The bullets of the sniper rifle attracted four magic fire spiders, one magic liquid spider, and seven magic rats here.

This is a sports ground for a middle school in Northwest of Xinchuan City.

The magic fire spider that was hit in the head by the armour-piercing incendiary of a sniper rifle, and a magic mouse that was hit by the armour-piercing incendiary bomb and scorched a large piece of body fur, following the bullet. He rushed into the school and came to the sports field.

And waiting for them is just a Black Tortoise, and two elite slave soldiers set up a killing game.

Black Tortoise’s restraint against magic fire spiders and magic liquid spiders is too strong, one bite, no accident, those magic fire spiders, magic liquid spiders, there is no chance to resist.

Black Tortoise’s body is like a cloud of black water, carrying a powerful and terrifying water-based ice cold energy. The cold energy has a ghostly breath. One attack can annihilate those big spiders. Everything is alive.

And the elite slave soldiers are ka beng fragile when facing the magic mouse. Those magic rats that are hit in the head by a sniper rifle will not die, they will be killed by the elite slave soldiers in the blink of an eye. One of his guns was nailed to the ground.

Xia Pingan also discovered only a few days ago that the Black Tortoise that he came out of summon is not static, but will change. With the ability of Black Tortoise, he just figured out the tip of the iceberg.

The Black Tortoise that comes out of the divine force summon at 36 points is slightly larger than his palm, and can only dissipate after one attack.

The Black Tortoise that comes out of the divine force summon at 72 points is twice as big as before and can attack twice.

This time, Black Tortoise, which consumes 180 summon points, is already like a small grinding disc, majestic and majestic. When the five big spiders and seven magic rats rush in, the black Tortoise One is the size of the grinding disc. Opening his mouth, a black chill rolled over.

The figures of the five big spiders and the seven magic mice were instantly frozen by the black chill, and their actions were suddenly slowed down and turned into slow motion.

The elite slaves threw their spears…

Black Tortoise did not touch the ground, stepped on a few black waves, and rushed in front of which big spiders, snake-shaped heads With another mouth, five black water balls flew out of Black Tortoise’s mouth and landed on the five big spiders. Hoar frost was condensed on the five big spiders, and the vitality was instantly annihilated.

Black Tortoise also disappeared.

The guns of the two elite slave soldiers were still flying out. In the blink of an eye, there was frost on the ground in this small school playground, and there were no more monsters.

Until this time, Xia Pingan, who had just picked up eight Level 1 Divine Strength Pills, jumped down from the stand next to it, and came to the battlefield. “All received in his Space Warehouse.

That is the past few days, Xia Pingan really experienced how great it is to be a summoner with sufficient divine force.

In a battle like this, he basically doesn’t need to get out of the field personally. He just needs to stand next to planning strategies like a melon-eating crowd and a commander, winning a hundred meters away, and then using summon things to lighten up. Solve everything easily. The killing and ambush set by him are like a arena. He is the master of the arena. The fate of the monsters who enter the arena is under his control. Everything is as simple as that.

Because the divine force is sufficient, it is no longer a luxury to consume 20 points of divine force summon to produce two elite slave soldiers to assist in the battle.

And this is not at a loss. Elite slave soldiers are the nemesis of magic rats. After an elite slave soldier summon comes out, as long as it is used properly, it can easily kill four magic rats and earn enough old this.

After earning enough money, the elite slave soldiers can do many things before the time arrives, such as spying, investigating, searching, attracting monsters, rescuing other people trapped in the city, and further expanding The scope of the activity area, or the suspicion array, draws other monsters away or once again into the Killing Formation arranged by Xia Pingan.

In short, elite slave soldiers have many uses.

These days, in the small village of Xia Pingan’s secret mandala, it has become lively and full of life, and it has truly begun to resemble a small village, the number of farmers and peasant women in that small village There have been 60 breakthroughs, 10 craftsmen, and 5 Medicine Pill Master. These characters are all from Cangjie Summon.

The previous Space Warehouse is now full. Now in the secret mandala, several craftsmen are leading and directing more than 20 farmers. Before the expansion of the Space Warehouse, the Space Warehouse after the expansion, Compared to before, it is several times bigger.

Xia Pingan didn’t know before that Space Warehouse could be expanded in this way.

Xia Pingan had just collected the bodies of those monsters, and heard another gunshot in the darkness in the distance, another gunshot.

It was Man Zijin who shot. These two shots meant that Man Zijin should have solved the two ghosts of the phantom monsters that were attracted.

The rune armour-piercing incendiary on Man Zijin now has twenty or thirty incendiary rounds, which can be described as “rich and imposing”. At this time, he found that monsters would generally avoid Open or hide, will not shoot, only find the ghost of the Phantom Monster, he will seize the opportunity to shoot again to kill it.

Xia Pingan brought the black dragon summon out, and let the black dragon follow Man Zijin and cover Man Zijin. The black dragon is very sensitive to the smell of monsters and can be used as Man Zijin’s assistant with Man Zijin. Avoid some dangerous areas, give Man Zijin a warning, and if necessary, he can also cover Man Zijin’s evacuation.

Man Zijin cooperates with him more and more tacitly, and the match between Heilong and Man Zijin is also getting smoother.

These days, the activity area and battlefield of Xia Pingan have gradually expanded from the outskirts of Xinchuan City to the fringe of the city.

At this moment, around the school, there is an urban community.

Xia Pingan took a look at Man Zijin with the ability of remote viewing. Only a kilometer away, after firing two shots, Man Zijin was putting the gun away and quickly moved towards a safe point outside the city. Transfer, no longer love to fight, at the same time, Man Zijin still placed a time bomb in place, a few minutes later that bomb exploded, will attract nearby monsters, thus creating opportunities for Xia Pingan.

Xia Pingan also quickly left the sports field of this school, with two elite slave soldiers, running quickly in the shadows and alleys on the street under the cover of darkness, moved towards Close to the city.

Tonight’s plan is that after the two completed the ambush, Man Zijin evacuated and created a small explosion to attract the attention of the monsters. Xia Pingan continued to explore the city and see Where did the magic rats mentioned by Man Zijin get the human body?

Many people were killed in Xinchuan City that night and during the subsequent evacuation process, but there are indeed not many dead bodies in the streets at this moment.

Xia Pingan feels that there will be no good things behind this.

In just a few minutes, Xia Pingan crossed several streets and ran for more than a thousand meters in the dark, approaching a main road in downtown Xinchuan.

On the road in front of the main road, there are the wreckage of a few tanks, more than a dozen magic fire spiders and dozens of magic rats wandering, it is not easy to pass, Xia Pingan took With the two elite slave soldiers hiding in a shop with a broken door on the side of the street, they waited patiently for a while.

Two minutes later, there was a loud explosion in the darkness in the distance, and the magic fire spiders and magic rats walking on the street turned their heads and looked towards the light in the distance. They were obviously alarmed , And then unanimously moved towards the place where the explosion sound came from.

The street was suddenly empty.

Xia Pingan crossed this street and ran for a while. Through remote viewing, he found that there were magic fire spiders blocking the way, and there was a large group. He directly let an elite slave soldier leave and go to the other side. A little movement in a street attracted those magic fire spiders away.

After doing this twice, Xia Pingan gradually penetrated into the urban area of ​​Xinchuan with two elite slave soldiers.

Using remote viewing, there are not many corpses on the surface of Xinchuan city. Since those corpses are not on the ground, the biggest probability is underground. As the provincial capital, Xinchuan City has several super A large underground shelter, one shelter can accommodate more than 100,000 people, Xia Pingan is going to see where it is.

I came to the entrance of a large underground refuge, and just walked down for a while, Xia Pingan suddenly held breath cold air, and there were densely packed magic fires everywhere in the several passages in the underground refuge. There are no fewer than thousands of spiders, and he can’t enter at all.

But there are too many monsters here, obviously a little tricky.

Seeing a few magic fire spiders approaching, they seemed to be patrolling, and was almost spotted, Xia Pingan quickly retreated from the entrance.

Since the normal channel cannot be accessed, we can only find another way.

A few minutes later, Xia Pingan found a vent in the refuge on a building near the refuge. He drilled directly into the vent and moved towards the refuge from the ventilation duct. Crawl away.

There is not only one vent in these super-large underground shelters, and in order to protect the Heart Demon rat from entering through the vent, the size of these vents are specially designed, the magic rat impossible drill Come in.

Xia Pingan followed the vent pipe of the refuge and crawled towards the inside of the refuge a little bit, without making any movement.

There are also barriers and anti-intrusion scanners in the ventilation ducts to prevent foreign objects from entering. Fortunately, there are many tools in Xia Pingan’s Space Warehouse. When encountering metal barriers, he directly uses special forces The small acetylene cutter used was used to cut the thing down, trying not to make any sound in the middle. As for the scanner in the ventilation duct, because the entire underground shelter has been destroyed and power off, the monitoring equipment has been unable to operate, so naturally those scanners will not be able to operate. Work again.

Xia Pingan just moved forward a little bit like this. After half an hour, he finally entered the innermost part of the shelter, and saw the contents of the shelter from top to bottom through a transom.

A huge hole has been dug under the shelter.

The densely packed corpses are piled up in the big pit, wrapped in circles of spider silk like a mummy, on the ground, on the wall, and on the hanging spider silk, there are corpses everywhere. , There are too many to count…

And the magic fire spiders and magic liquid spiders are laying eggs under this big pit, densely packed spider eggs are full of big pits.

In just a few days of work, the magic fire spider and the magic liquid spider are actually preparing to treat this place as an old nest. Those spider eggs have to hatch completely, which is definitely a disaster…

Those corpses wrapped in spider silk like mummies are the food prepared by the magic fire spider and the magic liquid spider for their “child.”


PS: Two updates today!

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