Global Sky Online

Chapter 887: You can advance by playing high scores

After more than half an hour, the lottery was over. Of the more than 100 people, only more than 50 people got the lottery. Those regrets that didn't win the lottery.

But in the face of the old lady of the magic sea, they have nowhere to complain.

"The one who won the lottery and entered the lottery now enters my house for the second round of selection. Those who did not win are all scattered back." After the magical sea finished, she stood at the door of her big house.

Rick, Sang Yuan, and some who won the lottery, all took the sign in their hands and began to enter the open wooden door.

Some unsuccessful, stood outside and hesitated, they looked at the magical sea guarded by the big wooden door, and no one dared to enter in the end.

After more than 50 people who won the lottery and entered the house, Huanhai followed in, and slammed the wooden door of her house, letting those who stood outside be completely disheartened. Leave early.

When Lake entered the house of the magical sea practice, he found that the yard was very spacious.

Behind the yard is a row of wooden huts. This large yard has small ponds and rockery. Now in the open space in the middle of the yard, there are several entertainment consoles similar to those in the arcade.

Rick looked at it, some hit the gophers, some punched and punched.

"The second level is to use these consoles to test your reaction and strength. Everyone, choose two different consoles at will, and your game will show the score after the game. The 20 players with the highest single score can be promoted." Hun Hai announced.

More than 50 people were a little embarrassed after hearing it, but fortunately the game console announced that although it was a little strange, it was also more successful than the first round of selection, which seemed to be more reliable.

"I'm terrific at playing this, Lord No.2, how do we score better than anyone else?" Sang Yuan said excitedly as he watched the game machine in the yard to Lake.

"Okay, go to the boxing and boxing test machine first!" Lake pointed to a game box with a boxing bag and told Sang Yuan.

"Okay, look at me. My strength has been very strong recently. Look at me for a perfect score!" After Sang Yuan said, he went to the boxing game machine first.

Standing sideways, gathering punches.

With a "touch", the boxing bag was shaken by Sanghara after hitting the center, and then the game machine showed a score of 185 points.

"Oh, this boxing game sandbag is an enhanced version. Now it's just over a hundred points, much lower than my score in the game hall!" Sang Yuan said.

Rick also came to this boxing game machine, and did not go all out, but just punched it normally and hit the sandbag in the middle.

There was a muffled sound, 310 points.

After the score came out, even the magical sea standing in the back of the yard looked at Rick.

"Don't dare to force too much, for fear of damaging the machine of others, it's time for me to compensate!" Rake said with a smile to Sang Yuan aside.

Sang Yuan was a little dissatisfied after hearing, "Go to that game machine that beats the mole, and I won't compare with your fist. We will react, and that game of mole will be my strongest!" Sang Yuan said.

"Wait a minute, we will have two chances to see the scores of others!" Said Rake, without rushing to conduct a written test with Sang Yuan.

Competitors have begun to try before coming to various consoles.

"202 points" "149 points" "192 points" "125 points" "89 points".

Lake and Sangyuan watched the scores of these competitors.

Rick feels that his 310 points are stable and he can definitely advance to the third selection.

Sakahara's 185 points are still dangerous and may be eliminated.

"Be careful this time, Sang Yuan, you will have the last chance, don't be eliminated and you will lose the opportunity to worship." Lake said to Sang Yuan.

Sang Yuan nodded, looking serious, and came to the gopher machine.

Sang Yuan picked up two rubber hammers next to the machine with both hands.

This gopher machine is twice as large as in the game hall, and there are many more holes in the gopher.

After Sang Yuan pressed the start button, a hamster head appeared in a small hole.

Sang Yuan started hammering with a hammer.

Rick was on the sidelines. The gophers were not appearing fast yet, but the further they went, the faster the gophers appeared, and the angle of their appearance was not good.

Sometimes when a hammer goes down and a new gopher appears next to or behind it, even if it reacts, it is not easy to start.

However, Sang Yuan played very well. Only a few gophers appeared too badly. They didn't hit the outside, and the rest were hit by him.

After the "302 points" round of gopher games, the game machine showed the score.

"This machine is so much fun to play, much better than in the arcade! Lord No.2, you have to try it!" Sang Yuan said proudly to Rake after putting down the rubber hammer.

Rick stepped forward with a smile, picked up two rubber hammers, and started the machine.

Rake did not use the fire-eye golden eye skills, but turned on the sense of super-darker.

Rake then closed his eyes and stood by the machine.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!" As soon as the gophers emerged, they were hit by the rubber hammer with the eyes closed.

Sang Yuan aside, watching His Holiness No. 2 closed his eyes, he was so fierce that he was stunned.

Many competitors came around.

Hun Hai also came over and watched Rick shoot.

Huanhai paid special attention to the eyes of Lake, and found that Lake was really closed.

"Bumping" the last gopher was beaten back, none of which was missed by Lake.

The "600 points" machine showed the score, and there was also a full score celebration music of "Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Dong".

"How did you do that?" A thin young man beside him couldn't help but ask Rick.

"It's better to play with your eyes closed than to open your eyes! Sometimes your eyes will deceive us, and you can try it!" Rake said inscrutablely as he lowered the rubber hammer.

The thin young man stepped forward, picked up the rubber hammer, started the machine, tried to close his eyes, but just hit it for more than ten seconds ~ ~ he opened his eyes.

I ca n’t see it with my eyes closed, let alone hit, I do n’t know where the gophers came out. The thin young man felt cheated, and quickly opened his eyes to hit the gopher for remedy.

After the "36 points" gopher game, the game machine gave a score.

The skinny young man looked at Rick with a depressed and resentful look, and then went to find another game console.

Several more people approached the test, but the highest score was more than 100 points.

I ’ve been around before, and I feel that the hamster game machine can score high competitors. After seeing the scores of these people behind Lake, they also know that the hamster game machine wants to get high scores, it is not as easy as it seems.

Lake and Sangyuan walked around the yard, watching their competitors play games and score later.

Both Lake and Sangyuan have run out of games, and now they can only watch others play.


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