Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 102 Are you an assistant so cruel? (55 for subscription and data)

According to this situation, before the big sword in Liu Luoyan's hand was swung, the giant pincers of this giant pincer scorpion would fall on Liu Luoyan's body.

With Liu Luoyan's "physique" attribute at the moment, once caught by this giant pliers, I am afraid that his body will be cut into two pieces on the spot.


Taking this scene into the eyes, both Zhu Tao and Zhou Hao looked shocked, and subconsciously mobilized their soul power to rush towards Liu Luoyan.

But the two of them are too far away from Liu Luoyan at the moment, and at this moment, even Liu Luoyan's movements are a beat slower at the moment, let alone the two of them.


However, when the giant pincers of this giant pincer scorpion was about to land on Liu Luoyan from a distance, a slender and fair hand suddenly appeared in the sight of Zhu Tao and Zhou Hao.

Then he directly grabbed the giant pincer that was less than ten centimeters away from Liu Luoyan's back.

In an instant.

The giant pliers, which had been swiftly clipped towards Liu Luoyan's A4 paper waist, were held down by the strong heart, and could no longer move even an inch forward.

But it was Chu Huan, who was still 100 meters away a second ago, at full speed.

"Boom, boom, boom........"

It was also at the moment when the giant pincer was successfully blocked, the sound of bursting bubbles was introduced into Zhu Tao and Zhou Hao's ears.

At the same time, while Chu Huan's body stood still, it was under the huge impact force during the moment when the speed was fully opened and then the moment came to a standstill.

The joints in the body that are the joints and the joints of the muscles, the soul power of the joints exploded instantly.

If it wasn't for these exploding soul powers to withstand the reaction force that erupted at this moment, even with Chu Huan's physique, under this circumstance, some muscles and bones would not be able to avoid a little damage to the body.

After successfully rushing to Liu Luoyan's side to block the giant pliers, Chu Huan narrowed his eyes and raised his other hand quickly.

Then, just like tearing open a piece of paper, Chu Huan ruthlessly ripped apart the originally rigid giant pincer of the giant pincer scorpion.

Flesh and blood were flying, and the huge pain also caused this giant pincer scorpion to let out a painful roar.

But the sound had just come out. After the giant pincers were torn apart, Chu Huan's body suddenly jumped towards the giant pincer scorpion.

At the moment of approaching this giant pincer scorpion, one hand pressed on the head of this giant pincer scorpion, while the arm and waist were exerting force at the same time, the knee was ruthlessly pressed against the head of this giant pincer scorpion .

Under Chu Huan's knee strike, the giant pincer scorpion's head that was supposed to be as rigid as iron turned out to be made of plastic.

The entire head dented and then shattered under Chu Huan's knee strike.

At the moment when his knees successfully hit the head of this giant pincer scorpion, Chu Huan, who had no obstacle, jumped directly over the head of this giant pincer scorpion.

When the body stood firm, the giant pincer scorpion behind him also fell to the ground and twitched twice before dying.


From the beginning to the end, Zhu Tao and Zhou Hao, who saw all of Chu Huan's hands-on process, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although it was not the first time they saw Chu Huan make a move, at this moment, the fierceness of Chu Huan's hands-on still shocked them.

And as this giant pincer scorpion was killed by Chu Huan, Liu Luoyan, who was previously regarded as a prey, also successfully turned the corner.

Quickly turning his head and looking at the corpse of the giant pincer scorpion, which was only about ten centimeters away from him, Liu Luoyan couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

When looking at Chu Huan, he nodded and said, "Thank you!"

Hearing this, Chu Huan shrugged lightly and said, "The beast crystal of this giant pincer scorpion is handed over to you!"

After saying this, Chu Huan walked slowly towards the corpses whose beast crystals had not been dissected out.

Seeing Chu Huan crouching down to collect the beast crystals again, Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao couldn't help but look at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

After a while, Zhou Hao said slowly, "What do you think?"

Hearing this, Zhu Tao recalled for a few seconds and said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "I was a little scared."

Zhou Hao: "Frightened? Because of the giant pincer scorpion just now?"

Zhu Tao shook his head and said, "No, I was frightened by the picture that the big guy just started!"

Hearing Zhu Tao's words, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he felt similar to Zhu Tao.

After pondering for a few seconds, Zhou Hao looked at the eyebrow-raising stick in his hand and asked, "I will smash the carapace of this giant pincer scorpion apart and it will take five sticks, how about you?"

Zhu Tao said with a wooden face: "Seven knives, I need seven knives to break the carapace of these giant pincer scorpions."

After a simple conversation, both of them fell silent.

With the strength of the two of them, it would take several attacks to break open the carapace of these giant pincer scorpions.

But what about Chu Huan? In just a moment, the head of this giant pincer scorpion was directly blown away.

Wouldn't the strength attribute break 100?

And I thought of the scene where Chu Huan directly and brutally tore off the giant pincer scorpion's front limbs and kicked the giant pincer scorpion's entire head off with a knee hit.

That picture is simply violent to the extreme. .

But things like this were done by an auxiliary awakener like Chu Huan.

Thinking of the whole process of killing the giant pincer scorpion in such a sturdy way with a calm expression on Chu Huan's face just now.

The two of them felt their backs glow for a while.

Looking at Chu Huan who was squatting and collecting the beast crystals in the distance, both of them wanted to ask, "Are you an assistant so cruel?"

After a while, Zhou Hao Cai said in a complicated tone: "Are you sure, you want this big brother to be our duel practice for the next period of time? Don't let him get up and kill us!"

Hearing what Zhou Hao said, Zhu Tao glanced at the giant pincer scorpion with no head and one pincer in the distance.

Suddenly I felt a little nervous.

Maybe he heard the low talk from the two of them, or maybe he was dissatisfied with the two being lazy on the side like this.

While the two of them felt hair in their hearts, Chu Huan in the distance suddenly turned around slowly and glanced at the two of them lightly.

Noticing the dissatisfaction in Chu Huan's eyes, both Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao were startled, they quickly lowered their heads and stabbed the weapon in their hands towards the giant pincer scorpion in front of them, collecting the beast crystals diligently.


In the hot and sultry air, the roars of the beasts echoed around 0 .

A faint bloody smell echoed in the air.

After successfully collecting the last beast crystal, Zhou Hao couldn't help but slumped on the ground and wiped the sweat from his face with his shoulders.

Not only Zhou Hao, but also Liu Luoyan and Zhu Tao on the side could obviously feel their physical strength drop significantly at this moment.

Although during the five hours, the three of them basically did not fight much, just acting as a tightening of the collection machine.

But the physical attributes of the three people in question are not as terrifying as Chu Huan.

It was still a bit unbearable to stay in this harsh environment like this giant pincer scorpion beast secret realm for so long.

"Okay, that's almost it! Let's be here for the time being today!"

It was also when the three of them were breathing in a mess, Chu Huan, who was looking at the time, suddenly spoke up.

Hearing Chu Huan's words, the three of them had the sound of the teacher announcing the end of the class in the last class before each high school vacation.

Just like the sound of nature, people can feel comfortable from head to toe.

Under this feeling, even Zhou Hao and Zhu Tao felt a little more vitality in their bodies.

While walking behind Chu Huan towards the secret passage, Zhou Hao quietly touched Zhu Tao and said in a low voice, "How many beast crystals have you collected over there?"

Zhu Tao quickly checked his space watch and replied, "I have ninety-three here."

Zhou Hao: "I have ninety-one pieces. The two of us collected more slowly, and Liu Luoyan and that person collected more quickly. That is to say, in these five hours, the boss killed a total of four or five. Hundreds of giant pincer scorpions?"

Zhu Tao nodded and said, "Only more or less!"

After roughly calculating the number of Chu Huan's kills today, Zhou Hao said in shock: "Mother! If it were us, even at the time of Black Iron Samsung, it would take a month or two to kill so many, right? This The efficiency is too scary!"

Zhu Tao reluctantly said: "No way, even if there is no weapon soul skill, with that terrifying strength and fierce fighting methods, it is estimated that the killing speed will not be much slower."

Zhou Hao: "Hey! 3.6 I don't know, when will I be able to be like him, even when facing a bunch of beasts alone, I can be unscrupulous."

Zhu Tao: "Then you sleep with a high pillow at night, and you have everything in your dreams."


Facing the discussion between the two behind him, Chu Huan had no intention of interrupting at all.

After all, Chu Huan is also human.

People like to hear good things, and Chu Huan is no exception.

If it wasn't for the unfamiliar people, Chu Huan could even get close to listening to the praise of the two.

Focusing on his space watch, Chu Huan couldn't help but nodded when he saw the 130 fresh beast crystals inside.

If Chu Huan came alone, although these giant pincer scorpions were easy to kill, the collection of beast crystals would take too much time.

This can not help but let Chu Huan sigh his foresight.

An hour and a half later, after Zhou Hao drove Chu Huan to the initiative place that Chu Huan himself requested, and made an appointment with a few people to meet an hour later, Chu Huan got off the bus.

It was only after the vehicles of several people disappeared from view that Chu Huan took another car and headed towards his community. .

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