Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

After the 2 get out of class, Chu Huan got up and walked quickly to Fu Wenbo's office.

After knocking on the door, Chu Huan entered the office with a smile on his face when Fu Wenbo's voice came from inside the office.

Looking at Chu Huan entering the office, Fu Wenbo's eyelids twitched subconsciously.

Suddenly, I felt a little pain in my brain.

"Boy, why are you here again?"

Chu Huan smiled and said, "Look at what Mr. Fu said, can't I come if it's okay?"

Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and threw a white vial to Chu Huan far away.

After grabbing the white vial in midair, Fu Wenbo said, "This is the medicine that the director told you before."


Hearing Fu Wenbo's words, Chu Huan's eyes lit up, and then he opened the bottle and poured a bottle out of it.

It looks crystal clear, but it looks like the transparent vitamin supplement capsules in ordinary pharmacies.

It contained some reddish liquid.

When Chu Huan looked at the medicine in his hand, Fu Wenbo said, "This medicine in your hand is called T9, which belongs to the lowest level of the T-series medicines, which corresponds to your current Awakened apprentice level.

Although this medicine does not have any side effects, it is very effective. Even the Awakened at the black iron level can only take nine pills at a time.

When you reach the Bronze level, if the "Physical" attribute goes up, you can change to T8 drugs with stronger effects in the Awakened Association. "

"Okay, I get it now!"

After Chu Huan responded, he put the medicine in his hand on the space watch, ready to try the effect before entering the secret realm of the giant pincer scorpion and beast in the afternoon.

Seeing that Chu Huan had collected the medicine, Fu Wenbo said, "Tell me! What do you want to do when you come here today?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan smiled and said, "Well, it's not really a big deal. I've heard that people from Linhai No. 3 Middle School will come to challenge the students of our school for a few days, so I ask Teacher Fu for your side."

Fu Wenbo said in surprise: "Huh? Where did you know this news?"

Although he asked this question, Fu Wenbo did not wait for Chu Huan to answer and continued: "Yes, there is such a thing. The challenge application was sent to our school yesterday afternoon! Are you interested in participating?"

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Forget it, everyone is a wake-up caller. I've only just woken up and not long ago to join in the fun?"

Seeing Chu Huan's modesty at the moment, Fu Wenbo rolled his eyes and said, "Boy, anyway, I understand your situation, let's be sincere with each other, don't be so hypocritical, and feel tired."

0 ·For flowers

Although Awakeners have good talents, they are basically A-level or S-level talent potential evaluations.

But what about Chu Huan? SSS level.

Dumped those who woke up a few streets.

Awakened only a week ago, and has already reached the 4-star Awakened apprentice. With such a promotion speed, those students of the early Awakened can't keep up.

But now he's running to his side and pretending, who is he going to show?

Hearing this, Chu Huan followed Fu Wenbo's words with a straight face: "Well, I have something I want to discuss with you, Teacher Fu."

Fu Wenbo said, "Hurry up and say it, get out of my sight!"

Seeing this, Chu Huan said, "Well, aren't the students from Linhai No. 3 Middle School going to challenge the outstanding students in our school for a few days? I think they will play a song to cheer them up before they start playing."

After all, the challenge for students from other schools is to apply to both schools first.

Under such circumstances, Chu Huan wanted to pull a song and add BUFF. There is no special reason. How can others agree?

...................... 0

So as early as yesterday when it was decided to do something, Chu Huan thought of Fu Wenbo.

After all, Fu Wenbo is the grade director anyway, and things in senior three are basically dominated by Fu Wenbo.

As long as Fu Wenbo agrees, Chu Huan can play music while lying down.

Fu Wenbo: "??????"

Facing Chu Huan's purpose, Fu Wenbo was stunned.

After a while, Fu Wenbo looked at Chu Huan strangely and said, "No! Boy, do you have a grudge against the people from Linhai No. 3 Middle School?"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "No!"

Fu Wenbo glared at him and said, "If that's right, why are you doing this? You don't have much in mind about your own tool soul skills? That song can be used for fun? You're not going to send people away, are you?"

Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Mr. Fu, what are you doing here, isn't there a BUFF effect for my Soul Skill? I just want to pull a song to cheer up my friends in No. 3 Middle School, to express our goodness. The hospitality of Lin Middle School!"

During this period of time, Fu Wenbo knew Chu Huan well, although he did not know him well.

Definitely belong to the unprofitable people.

If there is no benefit or reason, Chu Huan might even stand by and watch the play if someone calls at the door of Class 18.

But now, Chu Huan is so concerned about this Linhai No. 3 Middle School student challenging Tianlin Middle School.

To say that Fu Wenbo can't see that Chu Huan's intentions are not pure, then Fu Wenbo is also sorry for his age and his identity as a director.

Therefore, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but looked up and down at Chu Huan suspiciously.

Facing Fu Wenbo's gaze at the moment, Chu Huan's upper body stretched out slightly, and then he tried his best to make his expression and eyes more sincere.

But the more Chu Huan was like this, the more doubts Fu Wenbo felt in his heart.

"What kind of bad idea is this little bastard up to?"

Seeing Chu Huan's deliberate behavior, Fu Wenbo frowned slightly and thought quickly in his heart.

However, at this moment, Fu Wenbo seemed to be thinking of something, and when he looked at Chu Huan, his eyes were a little more clear. Ten thousand.

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