Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 12 Isn't it delicious to eat al1?

After confirming the effect of Chu Huan's Tool Soul skill, Fu Wenbo also took Chu Huan to the entrance when he came.

Except for some special beast secret realms, most of the beast secret realm passage entrances are fixed.

And there is only one.

Therefore, for the awakened person, entering the secret realm of the beast must be clear about his own course of action.

Otherwise, once you get lost in the secret realm of beasts, it will be troublesome.

"By the way, Teacher Fu, when you tested your skills before, the coffin was obviously not opened. How did you get injured?"

While walking, Chu Huan suddenly asked.

Chu Huan clearly remembered that when he was playing the "March of Carrying the Coffin" before, due to the influence of his Tool Soul skill, Fu Wenbo also had a "-1" value on his head.

Combined with the situation of the biting wolf, Chu Huan has this question.

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo shook his head and said, "I don't know, I didn't feel any signs of attack from beginning to end, I only saw the five black shadows summoned from your song smiled at me and made my nose bleed. already."

"Smile? Are these phantoms still smiling?" Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo in surprise.

Fu Wenbo said angrily, "You can even do slow shaking and opening coffins with those phantoms, so what's so strange about laughing?"

Chu Huan recalled and nodded and said, "Yes, but a smile can hurt Mr. Fu. Could it be a mental attack?"

Fu Wenbo thought for a while and said, "It's not like, with a mental attack, with my current mental power, you shouldn't be able to hurt me, it can only be said to be another special attack method."

After hearing what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan wanted an introduction to his previous skills.

Now it seems that the effect of my own soul skill is very likely to be mandatory.

And according to the skill introduction, unless someone like Fu Wenbo has far more strength and level than himself, once his tool soul skill has an effect, the target can't resist.

Thinking of this, Rao Shi Chu Huan couldn't help but feel a little ups and downs.

If he said that, the effect of his own soul skill was far stronger than Chu Huan thought.

At this time, Fu Wenbo on the side sighed: "But your tool soul skill is really evil. I don't know how such a thing can be an auxiliary tool soul."

"However, you can go to the Awakened Association to apply for a full-time job modification. In this way, when you form a team with other Awakeneds in the future, you can serve as a combat team member, and you can also allocate more resources."

Chu Huan shrugged and said, "Forget it, I think the support is pretty good!"

Hearing Chu Huan's answer, Fu Wenbo gave Chu Huan a puzzled look.

"Don't change? In the college entrance examination, the ones who get the most points are the awakened ones and the awakened ones with multiple souls like you."

"If you can modify it to become a combat-type awakener, the bonus points can also be changed from the original 20 points to 30 points."

"With your grades in the culture class, even if the combat convenience is weaker, it is not impossible to enter a top-level university.

What's more, in the university and even in the future, the average Awakened team will allocate less resources each time they enter the Ferocious Beast Secret Realm than the combat-type Awakened.

In the long run, Auxiliary Awakeners will always suffer a bit. "

Chu Huan curled his lips and said, "It's only 10 extra points, so forget it. Anyway, the scores of the auxiliary departments in those top universities are not high, you can enter."

When a mature Awakener team encounters an enemy or a beast, the first one who will bear the brunt is the Combat Awakener.

Not to mention suffering and suffering, the key is the danger.

Wherever it seems to be a support, just stand aside and mute your skills.

Other teammates have to be protected, and it can be said that they are the group pets in the team.

And for Chu Huan, the auxiliary identity is not a layer of protection.

Be happy and be a jerk when you have nothing to do.

Who really was staring at him, when he broke through the guards of his teammates and appeared in Chu Huan, he suddenly found that Chu Huan was the most terrifying one in the entire team.

That picture, just thinking about Chu Huan makes the whole body feel comfortable.

What kind of combat occupation? Enough support?

As for the distribution of the Awakened Squad in the future, that will be a matter of the future.

As long as the strength is strong enough, the big deal is that Chu Huan enters the mysterious realm of beasts alone, isn't it delicious to eat it alone?

Seeing that Chu Huan is quite satisfied with his current auxiliary status, Fu Wenbo is also a little puzzled.

Looking at Chu Huan, he couldn't help but mutter: "Strange, I always feel like you want to be an assistant like this, there's nothing wrong with holding back!"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Mr. Fu, you can't save others by yourself. My nickname in the class is Honest and Reliable Xiao Langjun. I'm notoriously honest and loyal. If you say that again, I'll sue you for slander!"

Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan like a ghost.

"You're the only one who is honest and reliable, Xiao Langjun? I think you have a thick face and black heart. You are all right!"

In this chat, the two gradually walked to the entrance of the secret realm.

More than an hour later, under the pick-up and drop-off of Fu Wenbo, Chu Huan, who was full of food and drink, returned home.

Compared with the doubts when he left before, Chu Huan, who has returned home now, has a smile on his face.

Through previous experiments, Chu Huan can basically determine the power of his "suona" tool soul skill.

Not only can it directly damage the target, but it can also directly kill the target and turn it into its own puppet.

The effect of the "Suona" tool soul is so strong, which makes Chu Huan more curious about the tool soul skill of another "erhu" tool soul.

Just thinking of the system points required for the awakener's soul skill, Chu Huan gave another wry smile.

After shaking his head, Chu Huan exhaled his system panel with a thought.

"Since the tool soul has awakened, the effect of the first tool soul skill has also been determined, and the next step is to consider the development direction."

ps: I beg for data support! The new book period is inseparable from the feeding and care of the bosses, flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets and rewards. Is there any one-stop service? .

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