Global Sky Online

Chapter 889: The last match

"You still have time to beat two rabbits and bake them, no wonder it's slower than me!" Sangyuan took over the roasted rabbits in Rick's hands and began to try a bite.

The meat is tender and tender, just a bit cold, and not too bad.

"That's right, it's just a little less seasoning. I happen to be hungry!" Sang Yuan nodded to Rick and started eating quickly.

"You have eaten everything, don't waste it!" Rake said, this time he did not look like Pufan Yousuke in the original book, the last one arrived, this time he arrived here for the second time.

It's mostly in the woods, and there isn't much of a threat to Lake.

Standing on the side of the magical sea, looking at Rick, this is the youth strength of the No. 2 lord, she has not seen it yet.

"Why do you worship me as a teacher?" Hun Hai asked Rick and Sang Yuan. Now they have passed the third test. Their young people are expected to wait here for a while.

"I want to learn spiritual power!" Sang Yuan said directly.

"What does learning spiritual power do?" Hun Hai asked, looking at Sang Yuan's eyes.

Rick noticed that the eyes of the sea of ​​magic gave off a white light, something like a hypnotic effect.

"Spiritual power is a must when passing the exam. When you take the exam, use the spiritual power to copy and test high scores!" Sang Yuan shouted.

After listening to this, Huanhai laughed bitterly. Many people who came to her to teach before had heard that for the first time, she learned spiritual skills from her for copying the exam.

Fortunately, this one called Sang Yuan is not evil, and his nature is reasonable.

The magic sea then looked at Rick, his eyes glowed white again, and asked Rick.

"What do you study spiritual power for?"

"In order to protect peace in the human realm, I stubbornly assisted and eliminated the demons that invaded the demon realm and harmed the human realm ---" Rake also learned from Sang Yuan, and said aloud.

Rake possesses the fire-eye golden-eye skill and the magical magic skill. This magical sea has no effect on the spiritual power of the ray he used to hypnotize.

After listening to the magic sea, it felt a little incredible.

This kind of answer is what she wants, but this kind of answer can only be in an ideal state. In reality, Magic Sea also knows that it is difficult to exist.

Huanhai again looked seriously at this young man named His Holiness, how he felt that the answer was not the real thought of His Holiness.

"You're sober!" Hun Hai asked Rick.

"No!" Lake replied, feeling wrong after answering it. This question of the magic sea should not be answered.

"Okay, no matter what you are for, if you have the ability to win the final victory, I will accept you as an apprentice for the good qualifications shown before you!" Said Hun Hai.

"Well, accept me as an apprentice, I will help you, you will not regret it!" Laike said with a smile, thinking of himself as a disciple of the fantasy sea, looking for a chance to give the fantasy sea a variant of a fighting angel and become The mechanical transformation of the fantasy sea.

Sang Yuan gradually came clear, and was not interested to have been questioned by Huanhai, and continued to eat the roast rabbit meat in his hands.

Rake and Sangyuan waited for another half an hour before the participants came one after another.

By the end of the third round, a total of five participants had arrived under the tree.

"You guys are waiting for me!" Huanhai said, starting to enter the woods by himself.

Rake started the fire-eye and golden-eye perspective skills to watch. The fantasy sea successively took those participants who were trapped or comatose after being injured by demons and beasts, and took them out of the woods to let them leave.

One contestant climbed out and was forced by a tiger to a big tree. When the magical sea passed, the tiger ran away.

Hun Hai then moved quickly and returned.

"Come with me, first go back to the yard where I live!" Hun Hai said to the five of Rick.

These five people, Rick and Sangyuan knew each other, chatting with each other along the way, the other three thought that the magic sea would only accept one apprentice this time, all hostile to each other, silent.

When Mirage took the five of them back to the big house where she lived, it was almost evening.

"In the last game, you need to assess your real combat effectiveness. The five of you, one by one, advance first, and the remaining four test against each other and lose out. When there are three remaining players, you will win three games and win two games. This test The opponents are still determined by lot. I have five lots in this hand, one is in the air, and the other four are numbers one to four. The number one is drawn against number two, number three and number four. Fight! "Said Hun Hai, and took out her lottery bucket again.

"I'm coming first!" Rake said, using the fire-eye and golden-eye fluoroscopy skills.

In the lottery this time, there are no passive hands and feet, ordinary lottery tickets, five lottery tickets, and one of them is written below.

The five people who draw first have the same odds. Before the second lord, the remaining four did not compete.

Rick stepped forward, came to the side of the fantasy sea, and took out a random one.

"I'm really lucky, I have written the sign on my own!" Raike raised the sign in his hand, gave it to Sang Yuan and gave it to Huanhai.

After looking at it, Huanhai had a weird expression, and she didn't feel it. How did this young man named No. 2 find this round of empty signing.

Sang Yuan, although they saw the No. 2 shogunate draw, and were a little disappointed, the rest also started to draw lots.

Sang Yuan picked No. 3 and fought against a thin, tall young man on No. 4.

After the four people finished drawing lots, they started the final test under the auspices of Magic Sea.

No. 1 is a small, bald monk. Rick looked at the golden eyes, and the boy was a mess.

This messy boy is relying on the martial arts of others for his own use. The fire-eye golden eye exploration skills show that this messy boy has absorbed ninety-nine people. The last one was a monk.

Now the strength of the disorder boy has reached the D-level.

However, the ability to kick in the body is too chaotic, and the strength of the people absorbed before is not strong, so there is no qualitative leap.

Rick thought, this time the disorderly boy seems to be bold to absorb the power of the magic sea, it can be regarded as the disorderly boy's sorrow.

Even Lake is not necessarily an opponent of Magic Sea, let alone a D-level messy boy.

The messy boy who fought first ~ ~ directly used a decent monk stick method and defeated a young man drawn to the second place.

Then Sangwon hit the fourth.

Fortunately, the No. 4 is not too strong. Although it will be a little spiritual, its attack power is limited.

Sang Yuan used the experience of fighting many times in the campus to exchange for injuries. He really hit the thin young man No.4.

"You are not sad, you will use your spiritual power and be defeated by ordinary people!" Lake said to No. 4 who was hit by Sang Yuan in the past.

After hearing this, the thin young man on the fourth wanted to be unconscious.

"That's my strength!" Kuwahara gasped and said excitedly.

The two men who failed failed to leave. This time, the messy boy did not expose his ability to devour his opponent's ability for his own use this time, and continued to be a monk.


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