Global Sky Online

Chapter 845: Do it yourself, I wo n’t do it

Rick and Teresa walked in the woods.

Still, Lake was at the forefront, using the fire-eye and golden-eye perspective skills to find a good way to go, and led the team forward.

"Reminder: Players who are contributing, please note that the coordinates of all players participating in this mission and the coordinates of the pedestrian team will be announced after ten minutes. Every ten minutes thereafter, the latest coordinates will be refreshed!" K and Teresa sounded in their heads.

Hearing this reminder, after looking at each other, Lake and Teresa looked duller and their feet accelerated.

This task, Zhutian Online Arena announced the latest coordinates every ten minutes, obviously to encourage players to fight.

As the common goal of the players in the universe, the traveler team where Lake is located is the most dangerous.

The coordinates are now published every ten minutes, and it is no longer possible to hide during the journey.

Rick and Teresa knew that it was relatively safe to run away from them only if they ran ahead of all players in the universe.

"I'm going over this hill tonight and enter the ruined city!" Rake said.

"Don't take a break, we just finished the roller coaster and haven't recovered yet." A young pedestrian said, he felt very tired.

"If you want to live, you can't rest. What we faced later was not only the hunting of soldiers at the laboratory base, but also the attack of the youth squad that escaped from the base. Before the chaos at the base, not only our squad should escape. .Other young squads in the moving maze, don't forget, they treat us as spies organized by the laboratory! In this case, we can't guarantee to explain the identity to them. "Rake said in a serious tone.

"Keep moving forward, we will be really safe when we reach the [competent] camp!" Said the captain of the walker, Jotte.

The Trail Squad continued to advance in the mountains and forests, but fortunately, Rake opened his eyes and opened his eyes to find his way.

The player coordinates announced by Zhutian Online Arena show that other player squads are still in the laboratory base at this time.

Except for the first team from Lake, the other team players of the universe haven't got out of trouble.

However, the fastest teams have reached the edge of the base.

Most of the universe player squads choose the route of the death playground.

There are also a small number of universe players who choose to avoid the death playground, escape from other directions of the base, and detour from other directions of the base.

Before dark, Lake led the walker squad and finally over the hill and came out of the woods.

In front of it is a ruined city with a large, run-down factory on its side.

Coordinates released by the Zhutian Online Arena a few minutes ago, now there are three cosmic player squads, entering the final scene of the death playground. Although they have reduced their staff, they are about to get out of trouble.

Heart skipping roller coasters are not dangerous for players with high physical attributes. It is only a matter of time for these three teams to leave the death playground, because a roller coaster will be activated every twenty minutes. The roller coaster has limited seats.

The three squadrons will take three separate rides.

Rick looked at the pedestrians next to him. These Aboriginal walkers were tired now.

Although the physical strength of the aboriginal walker is good, it is still worse than the high-attribute universe player.

After experiencing the death playground and climbing the mountain into the woods to hurry, these aboriginal aborigines are now tired and can't move.

"Go to the abandoned factory in front to rest and be careful not to move the electrical equipment inside. There are violent virus infected people in this ruined city. Let's go to the abandoned factory and find some cold-proof clothes and supplies. After a rest night, dawn continues to hurry!" Rick announced.

People in the Walker Squad were relieved to hear that they could rest.

Now even if there are violent virus infected people in this ruined city, they can only choose to enter, after all, the team did not bring out supplies from the base before.

Rick brought the team members into the abandoned factory, and Rick picked up an iron rod and held it in his hand.

This abandoned factory was a small camp with aboriginal survivors living long ago.

But at this time the small camp was deserted, and the survivors either evacuated or died.

With his team members, Rick found some cold-proof clothes and drinkable water and food in the abandoned factory, and chose to rest in place.

"Don't we first explore separately whether the factory is safe before we rest?" Yotte suggested.

"No, you should eat something immediately, take a good rest and recover your strength, and there is a vigil with Teresa in the evening. We will wake you up in advance if someone with the virus is approaching!" Rake said, urging just after eating Yote waited for Aboriginal walkers to rest.

Except for Aris and another youth, this group of pedestrians were brought out by His Holiness No. 2 from the moving maze.

They have seen the powerful fighting power of His Holiness No. 2 along the way. Although His Holiness No. 2 is a bit cruel, if he stays on the vigil, the walkers will be relieved.

Yotte and others, in the room where food and material were stored in the factory, were sleeping on the floor.

Rick and Theresa came to the door of the factory room.

"Honor No. 2, others have already run out of the death playground. Three cosmic player squads have entered the woods, and within a few hours, they will reach our abandoned factory. At this time, let the walker squads rest for a while, it is estimated Before dawn ~ ~ will fight the three teams of the universe players.

Are you ready to do it yourself, after killing the aborigines of Yote, the two of us fled, leaving other universe players without rewards for contribution? "Teresa whispered to Lake.

After listening to it, Rick found that if he and Teresa started to kill them, they would not receive additional contribution rewards, but they would not allow other hostile universe players to receive contribution rewards. .

In this way, the true members of the Walker Squad will be left alone.

After all, he is also in the moving maze, joining the pedestrian organization.

Later, as long as you reach the [Rebel Army] camp, you can also complete this contribution task, but the contribution reward is estimated to be less.

After all, Zhu Tian posted to himself online, and the reward for getting a contribution was directly proportional to the number of pedestrians who led his team to the camp.

"This kind of hands-on killer squad is too evil. I ca n’t do it, and the situation is not so bad now. Teresa, what is your current strength, and meet the virus infected people in this copy of the world, Will it hurt? "Lake asked with a smile to Teresa.

After listening to Teresa, she thought that His Holiness No. 2 was not unable to get rid of her hands, but she was reluctant to reward those contributions.

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