Global Sky Online

Chapter 895: I ’m going to run for another training and take you guys to swim

"It's okay, talk to the little crocodiles under the waterfall. If you fall and stun, the well-behaved crocodiles under the waterfall will save you ashore!" Huaihai said.

"What is a small crocodile? Whose code is it?" Sangyuan asked puzzled.

"Crocodile." Huanhai said casually.

Sang Yuan was even more scared after listening.

Looking at the ray fire eye golden eye fluoroscopy skills, under the waterfall, more than a dozen crocodile really stayed in the water.

And these crocodiles look very spiritual, they are all turning to look at the direction of the waterfall.

Seeing this, Huanhai really told her the crocodile as she said.

Lake estimates that Magical Sea also has the ability to communicate with some spiritual animals.

"Even if you don't fall, you will be eaten by crocodiles!" Sang Yuan said.

"If you want to learn how to use spiritual power, just jump down and the crocodile won't eat you." Huanhai said.

Sang Yuan was still hesitating, and Lake jumped first.

Lake jumped down the edge of the waterfall.

Fortunately, the water was fast, and before Lake was about to sink to the bottom, he was washed down by the waterfall.

Rick felt that this was a realistic version of the rapids. His water control skills, now even if he did not start, would not drown in the water, and he could breathe underwater.

After being washed down this small waterfall, Rick sank directly into the water below the waterfall.

Two excited little crocodiles, when they found someone sinking to the bottom, swam over quickly, trying to push Lake to shore.

Although there was buoyancy in the water, the two little crocodiles still couldn't stand Reke, and Reke in the sand suit was too heavy.

Rick couldn't float when he stepped on the mud. .

"Come to your dad to fight me, you are not strong enough to grow up!" Rake said to the two spiritual little crocodiles.

Lake estimates that there is plenty of aura in the area where the house of the magical sea is located, so the creatures here are somewhat intelligent.

"Dad, this is too heavy!"

"Come help, this is heavier than a pig!" The two little crocodiles shook their heads and shouted to the back.

"Don't compare me to a pig!" Raike raised his hand and patted the head of a little crocodile who said he was heavier than a pig.

"Wow, he can understand me!" The photographed little crocodile was surprised, and quickly walked away.

A few minutes later, Lake was floated against the water by a big crocodile, and then sent to the river.

Sang Yuan was on the top of the waterfall, holding a small folding telescope handed to him by the magical sea and watching the situation below.

Sang Yuan watched His Holiness No. 2 driving a crocodile and moved in the water, and Sang Yuan's face showed an incredible expression.

"You start to learn spiritual power. After you contact the demon, you will find that you have opened the door to a new world! Jump on, and when you jump, be careful not to let yourself fall!" Hun Hai said to Sang Yuan.

Sang Yuan nodded after hearing this, and then "jumped" and jumped off the waterfall.

A few minutes after Lake was sent ashore, Sang Yuan, who was stunned by water, was also sent up.

Rake knocked Sang Yuan's body a few times, and Sang Yuan spit out the water in his mouth before waking up slowly.

"This waterfall jump is so exciting, so dangerous, and even more dangerous than I thought. I was rescued by a crocodile?" Sang Yuan asked Lek beside him.

"That's right, that little crocodile by the river, brought you up!" Rick said, pointing his finger at a little crocodile that stopped by the river.

"Wow, next time I try to be awake, I will try to feel what it's like to drive a crocodile in the river!" Sang Yuan stood up and said.

Lake and Sanghara then went up the mountain again and jumped into the waterfall again.

"Thump thump thump thump thump!" After the two jumped more than ten times, Sanghara was able to wake up and fell from the waterfall, and also mastered the methods of protecting himself in the rapids of the waterfall.

After Rick jumped off the waterfall, he needed the help of a crocodile to return to the shore. After all, Rick was too heavy in the sand.

By eleven o'clock in the morning, Magic Sea announced the end of the waterfall jumping training program.

This lord no.2 is not afraid of jumping at all, and the magic sea has also discovered that lord no.2 can breathe underwater. This waterfall is not dangerous to lord no.2.

Sang Yuan is now too daring, no longer afraid of the water of the waterfall, and the training of the magic sea feels less meaningful to the two.

"Go, go back for lunch, the silver needle should have arrived, and Lord No. 2 go back and put a few needles on Sang Yuan to test. It happened that Sang Yuan just jumped over the waterfall and suffered some minor injuries. Accelerate the recovery of those injuries not! "Hun Hai said.

"No problem, after my acupuncture, Sangyuan promised to change, better than when he won!" Rake said confidently.

"Are you sure of acupuncture? You won't make me stupid or paralyzed!" Sang Yuan still asked Rick uneasily.

"Yes!" Rake then gave Sanghara a reassuring look.

Huanhai took the two back to her big mansion. In the yard, there are now two large chairs.

There was a cloth bag beside the chair.

In the past, Lake opened the cloth bag, which contained neatly large and small silver needles. The quantity was quite large, and the types of silver needles were quite complete.

Sang Yuan was asked to sit in a chair.

Now Sang Yuan was sitting nervously, his body collapsed tightly, carefully watching His Holiness No. 2 picking the silver needle.

"Honor No. 2, in fact, the injury on my body is not serious, and it is not necessary to have a needle. If you don't treat it, or if you change to other animals for treatment, there are woods nearby, there must be injured animals inside!" Asked Rick.

"Sit down, don't move, I'm going to start!" Rake said, pulling out a small silver needle first, and quickly sang Yuan acupuncture points on his mouth.

This acupuncture point should not have been pierced, but in order to avoid Sang Yuan's remorse, he first gave him a shot.

Sang Yuan opened his eyes and could see the tail of a silver needle inserted under his nose.

Sang Yuan didn't dare to say any more, and he didn't dare to move.

"Relax, don't let your muscles break so tightly!" Rake said with a smile, this time pulling a silver needle more than ten centimeters out of the cloth bag.

Sang Yuan looked at His Holiness No. 2 in horror, and prayed that His Holiness No. 2 should not be distorted and killed him.

Rick lowered his needle very quickly ~ ~ After a while, Sang Yuan was stuck with dozens of silver needles.

"Relax, you don't see any pain, it shows that the points I pierced are accurate. Relax, the effect is better. If you are afraid, you can close your eyes!" Rake told Sangyuan.

Sang Yuan closed her eyes immediately after listening.

The magic sea on the side looked at the No. 2 Historian's needle. The speed of this silver needle's needle was really fast.

His Holiness No. 2 needed almost no confirmation of the acupuncture point to get the needle quickly, and after the needle was inserted, Sang Yuan did not show any pain.

Although Huanhai didn't know the effect of these two No. 2 princes, but looking at Sang Yuan, many bruises on the skin are now recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The medical skill of the No. 2 lord, Judged by Mirage, is better than that of the old doctor she met many years ago.

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