"Terrifying creations that are only remnants of resentment are deadly to ordinary people, but for stubborn diseases with ghost puzzles or cursed items, they are less dangerous than those independently generated intelligent monsters. "

Retracting the ghost, Lin Soul walked step by step towards the blood gate in the middle of the warehouse.

Compared with the Blood Gate in Moon Bay, the color of this Blood Gate is more dark and quaint.

The surface also has a very peculiar pattern.

These are twisted and weird, filled with a crazy smell that makes people's scalps tingle.

"It's kind of familiar. "

Glancing at these patterns, Lin Soul's mind came up with the words he had seen in that twisted Dragon Palace.

It's just that compared to the Dragon Palace, the words on this door are much simpler, and the power of spiritual pollution is also weaker, I don't know how much.

"Are these words weird, or do they have a deeper meaning?"

Lin Soul didn't know, but he knew.

These words have a lot to do with the secrets of the dark world.

It's a pity that he can't read it, and he doesn't dare to read it too well.

Because the distorted will contained in these words is too strong, it is easy to be mentally polluted if you read too much, and if you understand it, you will not be able to save it.

"So how do I close this door next?"

Looking at the door in front of him, Lin Soul thought for a moment and unfolded the Ghost Shadow.

His shadow could swallow the treacherous, and he wanted to see if his shadow could swallow the door too.

Dark shadows surged.

The blood-colored door stood motionless in the shadows.

Through the ghost's perception, Lin Soul felt like a normal person trying to swallow a city.

I almost died on the spot.

Ghost Snake collects, fails.

"Do you have to go in again to get the pedestal of the door?"

Finding that the ghost snake couldn't collect this door, Lin Soul's face was a little ugly.

This door leads to the City of Eternal Silence, and as the name suggests, this place is even more terrifying than the town of despair.

He had just solved the problem with the scales that the dragon king had left on his body.

The whole person is very empty.

Completely unfit for this level of adventure.


Grabbing the door frame of the blood-colored door with both hands, Lin Soul pushed it a little unwillingly.


The bloody door was pushed to the ground like an ordinary door.


Reach out and hold the door up.

Lin Soul found that this blood-colored door was actually like an ordinary door, and it could be carried by it.

"Is it that I'm thinking too complicated?"

Lin Soul, who found this, was a little embarrassed.

He never imagined that this door would be so unforced, just sitting there with such a loud crutch, and it could be moved casually.

But fortunately, there are no outsiders here, and his series of humiliating operations have not been seen.

After searching in the warehouse and finding a rope, Lin Soul carried the door to the Blood Hate Motorcycle and tied it to the back seat.

After tugging a little to confirm the tie tightly.

He started his motorcycle and headed for Moon Bay.

"The door represents the connection between the real world and the dark world, and the special copy is a projection of the dark world and the real world, if the door is installed in the special copy, does it mean that the private scene can open a permanent portal to the dark world?"

Riding a motorcycle, Lin Soul had a lot of thoughts.

If this is the true function of the door, then his private scene has the effect of being able to enter the dark side world at any time.

"Hey! It's getting more and more feature-complete. "

With a grin, Lin Soul twisted the accelerator, and the blood-hated exhaust pipe spewed out a trail of blood and disappeared.

The night has passed.

The sun rises again.

Several elderly people gathered in the conference room again.

At this time, all of them exuded a cold aura, and a faint smell of dead silence flowed in the conference room.

"The captain's plan is now in a bottleneck, and most of the top 10 players on the leaderboard now have the conditions to advance, but none of them are really successful, so it's not a way to go on. "

It was an old man with sharp eyes who spoke, his face was pale at this time, his corpses were densely patched, and his whole person looked like a ghost more than a human.

"If we can get Lin Soul's help, we should be able to break through this bottleneck. "

The old man in the white coat did not have the same terrifying face as the old man in military uniform, but his dead eyes like corpses and thick dark circles were strange to look at.

"Impossible, don't find a way on Lin Soul's body, you all dominate the ghost puzzle, and you should also know how big the gap is between the players who dominate the puzzle and the players, it can be said that the top five players, each of them is a mobile natural disaster that can wipe out the population of a city with the power of one person, and Lin Soul, who has been pressing on all players, is a natural disaster in a natural disaster. "

The last old man looked numb, as if he had lost human feelings, but he spoke in a clear manner, and he did not lose his mind at all.

"Then we can't just wait there. "

The old man in military uniform had a fierce face and slammed down the conference table hard.

The huge burst of power directly shattered half of the thick conference table.

"Don't be impulsive, control your emotions, and don't be affected by the emotions of the ghost puzzle!"

The old man in the white coat on the side pressed the wind on the shoulder of the old man in military uniform and activated his supernatural power.

A thick black spread on the smoke ring of the old man in the white coat, making his already dead eyes even more dead.


Under the intervention of the old man in the white coat, the mood of the old man in military uniform gradually calmed down.

He looked at the old man in the white coat whose face was even more gloomy, and a trace of guilt appeared on his face.

"Old man, you've suffered. "

"Nothing...... Anyway, I'm so old, it doesn't matter if I die, I have already handed over the project of the institute to Xiao Wang, and I believe that under his guidance, the scientific research department of our country will solve the supernatural problem in this world sooner or later. "

The old man in the white coat rubbed his temples and said lightly.

"Looks like you've found an heir. "

The last old man smiled slightly.

Zhu Zhi, who is in the top ten, is the only good comrade in our system who has entered the top ten by virtue of his own ability. "

The old man in the white coat took out a needle and injected himself into it.

With the injection of this injection, his face was much better.

"Old Sun, when are you going to find an heir?"

Listening to his colleague's question, the old man in military uniform looked heavy.

"Actually, I want Lin Soul to inherit my position, but the other party doesn't care about me at all, and I don't have a good candidate for the time being. "

"You...... It's just that the requirements are too high, an existence like Lin Soul is absolutely impossible to bind yourself to a certain position, if you want to choose a strong person to succeed you in your position, I advise you to choose from several other top five players. "

The last old man shook his head and persuaded.

“............ I'll think about it. "

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