Global Sky Online

Chapter 853: Relax after crossing the ruined city

Running away from the camp, not far ahead is a ruined city.

The resources of this survivor's camp were found from this ruined city.

Of course, in this ruined city, there are also many people infected with the virus.

The chances of being able to safely find useful living supplies and food from this ruined city are getting lower and lower, which is why the store where Brenda's camp stores food will run out in another year.

"Let me show the way. Is the meeting place you and your father agreed to go through this ruined city?" Rake stopped Brenda running ahead.

It was a little bit dark now, and it was still raining. According to Branda's way of running in the ruined city at random, Rick felt that he could attract too many violent virus infected people along the way.

By then, it will be very troublesome to kill or fall those who are infected with the violent virus.

"Holy Lord Two, you've been to this city, do you know the way?" Brenda stopped and asked Rick a little bit puzzled.

"I haven't been here, but I have a strong sense of danger. I lead the way, and can avoid most of the violent virus-infected people." Rake said confidently with open eyes and golden eyes.

"Okay, then you can take the road first to try. The meeting place agreed with my father is very far. At the time, my father and I had agreed that if the camp had reached the moment when we needed to detonate and escape, if we escaped after leaving the camp, Go to the human survivor camp on the other side of the mountain to meet. "Brenda raised his hand and gave Rick a general direction.

"Okay, you follow me, don't say a word, just pay attention to your feet!" Rake said, and then he started ahead, jogging to lead the way.

Rick slowed down a bit so that Brenda could keep up.

Although the running speed is not fast, Rick chose this ruined city, which is relatively easy to walk and avoid the route of the virus infected people.

The two ran for several hours without encountering the savage virus.

Brenda now also believes in the perception of these two lords, and he really has a way to avoid those infected with the rage virus.

Brenda felt that the ability of His Holiness No. 2 to survive in the present world is too precious. It would be nice if there was No. 2 Venerable in the camp before, and it would be much easier to find material in the ruined city.

Brenda has also entered this ruined city many times before, but has more or less encountered violent virus-infected people. The route taken is not as good as that of No. 2 lord.

In less than half a day, Lake took Brenda safely to the edge of the ruined city.

It was night, and Lake found an abandoned farm hut on the edge of the city, and tonight he was resting in the farm hut with Brenda.

According to the coordinates published by Zhutian Online Arena, Lake sees that Yote and others are now moving fast, several times faster than running. It seems that they are in a hurry by car.

In this era, there are not many camps for survivors who can get gasoline.

Now that he has walked through the desert, Lake is no longer limited by mission restrictions and can use transportation.

It's a pity that in the ruined city, Rick just checked when he came all the way. There was no proper transportation at all. He and Brenda could only walk and rush to the next human camp.

As for the coordinates of the undead princess Teresa, they are already flying back, it seems that they were transported back to their base by the [Lab] organization.

The Zhutian Online Arena is still showing Teresa's coordinates, at least that the undead princess Teresa had not died because of an overdose of anesthetic.

Rick felt that the undead princess' life was also very hard. In the case of being alone in the field of declining gods, he stayed for 100 seconds, he did not die, but was injured.

Teresa was taken back to the [Lab] base, and even if she was awakened for interrogation, Lake wasn't worried that Teresa would get the extra quest rewards of the arena.

After all, Teresa had no chance to **** these pedestrians to the camp, even if they later told the old lady Dr. Eva the position of the camp by observing their coordinates with him. How much extra contribution is rewarded.

Rick checked it, and the cosmic players who participated in the mission to the [General] camp now have only one of them left to be active outside.

The rest of the universe players were either dead or captured by the [Lab] organization.

This time the extra contribution mission has come to this step, and Lake is also relieved.

Rake lit a fire by the stove in this farm hut, humming happily, baking off the clothes that had been poured by the rain.

Brenda took some food and water from the food bag she was carrying and gave it to Rick.

"You still have a humming song, so optimistic, you can really find the camp of [Gengan]? Just because of your arrival, let the camp controlled by my father and me be destroyed by the laboratory in advance. If you ca n’t find the [Gengan] camp, Don't blame me! ”Brenda asked Rick with a serious look after he handed him food.

"You can find the camp of [Jian Jiang], rest assured! In fact, the camp of [Jian Jiang] is moving in a large area, not staying in the same place. I know the locations of those places where they always stay. After looking around, you can find their camp! "Rake said confidently.

After all, Lake believes that the position coordinates of the [ganjiang] organization camp provided by Zhutian Online Arena must not be wrong.

"You are the captains of those youths?" Branda asked Rick.

"No ~ ~ One of us young people is called Yot, who is the captain!"

"Then how do I feel, those young people with you all listen to you?" Branda asked.

Rick thought, "It should be because I took them out of the moving maze, and my fighting ability is strong, and my personality is high!"

"Running out of the moving maze? What is the moving maze, can you tell me about it? I have heard others talk about the [lab] organization has a moving maze base, but what is it like?" Branda asked.

"Well, it's a huge labyrinth. When I sleep, I wake up tomorrow. Let me tell you while I'm on my way. I haven't slept for a few days, it's too sleepy. Now I'm running away It's out of the desert, there is no chasing, and I can sleep well! "Rake said.

Brenda nodded after listening, and no longer urged Rick to tell her about moving the maze.

Rick ate some food, dried his clothes by the stove, and went to sleep in a room with a large bed.

After Rick left, Brenda sat down before Rick and came to bake her clothes.

"The Honorable No. 2 didn't know to let my lady dry her clothes and take up the only bed, so I could only sleep on the sofa!" Brenda couldn't help thinking about looking at Rick who was going to sleep. .

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