Xia Pingan grabbed it by the wrist of a hand.

He turned his head and looked over and saw a fourteen-five-year-old boy with a gray felt hat on his head, semi-new clothes stained with raindrops, and a thin face, staring at him. eye shows the ominous light, without a hint of fear.

The two chopsticks held by the young man have fallen to the ground.

“Damn it, what are you doing, let go?” The young man was not only not afraid, but fiercely said with a threatening voice.

Xia Pingan’s hands were slightly hard, and the young man’s face showed a trace of pain, but in the pain, there was also a trace of cunning.

“Ah…” The young man yelled, with a strong performance element, and then fell on the ground full of sewage, convulsing all over his body.

Those people who had just arrived in Beijing were frightened and dispersed. At the same time, there were more than a dozen people surrounded by them. Those more than ten people were all in their ten and twenty years old. Some of the men wore felt hats on their heads, and some wore yellow vests that could help people carry luggage outside the port. They immediately surrounded Xia Pingan, each of them eye shows the ominous light staring at Xia Pingan, no The few people put their hands in their pockets. The pockets are bulging, and it seems that there should be sharp objects in them.

“Xiapi, what’s the matter with you?” A flat-faced man in his twenties with small eyes and eyebrows so faint that he couldn’t see it, walked out of the crowd and asked coarsely.

“Brother Hong, I just came over and asked him if he wanted to salute, but he didn’t expect him to hit me, oops, oops, it hurts…” the boy who fell on the ground yelled Then, he convulsed as if performing on the ground again.

“Friends, a group of our brothers are just doing coolies and eating together, helping people to make gifts and making some hard money. Have you ever bullied a child like this?” That’s called Hong Ge The young man looked at Xia Pingan coldly, and approached two steps, “You don’t need our service, why hit someone?”

“Yes, why are you hitting someone?”

“Damn it, dare to bully us, be careful to stab you…”

“Kill him, kill him…”

The people around came around, one Someone stared at Xia Pingan fiercely, others were shouting and threatening, and several people stared at the luggage compartment that Xia Pingan was holding.

Xia Pingan looked down at the shrimp skin that fell on the ground. When the shrimp skin twitched, it kicked the two wooden chopsticks that fell on the ground into the crowd next to him. The people in the crowd kicked the two wooden chopsticks apart in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

This is a crime committed by a group. The division of labor is clear. Once the burglary fails to be discovered, it threatens the wrongdoer. These people in front of you are already very skilled in this set.

The so-called peeking and knowing the whole thing, this kind of group is blocked in the port area of ​​Shangjing city to commit crimes, and there is no police to control it. The public security and environment faced by the middle and lower classes in Shangjing city are probably more than one’s imagination. Worse.

Seeing that Xia Pingan didn’t speak, but just looked around, those who came around became bolder. The Hong brother and a few people in the crowd cast a wink, and the surrounding crowd surrounded Come here, noisy.

“Hit him…” Someone in the crowd stirred up.

Amidst the chaos, the crowd that came to obscured the eyes of people outside. Several hands grabbed to Xia Pingan’s luggage compartment, with sharp blades in their hands, and other hands, directly moved towards Xia Pingan grabbed it, like a body search for Xia Pingan, and some hands turned into fists, and some had half a brick and a wooden stick on the hands, then moved towards Xia Pingan’s head and body and hit it , A few younger teenagers came from the crowd numbly and wanted to hug Xia Pingan’s hand.

The shrimp twitching on the ground didn’t twitch anymore, with a fiercely smile, trying to hug Xia Pingan’s leg.

The scene in front of me is like a group of hyenas besieging a lion.

In this case, apart from being beaten and robbed, it is estimated that the ordinary person is also difficult to deal with for a while.

It’s just that those people may be able to work closely together like hyenas, and Xia Pingan is not as easy to deal with as lions.

Xia Pingan didn’t have any extra expressions on her face, she just picked up her suitcase and moved towards the surroundings.

The suitcase banged his fists, moved bricks, wooden sticks, hands, bodies…

The people who came around, rolled over in an oops, and fell to the ground. ……

The Hong brother was hit by his suitcase, and he was dizzy and flew two meters away.

“Ouch, oops, hit someone, hit someone…”

The people screamed together.

Seeing that Xia Pingan is so brave, the strength in her hands is amazing, it is not a soft-footed shrimp that people recognize, and those who fell on the ground did not dare to rush over for a while.

“Toot…Toot…” A policeman wearing a black uniform and carrying a baton, did not show up early or late, and finally appeared when the people screamed.

“What are you doing, what are you doing, who has beaten someone?” The policeman got fat and walked over. As soon as he walked over, he asked with a cold face and loudly.

“Police officer, he beat people…” Hong Ge, who fell on the ground, and a group of people who yelled and called, all pointed to Xia Pingan.

“Police officer, they are stealing, robbing, and beating people here, don’t you care?” Xia Pingan said to the policeman.

“I didn’t see what you said, they said you hit someone, so many people saw it…” The policeman moved towards Xia Pingan and walked over with a grimace. A truncheon slapped his hand.

“The bricks on the ground, wooden sticks, and blades hidden on their bodies. Those are evidence. You will find out when you search!”

Listening to what Xia Pingan said, that The police’s face became colder, a pair of peeing eyes stared at Xia Pingan with bad eyes, and scolded directly, “The police still use you to teach you when handling the case. If you have any questions, let me talk to the police station…”

While speaking, the policeman took out the handcuffs around his waist and was about to torture Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan finally understands why these gangsters are so rampant in the wharf area. It turns out that there are umbrellas and a nest of snakes and rats. He retired when the police took out the handcuffs to come and torture himself. After the next step, I avoided it all at once.

The policeman’s face changed slightly, “Damn it, do you still dare to arrest?”

“Do you know who I am?” Xia Pingan blinked and asked suddenly The policeman said a word.

The policeman froze for a moment, “Who are you?”

“I won’t tell you!” Xia Pingan slightly smiled.

The police complexion changed and caught Xia Pingan again. Xia Pingan shot the handcuffs and grabbed the policeman’s handcuffs. At the same time, he grabbed the policeman’s wrist. The policeman staggered and was taken involuntarily by Xia Pingan to the pole of a street lamp next to him.

Xia Pingan shot too fast, ka-cha ka-cha sounded twice. The policeman was still confused and did not respond. He was already holding the light pole in both hands and was caught by Xia. Pingan was grilled.

Not only that, Xia Pingan also tore off the whistle from his neck and the handcuff keys from his belt.

“How dare you resist arrest, hurry… let me go?” The policeman yelled strangely, violently, and at the same time very embarrassed. When the policeman was in such a large public, he was tortured by one person. Lived, still holding the light pole here, this face is very embarrassing.

“There are garbage policemen like you, these people dare to do evil swindle here…” Xia Pingan waved her hand, and threw the police whistle and handcuff keys in her hand into a gap in the sewer next to her. in.

“Come on, come on…” the policeman yelled.

Before someone came around, Xia Pingan had already lifted her suitcase and ran away. In the blink of an eye, she rushed hundreds of meters in the drizzle, turned a corner, and disappeared. In the sight of everyone.

The people of Brother Hong who fell on the ground didn’t react. They didn’t expect Xia Pingan to run as well. When they got up one by one and just chased them out a few steps, they couldn’t see it anymore. It’s silhouette.

“You bastards, don’t you have any brains, find the key, and open my handcuffs…” the police flustered and exasperated who was chained to the street lamp yelled.

Brother Hong turned around again and hurriedly opened the manhole cover of the sewer, trying to retrieve the key, but it was raining today, the water in the sewer was a bit rush, and Xia Pingan threw the key to the sewer. The police whistles, etc., were washed by the water, and they were no longer visible.

The people watching here at the exit of the pier are like watching a funny farce…

The police were tortured, and a group of gangsters were rescuing the police…

It’s really a family of police and people…

Not far from the roadside, a black four-wheel carriage stopped by the roadside.

In the back row of the carriage, Jing Lao looked through the dark glass window and watched what happened there, waiting to see Xia Pingan’s figure disappear at the corner of the street, sitting in the carriage Jing Laocai inside smiled slightly, pulled up the curtain of the carriage window, and tapped a wooden board in the carriage with his cane.

“Let’s go!”

“Drive…” The driver in the raincoat outside the carriage shook the reins lightly, and the black four-wheeled carriage started to move.


Xia Pingan was so fast, turning around the corner, and seeing no one chasing behind him, Xia Pingan directly stopped a four-wheeled carriage that had just gotten off. .

The four-wheel carriage used to carry passengers in the upper capital. The color of the lights in front of the carriage is yellow, which is very easy to distinguish.

The coachmen are wearing ponchoes and hats, sitting in front of the car, holding the reins, just like fishermen sitting alone in the winter.

“The camp of the adjudication army…”

From Donggang to the camp of the adjudication army in the north, although the road is easy to walk, the distance between them is more than 500 miles. This carriage requires Run for almost a day.

Furthermore, the weather today is not good, and the distance is so far. The driver just wanted to refuse, and Xia Pingan has thrown a Gold Coin over.

One took Gold Coin, the driver who drove the car was like a chicken blood, and quickly jumped out of the car to pick up the luggage for Xia Pingan.

The carriage ran briskly in the drizzle. Xia Pingan touched her body. The money she got from Dawan City came here all the way, and in the end only two Gold were left. Coin still has a few Silver Coins.

In the misty rain and fog outside, the roadside can be seen everywhere. The tall and gorgeous buildings in the port area are hung with signs of various trading houses, banks, and companies everywhere.

All kinds of people in the capital, Three Sects are nine streams. In order to survive and fight for fame and fortune, countless people are fluttering, struggling, climbing, devouring and tearing in this city. Bite, this is not a good place in the capital…

However, Xia Pingan likes it very much, because it is not a good place, so I have a chance. ,

The real opportunity is hidden in the chaos, contradictions and conflicts…

Going to the capital, here I am!

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