Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 108 People! If you don't push yourself, you will never know how hard you will work! (25

There are clouds in the clear sky, and the sun shines on the black desert. From a distance, it seems that the heaven and the earth are faintly divided into two parts.

It was supposed to be the silent realm of beasts, but at this moment there was a faint roar of beasts echoing faintly.

It is located nearly 30 kilometers away from the entrance of the passage.

Gathering around a pile of giant pincer scorpion corpses, as the last beast crystal was collected, even Liu Luoyan, who seemed a little cold in the past, could not help but slumped on the ground just like Zhou Hao next to him.

At the position where the few people were less than ten meters apart, Chu Huan didn't sit directly on the ground like the three of them at the moment.

But that obviously violent and turbulent breathing is enough to prove Chu Huan's state at the moment.

For more than six hours in a row, under this continuous high-intensity battle, even Chu Huan's "physique" was clearly exhausted.

Looking up at the sky that was a little darker than the beginning, Chu Huan shook his head gently.

This giant pincer scorpion vicious beast secret realm is also divided into day and night.

According to the situation in the secret realm of the giant pincers and scorpion beasts, the total time from the daytime change to the time when the darkness falls is only half an hour.

Once it is night, the giant pincer scorpion in the secret realm of the beast will be extraordinarily active. It will not only stay in one place as in the daytime, but will continue to move.

Coupled with the color of these giant pincer scorpions, at night, it is difficult for even the awakened to find out at the first time.

Although there are systematic reasons, day and night have little effect on Chu Huan.

But for Liu Luoyan and the others, the situation was different.

Once Chu Huan continues to attract monsters like before, maybe during the time of leaving, a group of giant pincer scorpions will find three people during the movement.

Therefore, after waiting for his breathing to stabilize, Chu Huan turned around and said, "It's almost there! Let's be here today!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Liu Luoyan breathed a sigh of relief, a feeling of relief.

While walking, Chu Huan checked the beast crystal in his space watch while walking.

Compared with more than 400 beast crystals in the afternoon yesterday, today Chu Huan is doing it himself and extending the time.

The beast crystals of the four people added up to more than 700.

If you count tomorrow, the number of beast crystals can be close to 2,000.

It's not as good as expected, but it's ok as a bet!

"Human! If you don't force yourself, you will never know how hard you will work!"


When the three of them returned to the original path and just returned to the secret realm, the surroundings were already pitch black.

Just like last night, after returning home, changing into clean clothes and having dinner, Chu Huan continued to the training hall yesterday.

But today, whether it was the three of them or Chu Huan, because of the nearly seven hours in the secret realm of giant pincers and scorpion beasts, their stamina was consumed a lot.

In addition, the three of them will continue to help him tomorrow.

Therefore, after arriving in the training hall, Chu Huan did not practice with a few people like yesterday, but after dividing the beast crystals, he directly left a soul power imprint on the bodies of several people. Helped the three of them to upgrade "Basic Fighting Technique" to level 6.


the next day.

In the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion beast.

Zhou Hao, who felt exhausted all over his body, looked at Chu Huan who was still happy to kill those giant pincer scorpions in the distance, Zhou Hao asked, "You said, the boss hunted so hard all day long. What exactly are you trying to kill these giant pincer scorpions to collect beast crystals?"

Zhu Tao next to him sighed: "How do I know! All I know is that if everyone is like the boss, I'm afraid that the giant pincer scorpion in the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion will have been killed long ago 々ˇ! "

Liu Luoyan glanced at the corpse of the giant pincer scorpion beside Chu Huan at the moment and couldn't help but nodded: "Indeed, the effect of his artifact soul skill and his strength are too strong."

Zhou Hao sighed and said, "It's also considered unlucky for these giant pincer scorpions, even if a standard five-member team of Awakeners faces a giant pincer scorpion in the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion, it's an ordinary person. I'm afraid they have to be as careful as walking a tightrope.

At the end of the day, it is estimated that dozens of giant pincer scorpions will be solved at most, nowhere like this big guy. "

"Including today's, the number of giant pincer scorpions killed in three days is almost 2,000, right?"

Zhu Tao nodded and said: "It should be almost the same after counting these!"

After getting confirmation from Zhu Tao, Zhou Hao sighed.

"It's so scary!"

As the three of them watched, they sighed inwardly.

In the distance, Chu Huan still slaughtered the surrounding giant pincer scorpions in the same violent and ferocious manner as yesterday.

A few minutes later, after all these giant pincer scorpions were eliminated, Liu Luoyan and the three of them dragged their exhausted bodies to clean the battlefield with Chu Huan again.

After collecting the beast crystals of the giant pincer scorpions around him, Chu Huan looked at the time and did not continue to look for new prey, but instead led a few people towards the secret passage.

In the evening, after standing and Liu Luoyan separated from the training hall, Chu Huan did not go home immediately, but made a phone call first.

Half an hour later, Wang Qiang's car slowly drove into Chu Huan from the corner.

Chu Huan only opened the door when the vehicle stopped steadily.

As the vehicle started moving again, Wang Qiang, who was holding the steering wheel, asked casually, "Have you collected the beast crystals, junior?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan sighed and said, "It's almost there! It can only be like this now! After all, we are in a hurry!"

Since Wang Qiang told Chu Huan the time yesterday, Wang Qiang could clearly feel the depression on Chu Huan's face.

Now I hear what Chu Huan said again, only that Chu Huan has not many beast crystals on hand as gambling capital.

In this regard, Wang Qiang chuckled and said, "It's okay! If the junior is not enough, I can also allow some beast crystals with one star of black iron to the junior as a loan from you."

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Forget it! There's no reason to borrow money from seniors for such a thing."

Seeing that Chu Huan was unwilling, Wang Qiang did not continue to mention the matter, but said, "It's okay, I just received the news that students from the Third Middle School, Fifth Middle School and Linhai High School have already applied for the challenge! It's just that the challenge is now. Which is the target school?

Anyway, the students of these schools will continue to challenge our school in the future, this time it is purely for practicing! "

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's the only way!"

During the conversation between the two, Wang Qiang's vehicle soon drove to a private club that looked resplendent.

"Where is the place to bet?"

After getting off the car, Chu Huan looked a little surprised at the club in front of him.

After throwing the car keys to the doorman, Wang Qiang smiled and said, "Did you think that the place to bet is in those dark places?"

Chu Huan also nodded his head without concealment.

Seeing this, Wang Qiang smiled and said, "If that kind of black place opens, I won't tell you about this, my junior. After all, it's illegal to gamble without permission!"

"And this kind of calculation opened because of the student's challenge can only be regarded as a bet, which is legal. Whether it is a winning bet after the fact or the dealer who opened the book, it is necessary to pay taxes."

"Otherwise, there are a few who dare to take money and play with peace of mind."

After explaining it to Chu Huan, Wang Qiang brought Chu Huan into the clubhouse and said, "This Jintang Club is relatively well-known in Linhai City, and those who can enter and exit are basically the awakened ones.

"And it is said that the owner of the Jintang Club has a backstage, and the relationship is very strong in Linhai City! No one dares to make trouble here."

During Wang Qiang's introduction, Chu Huan was also constantly looking at the environment in the clubhouse.

Soon, during the walk, the two entered a separate hall under the guidance of the waiter.

It's just that at this moment, this hall is divided into dozens of small rooms.

At the same time, Wang Qiang next to him explained: "This Jintang Club will hold small bets every three months. In order to ensure the safety of the bettors, the room is divided separately so as not to cause some trouble."

"Huh, it's quite considerate? I've noticed it in terms of privacy!"

After hearing what Wang Qiang said, Chu Huan raised his brows slightly.

Wang Qiang shrugged and said, "No way! I would say that this is a service industry after all, so I have to be considerate."

"After all, awakened people are different from ordinary people. Once they are targeted because of some things, no one knows if they will have more tails behind them when they enter the secret realm of beasts next time."

"So if privacy and security are not guaranteed, who would want to come to this place to bet or have fun, knowing that it is dangerous!"

When Wang Qiang continued to learn about these situations, the two were led by the waiter to one of the rooms.

The room looks small, and it adds up to only ten square meters, which is equivalent to the size of a double bed.

There is a sofa in the middle, and there is another place in the room that looks like a window, but the curtain is pulled up, making it difficult to see what is inside the window.

When the two entered the room and the waiter at the door closed the door, the curtain inside the window was suddenly pulled open, revealing a sweet-looking woman in her twenties.

"' . Hello two gentlemen! It is an honor to serve you two. Please take a seat."

As she spoke, the woman gestured to the high-end leather sofa placed by the window.

After sitting down, the woman didn't know what button to press, and there were already a few projections of characters and numbers on the window.

"Project: Linhai No. 3 Middle School challenges Tianlin Middle School (the result of both sides winning or losing is the betting project)"

"When: Two days later"

"Current odds: Linhai No. 3 Middle School challenge succeeded - odds: 0.5, Linhai No. 3 Middle School challenge failed - odds: 1.2."

"Huh? The odds of success in the challenge are so low?"

Looking at the content on the projection, Chu Huan murmured softly.

Wang Qiang said in a low voice, "There's no way! This time Linhai No. 3 Middle School has three Heavenly Awakeners, while Tianlin Middle School has only two. Judging from the number of people, Linhai No. 3 Middle School has the advantage this time."

"And the three students in Linhai No. 3 Middle School who participated in the challenge this time were the slowest to be promoted to the first black iron star in the last week, and the other two from our school were only successfully promoted three days ago."

"Besides, there is no objection to wheel battles in the challenge, so on the surface, our school's chances of winning are very low, so today we basically buy Linhai No. 3 Middle School. so."

After thinking for a while, Chu Huan asked, "If someone buys a lot of Tianlin Middle School to win, then after the odds are adjusted, will we get less money?"

Chu Huan has basically never played gambling in his last life, so he really doesn't know what's going on here.

Wang Qiang shook his head and said, "No, once the bet is made, the dealer will issue a voucher, and the voucher will show the odds at the time of the bet, which means that if we buy Tianlin Middle School and win, no matter how the odds are adjusted later , the bookmakers give us the odds of 1.2."

"That's it!"

After listening to Wang Qiang's explanation, Chu Huan's expression was also stunned.

After letting Chu Huan figure out the situation inside, Wang Qiang took out a black bag from the space watch and placed it in the window, "I failed the challenge two days after I bought Linhai No. 3 Middle School!"

The woman inside the window pulled the black bag closer to the window and counted it carefully.

Soon, after counting the beast crystals aside, the woman in the window placed the beast crystals in a machine next to it.

"Black Iron One Star Beast Crystal: Quantity, three hundred!"

After listening to the test results of the machine, the woman collected the beast crystals and said with a smile: "Sir, your bet amount is 300 black iron and one star. Are you sure that your bet on Linhai No. 3 Middle School will fail?"

Wang Qiang: "Yes!"

Soon, after a series of procedures and showing her ID card, the woman in the window handed Wang Qiang a voucher, which clearly stated the bet amount, time and number of bets, as well as a QR code voucher.

"Student, it's your turn!"

After collecting the voucher, Wang Qiang looked at Chu Huan.

Hearing this, after Chu Huan looked at the woman in front of him, Chu Huan scratched his head and said, "Well, can you only count manually?"

The woman responded with a smile: "The number of manual labor is the first step. After that, we need to check whether there are any waste crystals through machine testing. The two procedures are more secure!"

Seeing this, Chu Huan coughed lightly and said, "Then trouble you!"

The woman smiled and said, "No trouble! It should be!"

The woman's voice just fell, and Chu Huan's right hand touched the space watch.

"Crash la la la..."

In an instant, the beast crystals poured out from Chu Huan's space watch.

Until these beast crystals have successfully filled the window in front of them.

Wang Qiang: "???? Gang?"


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