrying gang around him, while Ge Tao, who was trying to control the spirit of the tool, felt that something was wrong.

0 ·For flowers

"Team Wang, Brother Li, Brother An..."

However, no matter how Ge Tao shouted, Wang Zheng and others didn't even look at Ge Tao as if they didn't hear it.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

This strange scene made Ge Tao scolded inwardly.

Soon, with the rapid reverberation of the loud and cheerful tune, the black notes that were still spinning around Chu Huan began to float into the air and quickly condensed into a black coffin.

In this coffin cohesion room, the coffins on the shoulders of the eight coffin-carrying gangs around Wang Zheng and others also flew out in unison.

When the nine coffins were spinning in the air, Chu Huan sneered at Ge Tao who was on the side and said, "Do you think you are the only one with the spirit-like skills of the formation?"

Soon, after the coffins rotated a few times in the air, under the control of Chu Huan, these coffins began to fall from the air one by one, and then formed a big character of Zhou Zheng on the ground.



After the nine coffins were completely arranged according to Chu Huan's wishes, Chu Huan raised the corner of his mouth.

"The idiot opposite! Can you recognize this formation?"

Zhou Hao: "......"

Zhu Tao: "......"

Liu Luoyan: "......"

Listening to what Chu Huan blurted out at the moment, the three of them all slumped.

I wanted to laugh, but I was worried that it would affect Chu Huan.

Can only hold back hard.

The three of them couldn't help but glanced at Chu Huan resentfully.

That look seemed to say.

"In such a serious situation, is it really okay for you to be so skinny?

At the same time, Ge Tao, who was on the opposite side, couldn't help being stunned when he heard Chu Huan's words.

Then he turned his eyes to the nine coffins not far away.

When he saw the word "death" on the nine coffins clearly, Ge Tao almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood.

"What kind of formation is he?"

But before Ge Tao responded, he saw that at this moment, the nine coffins with the word "death" were suddenly opened.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Zheng and the others, who had been standing motionless before, seemed to be going crazy. They even rushed towards the nine coffins with excitement and chose one coffin to lie in.

"Me and him, what kind of ghost weapon skill is this?"

Seeing this scene, Ge Tao was really shocked at the moment.

Taking the surrounding situation into his eyes, Chu Huan chuckled lightly, and then released the suona he played to adjust it to "Full Auto".

After that, the spirit power was agitating and preparing to present the "Erhu" tool soul to play a song in an effort to directly send away Wang Zheng and others who were lying in the coffin at the moment.

However, just when Chu Huan was about to show the spirit of the "Erhu" tool, looking at Ge Tao on the side, a yearly complaint suddenly appeared in Chu Huan's mind.

"If you use the suona artifact soul, can you use two artifact spirit skills at the same time?"

ps; In the new January, the author here is begging for a monthly pass! If you have a monthly ticket in hand, please vote and see if you can rush to the monthly ticket list! Author bacteria please! Ten thousand.

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