Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 121 is here, just face me! (45 for subscription and data support)

After watching Chu Huan for a while, Fu Wenbo sighed and took the initiative to change the subject: "What is the effect of your second weapon soul skill?"

Chu Huan casually said: "Oh, it can increase the target's overall attributes by 10%! And there is a frenzy effect."

"Huh? The overall attribute increased by 10%?" Fu Wenbo asked Chu Huan with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Try?"

Because the relationship with Zhou Hao and others has not yet reached the point where Chu Huan can confidently show off all his artifact soul skills.

So the last time Chu Huan tried it, he just let Zhou Hao try the debuff BUFF in "The Divine Comedy of Ghoul". The buff buff has not been tried by Chu Huan in the past few days.

Now that I have the chance, Chu Huan just gives it a try.

Looking at Chu Huan's look of anticipation, Fu Wenbo felt a little drum in his heart.

The overall attribute gain is 10%, which seems a lot lower than the 100% enhancement of Chu Huan's first Item Soul skill.

But in fact, the improvement of the overall attributes is a lot!

It's just that after trying out Chu Huan's "suona" tool soul's two weapon soul skills one after another, Fu Wenbo was really worried that this new BUFF-type tool soul skill of Chu Huan would be a negative test.

"Forget it, come on!" One tool soul skill is a test, two tool soul skills are also a test, and one more test is not too much!

Hearing this, Chu Huan nodded, and then he invigorated his soul power, then took away the "suona" in front of him and condensed the "erhu".

After a while, as the erhu tune sounded, the mournful tune suddenly dissipated quickly with Chu Huan as the center.

But it was the moment when the tune came into his ears, almost immediately, Fu Wenbo felt a little sense of despair mixed in the tune.

Soon, with the continuous performance of the song, after about two minutes, the sound of the song began to gradually become louder.

The original mournful tune suddenly became a little more hasty and loud.

But the strange thing is, with the change of the sound and rhythm of the song, the sense of despair just now has not only not diminished, but has become more obvious.

At the same time, in the continuous performance of the tune, Chu Huan's fingers have a feeling of being ready to move.

But compared to the first time, this feeling has become very weak.

It's more like a signal.

But after two or three seconds, as if he felt Chu Huan's intentions, the feeling that he was just about to move his fingers quickly dissipated.

At the same time, a black note with wisps of blood-colored patterns quickly floated out of the "Erhu" artifact in front of Chu Huan and turned into a stream of light, rushing towards Fu Wenbo instantly.

At the moment when the note melted into Fu Wenbo's body.

What puzzled Fu Wenbo was that he didn't feel the slightest improvement in strength.

This made Fu Wenbo couldn't help but let out a sigh and could only continue to look at the erhu spirit in front of Chu Huan.

However, after a few seconds, Fu Wenbo realized that something was wrong.

As the note just now melted into his body, a strong sense of depression quickly filled Fu Wenbo's heart.

And this feeling of depression and dullness continues to breed and expand as time and the surrounding music are introduced into the ears.

Gradually, the ease on Fu Wenbo's face disappeared, and his expression gradually became serious.

Finally, the surrounding music became high and hurried again.

Compared to before, Quyin actually gave people a feeling of dawn breaking.

Amidst the constant changes in the tone of the song, a strong impulse also exploded in Fu Wenbo's heart.

The changes in his brain and the previous strong depression and heavy feeling in his heart seemed to have reached a critical point and counterattacked at this moment.

Under the emotions brought about by this counterattack, a silent and suppressed voice echoed in Fu Wenbo's mind.

Along with that, under the echo of this voice, Fu Wenbo suddenly roared loudly.

"It's not me, it's the whole world."

Chu Huan: "??????"

At the same time, Chu Huan, who had been watching Fu Wenbo's reaction quietly in the training room, suddenly looked at Fu Wenbo who suddenly raised his head and shouted such a sentence. Chu Huan was a black face. question mark.

What are you doing?

It's so good, why did this sentence suddenly appear?

It was also at the same time when Chu Huan was stunned.

On the other side, as Fu Wenbo roared the reverberating words in his mind, a burst of flame-like energy quickly spread through Fu Wenbo's body.

And a passion seems to have been injected into Fu Wenbo's brain out of thin air.

Under this feeling, Fu Wenbo's eyes began to turn slightly red at this moment, and his eyes were full of excitement and a trace of anger.

But Fu Wenbo didn't feel anything about his own changes at the moment.

Instead, a strong self-confidence emerged.

That is a kind of self-confidence that can face the whole world with hard steel and fear nothing.

While his eyes were on Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo's mouth showed a sinister smile.

In Chu Huan's astonishment, Fu Wenbo roared, "Come on, face me!"

Chu Huan: "..."

Before Chu Huan was wondering what the frenzy effect in the system looked like.

But now, looking at Fu Wenbo who asked him to face him, Chu Huan suddenly understood!

However, at this moment, the erhu in front of Chu Huan trembled slightly.

The next second, a wave of fluctuations suddenly fed back to Chu Huan's mind from the erhu.

Feeling the feedback from the erhu, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

Soul power was injected into the erhu once again.

In an instant, the familiar timbre of the erhu sounded quickly.

At the moment when the sound of the erhu sounded, Fu Wenbo, who was on the side, felt that a glass of ice water was inexplicably injected into his brain.

Under this cool feeling, just now, Fu Wenbo, who was still in hot blood, demanded that Fu Wenbo's mind immediately clear up, and his face showed a bit of astonishment.

But a few seconds later, recalling his previous actions and the words he yelled at Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo quickly turned his head to look at Chu Huan.

When looking at Chu Huan who looked at him strangely, Fu Wenbo slowly fell silent.

Then, Fu Wenbo slowly raised one hand to cover his face, and the big face under the palm was slightly distorted at the moment.

"It's over, this time, I'm humiliated and thrown home."

What does it mean to be wise and wise for many years to die? This is.

Fu Wenbo never imagined that one day, as a teacher, he would shout out the words "Face me" to his students.

Once it spreads out, it can be said that his face will be completely lost.

From now on, there will also be a stain on the body that cannot be washed off.

0 ·For flowers

Thinking of this, emotions such as grief, anger, worry, etc. quickly mixed together in Fu Wenbo's heart.

Looking at Fu Wenbo, who was covering his face without speaking for a long time, Chu Huan turned his head and immediately realized Fu Wenbo's state at the moment.

In response, Chu Huan sighed and slowly stepped forward to Fu Wenbo's side and patted Fu Wenbo's shoulder.

After a slight pause for a few seconds, Chu Huan said sincerely, "Mr. Fu, don't worry! I won't say anything about today's affairs!"

Hearing the words from Chu Huan, although Fu Wenbo still felt uncomfortable in his heart, he felt a little comfort anyway.

However, before Fu Wenbo was relieved by Chu Huan's comfort, Chu Huan's voice continued to sound again.

"As long as you give enough benefits!"

The voice fell into his ears, and Fu Wenbo, who lowered his head, trembled.

Then, Chu Huan's remarks succeeded in making Fu Wenbo wicked.

"I'll kill you little bastard!"

A few seconds later, in the training room, Chu Huan's cry rang out.

"I'm Cao! Teacher Fu, I'm joking, don't take it seriously... ah! It hurts... Hey! You can't make a joke."

........ 0 ......

Three minutes later, Chu Huan grinned while rubbing his shoulders and head.

And when Fu Wenbo faced Chu Huan, his eyes were like copper bells.

Still an uneasy look.

Seeing this, Chu Huan couldn't help rolling his eyes and asked about the state of Fu Wenbo before.

Asked about the business, Fu Wenbo swept Chu Huan a glance with his eyes, and then recalled his feelings while talking about his talent.

As Chu Huan had guessed before.

After Fu Wenbo shouted out that line just now, Fu Wenbo fell into a burst of excitement.

In Fu Wenbo's words, that's the feeling of being the second child and the third child.

"Right! How did you pull me back from that violent state before?"

At this moment, Fu Wenbo asked suddenly as if thinking of something.

Hearing this, Chu Huan said in a low voice: "It's very simple, as long as I pull my tool soul again, I will be able to cancel the buff I gave you, and your furious reload will naturally be gone."

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Fu Wenbo nodded and said, "That's not bad! But this buff of yours will make people overly excited and lose their intelligence. It's best not to use it if it's not necessary."

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not stupid. I don't know how serious you are when I see you just now."

As he said that, Chu Huan sighed in his heart.

I originally thought that the violent effect in this "Ghoul Divine Comedy" could be controlled.

But now it seems, obviously not! After using it, it will completely fall into a state of insanity.

This can be seen from the body Fu Wenbo yelled at him before, "Just got me".

After using it, maybe your teammates will attack you as soon as possible.

"Huh? Wait!"

However, at this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in Chu Huan's mind.

Immediately afterwards, as if thinking of something, the corners of Chu Huan's mouth suddenly lifted slowly.

ps: There is another chapter to come! I beg for subscription and data support! Friends who are fattening, don't keep them for too long! The author is working hard to update it, and it can be slaughtered every few days! Ten thousand.

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