After Yan Duo talked about his experience during this period, he asked about Xia Pingan’s experience. Xia Pingan also told him what happened in Xinchuan and Yizhou during this period. , I also stated my purpose of coming to Xinchuan this time.

“The food shortage will not only happen in Xinchuan and Yizhou. The longer the time is, the greater the harm caused by the food shortage will be. People on it will not fail to see it. Therefore, it is best to take advantage of the permanent This time window when the Space Crack disappeared will restore the order in various places and wipe out the monsters.” Yan Duo touched the chin said.

“You come back from outside Yizhou, are the permanent Space Cracks outside the province disappearing?” Xia Pingan asked.

“Yes!” Yan Duo nodded, with a serious expression, “I have seen two permanent Space Crack disappearing scenes before. It is really shocking. In this world, maybe there is Spiritual God and a will beyond our imagination exist, otherwise the golden light tree shadows and silhouettes that appeared in the disappeared Space Cracks are completely unexplainable, then impossible is a natural phenomenon.”

“Yes, it is the same. Compared to this mysterious universe, our current strength is still too small…” Thinking of the scene when the Space Crack disappeared, Xia Pingan still felt shocked at this moment.

If there is an extraordinary will that closes the crack of space invasion, does it also mean that all previous space invasions also come from another extraordinary will?

Xia Pingan suddenly remembered the Demon God worshipped by the members of Demon Eye. He used to think that the so-called Demon God should be a Totem idol worshipped by Demon Eye or a certain ideal and belief. Incarnation.

However, after seeing the closed scene of Space Crack with his own eyes, Xia Pingan’s idea has been shaken.

The monsters came to this World, but the monsters were also planted with world beads, which gave the people of this World the power to resist them.

The ruler of Demon God brought space invasion, and another extraordinary power comparable to the ruler of Demon God is preventing the space invasion. The two sides are entangled and contested. The so-called space invasion is the gods and demons. The continuation of the war in this World?

This conclusion is absurd, but it is an explanation that Xia Pingan can deduce to fit all logic.

“Don’t sigh, this is a good thing. Maybe if we hold on for a few more days, the situation in Dayan will change. Once Space Crack is gone, summoners will slow down again. Those invasions The monsters won’t last long. On the way back, I saw summoners in some places have reorganized with the troops and started to encircle those monsters!”

“So fast?”

“Some summoner families have stocked a lot of rune bullets before. The troops are most afraid of the demon. Once the troops can have rune bullets to restrain the demon, it will be like the red-haired demon wolf mage we encountered today. They are all likely to be killed by heavy artillery bombardment. In Donghu Province, I saw that some summoner families have begun to dominate the local situation, gathering troops and personnel, and issuing rune bullets to the troops, and some small cities have been recovered.”

Yan Duo said, licking his lips, his eyes gleaming, “Now is the time for us to show our talents and make achievements. If we two kill most of these monsters in Xinchuan City, we will all be national when we recover. It’s a hero. Let’s join hands in Xinchuan. How about doing a good job with him.”

“You said that, it’s so interesting!” Xia Pingan thought for a while, and He was very moved. His goal was the granary, but the situation in front of Xinchuan was that he didn’t get rid of those demon wolves in a group. He had some difficulty getting close to the granary, and the demon wolf clan and the demon rats were different from those big spiders. If the wolf mage finds the battle preparation granary, he has the ability to enter the battle preparation granary and destroy it.

So, you can’t let those demon wolves idle, you must take the initiative to make those demon wolves move, it is best to lead the demon wolf out of Xinchuan, as much as you can eliminate.

“What is interesting? It was originally such a thing. The princes, generals and wealthy families in history all seized the opportunity at this time!”

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“The space creatures that invade everywhere are low-level goods. I haven’t heard of high-level monsters invading. Both of us are Origin Realm. Even if you can’t fight, there’s no problem running away!”

Xia Pingan’s eyes moved. “When it comes to escaping, I have a way. If it succeeds, you can definitely destroy a lot of demon wolf demons. Mouse, can also easily harvest a lot of world beads…”

“What method?” Yan Duo asked with interest.

“I have a lot of huge might cloud explosive bombs, thermobaric bombs, thermite incendiary bombs, etc. I got from the arsenal before. You said, if we can find a place to lay them out Trap, and then lead the demon wolf or rat into the trap, and then detonate the ultimate weapon in the trap. This should be able to easily destroy a large number of monsters, the formidable power of the air-dropped thermobaric bomb cloud explosive bomb, It’s not comparable to a single-soldier cloud explosive bomb.”

Yan Duo got excited, rubbing his hands, “How many big guys do you have now?”

“Ten thousand Tons, it shouldn’t be a problem to blow up half of Xinchuan City!”

Yan Duo was shocked, “Damn, how big is your Space Warehouse and can hold so many?”

” Hehe, it’s enough!”

“This method is absolutely feasible. Let’s put it all together. In Xinchuan City, let him get a big vote!”

The two began to earnestly After discussing, for example, where to ambush the best effect, what method to use to attract those monsters, etc., we discussed the details again.

This discussion lasted more than an hour.

The two have discussed it, and when they wait until tomorrow, they will act. First, find a place to set up a bomb trap, and then go to attract the blame.

They both have the curse mark of the demon wolf clan on their bodies. There are many ways to attract strangers, and they don’t appear very deliberate.

When the discussion was over, Xia Pingan took out the world bead she got today and took a look.

There was a faint white light flashing in the realm bead, and the four divine symbol seals in the white light were faintly discernible-waiting for the rabbit.

This is a coincidence. The two of them were discussing the arrangement of traps just now. This is actually the Jiezhu in their hands.

“Ah, this is the world bead you got!” Yan Dao glanced at the divine symbol of the world bead in Xia Pingan’s hand, shook the head a little disappointed, “This is a black box world. Bead, I have never heard of anyone who has merged, but I have never heard of a dead person before fusing this world bead. The danger of this world bead is not high. You can try it here. I will protect the law for you. It won’t take long!”

Xia Pingan didn’t explain, she just nodded, turned the ring on her hand, pierced her finger, and dripped two drops of blood on the world bead, just a moment’s effort. Xia Pingan’s body was surrounded by a white cocoon.


Xia Pingan opened her eyes and found that she was holding a hoe, digging in the field, and she was wearing a short coat made of hemp .

There are more than 20 acres of Heaven and Earth in front of me, and in those more than 20 acres of Heaven and Earth, there is also an old tree pile left on the ground.

As Xia Pingan was looking at the old tree pile, a rabbit rushed over from the grass in the distance, hit the tree stump with one head, kicked his legs, and died.

Xia Pingan laughed, as expected.

The reason why it is difficult for others to successfully integrate this world bead, it is estimated that those who come in will have to toss about various things, and they would never think that they just need to guard this old tree pile.

This should be the easiest world bead to integrate.


In the cave, I saw that Xia Pingan was surrounded by a light cocoon in the fusion world pearl, and Yan Duo was a little bit cautious about the world bead he obtained. Take it out and take a look.

There are several divine symbols on the Jiezhu-Xu Daolu shipbuilding.

Yan Duo didn’t know the divine symbol on the world bead, but he knew that this world bead was a rare artifact. Search the ship.

This world bead is very rare, but it is not easy to encounter. He has seen it before, so he is so generous with this world bead to relieve Xia Pingan’s “debt”…

Just when Yan Duo touched the world bead, the light cocoon on Xia Pingan shattered before waiting a few minutes.

Yan Duo quickly put away the world bead in his hand.

“cough cough, it doesn’t matter if you fail…” Yan Duo also comforted a giant.

“Well, it should be a success!” Xia Pingan touched her nose, laughed.

“What?” Yan Duo thought he had misheard, “Successful, did you say that the black box world pearl was successfully integrated?”

“Yes, I got ten Click divine force, and there is a small spell!”

“What spell?”

“Do you want to eat fresh barbecue?”

“Want Ah, do you have one?”

“Wait a minute!” Xia Pingan said, closing her eyes for a moment, and suddenly pointed her hand at a stone not far from the two of them, a little earth-yellow The spot of light flew out of Xia Pingan’s fingers and sank into the stone.

“This is over?” Yan Duo blinked, “What about the meat?”

“Wait a minute…”

The two waited patiently In five or six minutes, Yan Duo almost lost his patience, thinking that Xia Pingan was joking about him. There was a little movement outside the cave. The shadow flashed, and a pheasant rushed in and hit him. Fell on the rock, and then fell to the ground.

Half a minute later, another gray rabbit rushed in and hit the rock with one head.

Looking at the two prey that rushed into the cave moved towards the stone, Yan Duo was stunned, “This…this is the technique?”

“Not bad. This spell is a small spell for hunting. It consumes at least a little divine force at a time, which can attract some prey around!”

“With such a spell, don’t you never have to worry about being hungry? “Yan Duo is very envious. This kind of spell is too practical. If you want to catch any prey, the prey will come by himself. Just now, he thought that the artifact he got, the summon world bead, was good, but it was similar to the one in front of Xia Pingan. Compared with the spells, the world pearl seemed to be less fragrant.

Xia Pingan, this guy is too abnormal. No wonder he has advanced to the Second Origin Realm in such a short period of time. This should be the second black box realm he has merged. Yan Duo has never seen it. Has any summoner ever merged with world beads so easy.

Yan Duo is already thinking seriously about whether to hug Xia Pingan’s thighs, Xia Pingan’s future achievements are absolutely amazing…

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