Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 123 Is it bad to live? Have to think about it? (15 ask for subscription and monthly pass)

While walking towards the base with the three of them, Chu Huan asked casually, "Have you entered the seventh level of Basic Martial Arts?"

Zhou Hao, Zhu Tao and Liu Luoyan all shook their heads when they heard the words.

Zhu Tao said frankly: "Not yet! From level 6 to level 7, the distribution of human bones and muscles involved is much more complicated than before, even according to the soul power imprint you gave us the day before yesterday, we couldn't enter. To level seven!"

Chu Huan nodded lightly and said, "Don't worry, I'll get you two soul power imprints at night!"

After all, not everyone has a system like Chu Huan.

Skills or something, just rely on Krypton Jinmang to go up.

For Liu Luoyan and the other three, in just a few days, it was definitely a quick progress that "Basic Fighting Technique" could be upgraded by two levels one after another.

At this time, Zhou Hao, one of the three, suddenly said, "By the way, our school has applied for a challenge to another school. What school are you from, boss?"

Within a few days, the three of them had already revealed their identities as students of Linhai No. 2 Middle School.

But Chu Huan has never stated which school he is from.

Not to mention Zhou Hao, even Liu Luoyan and Zhu Tao couldn't help but turn their heads and look at Chu Huan curiously.

Hearing what Zhou Hao said, Chu Huan glanced at Zhou Hao and said, "Are you curious which school I am from?"

Hearing this, Zhou Hao said with a wry smile: "Can you not be curious? The three of us were awakened in advance. Looking at this year's 01 freshmen of No. 2 Middle School, the strongest are the three of us."

"Our head teacher talked to us yesterday morning. Next, we will challenge other schools because of the school's arrangement. If you come across the boss, I will persuade our school to change its goals!"

Although it is said that the strength of the three of them has improved because of the "Basic Fighting Technique" in the past few days.

The bigger the boost, the more powerful they can feel Chu Huan.

Like yesterday, the three of them entered Hei Tie Yixing's secret realm of black-scale wildebeest beasts together again.

Although everyone has been able to do a heads-up, if the number is too large, it is time to run or run.

Not to mention a person like Chu Huan who rushed into a pile of giant pincer scorpions without any scruples and punched a cute little one.

Therefore, the three felt that it was necessary to first ask which school Chu Huan was a student of.

Hearing what Zhou Hao said, Chu Huan said lightly, "Don't worry! I won't participate in this challenge in Linhai City."

Zhu Tao looked at Chu Huan in amazement and said, "Huh? Not participating, why?"

Chu Huan shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm a support-type awakener, why do I participate in this challenge? It's not suitable!"

When the words fell, Liu Luoyan on the side glanced at Chu Huan who was sloppy and nodded lightly: "It makes sense! It's really not appropriate."

Hearing Liu Luoyan's agreement, the other two reacted quickly after being stunned.

They all echoed: "The boss is so right!"

If they had heard other Auxiliary Awakeners in the past, or even now heard those students in their school who had Awakened Auxiliary Souls say this, the three of them would not have any problems.

It's high school after all.

Not to mention what the future holds, the general auxiliary Awakeners are always lower than the Combat Awakeners in terms of combat power due to the weapon soul.

This is basically accepted.

Therefore, it is indeed a bit inappropriate for the Awakener who is an auxiliary type to play in the Challenger League.

But Chu Huan's words.

"Inappropriate" is also very appropriate for Chu Huan.

Just kidding, Chu Huan's strength is obviously beyond the line!

Even if they didn't use the Soul Tool skills, the three of them could be sure that Chu Huan would be able to hang up other students and beat them.

Putting such strength into the Challenger Tournament, doesn't it make it clear that he is bullying people?

Definitely not suitable!

It was also when the four of them were chatting within a short distance of about ten meters from the alloy house where the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm passage was located.

Chu Huan, who was walking originally, seemed to sense something, and suddenly his footsteps turned slightly sideways.

Almost at the moment when the line of sight moved with the deflection of the body and head, in Chu Huan's line of sight, he saw another group of five Awakeneds walking down from a car outside the base at this moment.

Noticing Chu Huan's movement, Liu Luoyan and the others also turned their heads.

When he saw the Awakened team outside the base, Zhu Tao asked, "Boss, do you know those people?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan said softly, "I don't know!"

In other words, Chu Huan's eyes narrowed slightly.

The reason is very simple, in Chu Huan's sight, the hatred value on the information panel above the heads of the five Awakened squads.

Surprisingly, it reached around 30.

In other words, this five-person team came for him.

"Personal hatred, killers attracted by the exposure of talent levels, money..."

At this moment, Chu Huan's mind quickly passed through a series of possible motives of these people staring at him.

Then quickly lock it in the "money" option.

Yesterday Chu Huan got a winning amount by betting.

And today someone is staring at him, obviously this aspect is very likely.

"Did the inside of the Jintang Club deliberately leak?"

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Chu Huan's face lifted slightly.

Then shook his head gently.

"In the end, it's just a small place like Linhai City, with no professional ethics at all, customers' information will be leaked, unscrupulous merchants!"

Needless to say, in terms of the value of the bonus that Chu Huan obtained yesterday, for ordinary awakened people, even those of the black iron level, I am afraid that it will take several years to obtain them.

As long as you find out your identity information and make sure that you don't have any background actions and don't have much risk, it is not unacceptable to hit the target on yourself.

The thoughts fell one by one, and his eyes glanced at the Awakened team that had entered the base at the moment. Chu Huan snorted coldly in his heart, and then spoke to Liu Luoyan and the three people next to him, "Advanced Ferocious Beast Secret Realm."

After that, Chu Huan turned around and walked towards the alloy house in front of him.

But the pace is obviously faster than before.

Noticing the difference in Chu Huan's actions and tone, Liu Luoyan and the others took another look at the Awakened team in the distance and quickly followed.

A few seconds later, as the four entered the secret realm of beasts one after another, Chu Huan led the four and quickly moved in one direction.

But Chu Huan didn't move too far, that is, he stopped about a kilometer away from the entrance passage.

Seeing Chu Huan stop, Zhou Hao, who stopped together and did not move forward, was the one who spoke out of curiosity.

"Boss, that Awakened team is coming for you?"

Chu Huan did not hide it and directly admitted it.

"Hmm! It should be aimed at me!"

The words fell, and after a slight pause, Chu Huan glanced at Zhou Hao and the others and said casually, "The five Awakeneds came at me just now, wait a while now, wait for me and I to finish before continuing! "

Hear Chu Huan's words.

Seeing Chu Huan's indifferent expression, Liu Luoyan and the three looked at each other.

The three of them are all Heavenly Awakeners who are still only one star of Hei Tie, and their talents are not low.

If he was targeted by a five-person Awakened team in normal times, he might look a little more dignified.

But in the past few days, after learning about Chu Huan's strength, the three inexplicably mourned the five-member Awakened team just now.

It's not good to stare at someone, you have to stare at this big guy.

Is it bad to live? Have to think about it?

It was also during this kind of waiting that the five-person team had already appeared in the sight of Chu Huan and others.

Apparently, they chased after the footprints left by the few people who had just moved on the sand.

It's just that when the five people moved quickly and looked at the Chu Huan people who were quietly waiting in the distance, the expressions of the five people changed slightly, and then they stopped quickly.

At the same time, at the entrance of the secret passage, the five-member Awakened team that Chu Huan had seen before had already stepped into the secret passage one after another and entered the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion beast.

After a quick check on the ground, a man with a melon-shaped face and a somewhat feminine face among the five said in a low voice, "Boss Yuan, the footprints are facing east!"

807's voice fell, but another Awakened with a sallow complexion next to him said, "Hey, it's exactly as you said, Mr. Yuan, that kid Hei Tie Yi Xing dared to go to Hei Tie 3 Star. Come inside the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion beast!"

This voice fell, and one of the five looked thin. Yuan Hai, who was in his 40s, sneered: "If it wasn't for the investigation, why would I ask you to come here? These guys are already in this giant pincer scorpion. The Beast Secret Realm has been staying for several days!"

"I've been secretly staring at these boys for days!"

A man with slightly longer hair frowned and said, "But even so, how much oil and water can these students have? Even if we do it, we won't be able to get much benefit, right?"

Yuan Hai glanced at the person who was speaking and sneered: "Huh? Do you think I would spend so much trouble on something that is not good?"

With that said, in the curiosity of several people, Yuan Hai said: "The four students each have a space watch on their wrist, and they add up to at least one million!"

"Besides, you also know that I hooked up with a goblin at the Jintang Club, and I learned from the goblin last night that a student made a bet yesterday and got a lot of winnings of more than one million. "

The man with a sallow complexion said in surprise, "Could it be that the bets were the ones who got bonus money just now?"

Yuan Hai responded, "It's the only kid who didn't wear a school uniform."

"From the description of the little goblin, I can be sure that it was the kid who won the winnings by betting yesterday."

Hearing this, the sallow-faced Awakened nodded and said, "If you say that, this kid is really a fat sheep!"

Yuan Hai nodded and said, "That's right, if we can get rid of that kid, even if we divide it up, we can be cool for a while."


In a quick whisper, under Yuan Hai's words, the interests of the other four were also strongly mobilized.

Not long after, after a simple discussion, the five people moved quickly along the footprints. .

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