Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 110 I have determined my eyes and belong to a camp (45 for subscription, data support)

Almost half a month has passed since Li Tianyang's incident.

After knowing Chu Huan's talent level and the effect of the tool soul, Fu Wenbo guessed that Chu Huan's level should also be promoted.

But in Fu Wenbo's view, even if Chu Huan's level has increased during these times, at best he will be a six-star awakened apprentice or a seven-star awakened apprentice.

It should be impossible to directly upgrade four levels in just a week like the beginning.

But now, Fu Wenbo found that he had no understanding of what an SSS-level talent level was.

Just when his eyelids were low, Chu Huan didn't know when his level had reached the level of one star of black iron.

This promotion speed is simply outrageous.

It is completely flying like a rocket.

Fu Wenbo was dumbfounded because of the fluctuation of soul power that Chu Huan showed at the moment!

And Wen Zhaohua of Linhai No. 3 Middle School next to him was a little stunned because of the 1-star level of black iron revealed by Chu Huan's soul power fluctuations.

"No, why does Tianlin Middle School still have a black iron one star?"

There is a saying well.

Where there are people there is competition.

They are also students in Linhai City, so the challenge among the students will not be as friendly as the publicity.

Each school in Linhai City arranges students to challenge other students every year, although the external argument is to increase the competitiveness of students to better stimulate students to practice hard.

But in fact, the annual challenge is also another kind of competition for each school.

If you say that your school is facing this year's challenge, the fresh students in your school can pick fresh students from other schools, and the news spreads, it is undoubtedly a publicity for your school.

In the coming year, the number of new students will naturally be larger.

Competitiveness is much higher than friendliness.

This is also one of the main reasons why Fu Wenbo agreed to let Chu Huan play a song for both parties.

Once Tianlin Middle School can win, it will be an achievement for Fu Wenbo.

The kind with awards!

As long as Chu Huan's talent level is not exposed, a fool would not agree to such a benefit and harmless thing.

It is also because of this competitiveness that the challenges of each school are not actually chosen by the students who play.

It is determined by the respective schools.

For example, the first challenge of Linhai No. 3 Middle School this time was Tianlin Middle School, which was actually arranged by Wen Zhaohua.

Before that, Wen Zhaohua had already investigated the situation of students in various middle schools in Linhai City this year.

Other schools are basically the same as Linhai No. 3 Middle School. In the second year of high school, three students woke up early.

Only Tianlin Middle School has only two students who pull their hips this year.

And the strength is said to be average.

That's why Wen Zhaohua put his first goal on Tianlin Middle School.

But now, what happened to this black iron one-star student?

"Could it be that Tianlin Middle School is playing yin?"

Thinking of this, Wen Zhaohua glanced at Fu Wenbo and said, "Mr. Fu, I didn't expect that your school even hid a student who was awakened early! You can do a good job of keeping secrets!"

Fu Wenbo, who was still in shock at first, seemed to wake up when he heard Wen Zhaohua's words.

Facing Wen Zhaohua's yin and yang tone, Fu Wenbo, who recovered, coughed lightly and said, "Director Wen's words are ridiculous, if he wants to keep it a secret, I won't let him out. Mainly because my student was awakened during the winter vacation of the second year of high school."

"And it's only an auxiliary tool soul, so I didn't wake up with Sun Jun just in advance, and the whole school knew about it the next day! Naturally, everyone didn't pay attention to him!"

"What's more, he's not on our school's list, so Director Wen shouldn't be too concerned."

Listening to Fu Wenbo's words, Wen Zhaohua's expression softened a little.

As Fu Wenbo said, when each school accepts applications from other schools, both parties must determine the list of students to compete.

This time, there was no Chu Huan in the list of freshmen from Tianlin Middle School and Linhai No. 3 Middle School. Even if Tianlin Middle School concealed the news that there was a third Heavenly Chosen in the school, it would not have much impact.

After successfully completing this matter, Fu Wenbo turned his head to look at Chu Huan again.

"This stinky boy, he didn't even say a word to me with one star of Hei Tie, he almost broke through!"

However, before Fu Wenbo's heart was completely relieved, and when he glanced at the students around him, Fu Wenbo's expression suddenly changed slightly.

"Huh? No! Those students in the class know when the stinky boy Chu Huan wakes up, asshole, they know what to do for me!"

Although it was said that due to the distance, and Chu Huan deliberately made the fluctuation of his soul power hidden, the other students around him could not feel Chu Huan's soul power level.

But the problem is now in the challenge with Linhai No. 3 Middle School!

Even if Fu Wenbo can keep the surrounding teachers and even Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi secret for a while, what about Wen Zhaohua of Linhai No. 3 Middle School?

Once it was publicized afterwards, Chu Huan would definitely not be able to hide it!

When the time comes, random people can come to the school to investigate, won't everything be exposed by then?

In a month's time, he had just awakened and was promoted to the first black iron star.

But anyone who has a brain will feel that there is a problem.

Such a promotion speed, although it does not make people guess the talent level of the SSS level.

But an S-class definitely didn't run!

At that time, even if it is an S-class, it will be enough for Chu Huan to attract a lot of malicious eyes.

After all, Linhai City is not the capital where the headquarters of the Awakened Association is located.

And he is not Li Tianyang.

In this Linhai City, if something goes wrong, he doesn't dare to make sure that he can deal with it.

Thinking of this, Fu Wenbo clenched his fists.

Because of the distance, and the fluctuation of soul power on Chu Huan's body is not too strong.

Before reaching the black iron level and the perception range was not so strong, the other students around him and even Wang Qiang did not notice that the soul power fluctuations on Chu Huan were not the apprentices of the awakened ones, but those of the black iron level. .

On the contrary, Song Hongyi, who had been closing his eyes before, Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi looked at Chu Huan in surprise.

Taking the reactions of several people into his eyes, Chu Huan did not have too much nonsense at all.

0 ·For flowers

After the "Erhu" spirit was successfully manifested from the body, with the injection of Chu Huan's soul power, a somewhat muffled and somewhat sad tune quickly spread around Chu Huan.

Listening to the tune from Chu Huan's erhu, the surrounding students also showed curious expressions.

There are even a lot of people who think this song sounds pretty good.

Quyin quickly entered his ears, and Wen Zhaohua of Linhai No. 3 Middle School couldn't help showing a little surprise when he heard the Quyin.

"Director Fu, your student's tool soul is a bit interesting! The sound it emits is so unique, and I have never seen the appearance of this tool soul before!"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo, who was pressed to take Chu Huan away now and then beat him up, smiled stiffly at Wen Zhaohua and said, "After all, there are so many strange things about artifact souls, and it's normal for something unique to appear!"

Soon, as the song continued to reverberate, as the song was about to end, in the sight of everyone around, six golden notes of the same color and even the same size and shape came out of Chu Huan's instrument. out of the soul.


Three of them were drilled into the three students of Linhai No. 3 Middle School.

The other three were each a note drifting into Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi's bodies.

The remaining note fell into Chu Huan's body.

"A scoped BUFF-type weapon soul skill? That should be fine!"

Wen Zhaohua was completely relaxed when he saw the scene of integrating a note in the air into Chu Huan's body.

At the same time, under the integration of this note, both Song Hongyi and Sun Jun can feel obvious changes.

Especially Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi felt a strong sense of lightness in their bodies, as if they were about to float, and both of them showed a bit of shock in their eyes.

The conversation between Fu Wenbo and Wen Zhaohua was also heard clearly.

So I thought that Chu Huan's BUFF Soul Skill could only increase the "Agility" attribute by 10%.

But now? The two can clearly feel that their "Agility" attribute has changed from the original fifty to the seventy now!

The buff effect is obviously improved by 50%, how can it be only 10%?

Surprised in their hearts, they subconsciously looked at Chu Huan who had superimposed buffs on them.

Facing the gazes of the two, Chu Huan showed a shy and sincere smile and said, "Classmates, come on, cut them!"

Listening to Chu Huan's words, the two also clearly noticed that Chu Huan's brows were slightly raised as a gesture when he spoke.

The gesture of raising his eyebrows and the meaning of those words couldn't be more obvious.

"My own people, friendly army!"

For a while, the two of them also showed tacit smiles to Chu Huan.

After confirming the eyes, it is a group of people.

After roughly guessing that Chu Huan was obviously treated differently and buffed, Sun Jun and Zhou Ziqi took their eyes away from Chu Huan and turned their attention to Song Hongyi of Linhai No. 3 Middle School.

A wicked smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. Ten thousand.

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