Global Sky Online

Chapter 836: How the laboratory handles canteen incidents

Rick then cut off the arms and legs of these cursed puppets.

The curse was successfully launched. Among the cosmic players who had just left the canteen, there were successive falls, and some of the heavy ones were broken.

For the universe players who have recovered their memory, they will still fall and walk, and there are still ten injuries. These universe players are skeptical that the Supreme Master No. 2 is doing it, and they are also skeptical of each other.

Then even Aboriginal Jensen walked inside the metal aisle as a pool of water slipped and he swelled his arm.

Jensen listened to reports from his men, and the number of injuries in the base was 11 people.

Ten experimental youths and him were all injured. They called for monitoring and inspection, which was completely accidental.

This accidental fall was a coincidence, but revealed something weird.

Jason can only let the cleaning staff in the base not mop the floor for the next week, only sweep the floor.

At present, more than a hundred experimental youths have sent some representatives to find the person in charge of this base, Jensen, and demanded that the Honorable No. 2 Honorable man in the canteen be severely punished. They demanded that the Honorable No. 2 Honour The guy killed his life.

The representatives chosen by these Aboriginal universe players claimed that there was a cruel young man in His Holiness, and they dared not eat in the cafeteria.

The universe-recovering players also know that the laboratory organization is the real controller of this base.

It is impossible for the laboratory to evict the exalted subject No.2. Expulsion is not punishment at all, but reward.

Yote and Minor, the seven young walkers who had just arrived at the base, were then led by several base soldiers and went to a ten-person bedroom.

Among these ten people, there was a young man who lived before.

The young man looked a little scared after seeing Jot and others entering his room. After all, these newcomers from Yote ran out of a moving maze with the cruel No. 2 Lord, and they seemed to have a good relationship with each other.

And the expressions of these people when you were eating, this young man also looked at them, but it was very embarrassing. It is not guaranteed that among these seven people, there will be something like the No. 2 lord. If they do not agree, the fork will tie you into Horse honeycomb.

"Brothers, which bed do you fancy, and you can choose this dormitory except for my bedding set. I can't live without the bunk. You can pick it first, and I'll move the bedding to move the place." Original room The young people in the room spoke to Yote and others.

Rick sat in this interrogation room, and waited a long time, and Jason opened his arms and walked into the infirmary.

After entering the house, Jensen saw the waste wood on the table and the ground, and sent his staff to bring a folding iron chair.

"Wait a long time, Lord No.2, I also investigated what happened in the cafeteria today. Although it was the young man who provoked you first, he didn't take any action, but just spoke a few words." Jensen sat down and tried his best. Speaking to Lake in a gentle tone.

"Well, let's just say, what are you going to do about it?" Rake asked.

"The impact of this incident is very bad. No such incident has happened in our base before. The young survivors in the cafeteria have sent seven representatives to protest against me and strongly demand that you be executed." Here, look at Lake.

"What are you going to do, you really want to kill me," Rick said coldly.

The blasting skills of Laker's running shoes have been restored. Even if the aboriginal Janson is not weak, Laker has the confidence to stop him and escape from this interrogation room.

"No, every young survivor is precious to humanity, which is inconsistent with our purpose." Jensen said quickly, and he also felt the change in Rick's tone.

"Then what are you going to do about it?" Rick said with a smile after listening, his tone softened.

Rick thought, looking at the sample lab organization, he really wasn't going to kill himself. After all, she has antibodies against the violent virus in her body, and the amount of antibodies in her body, the old lady Dr. Eva should know.

Dr. Eva estimated that Jensen had been told that he was an important subject and needed to be taken care of.

"I haven't figured out how to deal with this for the time being." Jensen looked helplessly at Rick, all feeling big.

"I'll give you a perfect way to deal with it. Now that you can't handle the problem, you've dealt with those who asked it. When you eat in the cafeteria every day at this base, you will be released a random list to the new camp for survivors. Tomorrow you will announce the list. If it happens, it is the seven youth representatives who came to talk to you today. This time the problem is solved. Send to the new camp. For those youths, as you said before, But the beginning of a new life. The seven delegates were sent away, and they also gave them a lot of compensation, "said Rick with a smile.

Hearing what Rick said, Jensen froze, but after thinking for dozens of seconds, he found that His Holiness No. 2's proposal was really feasible.

The attitude of these young people waiting for the base, Jensen thought of him as the person in charge of the base, and sent the seven young people to leave tomorrow.

"These youths seem hostile to you. Can you tell me why?" Jensen changed the subject and asked Rick.

"It should be envy, jealous and hate. I told you that you do n’t understand, we have generation gaps," said Rake, who also knew that he could n’t explain to the aboriginal people like Jensen and the universe players. .

The words you explain yourself will definitely be tampered with by the online shield.

"Tomorrow at noon, you can go to the cafeteria for dinner. Tomorrow at breakfast I will announce the list sent to the new camp of the survivors ~ ~ I feel that the list of young people randomly selected in this new camp is likely "The seven representatives," Jensen said.

Rick nodded, "Can I leave, my friends should be waiting for me to go back"

"Don't cause more trouble lately. If you cause more trouble, you may be punished by the base and executed," Jensen said.

"Rest assured, I won't be executed," Rick said, then got up.

Jensen also got up to open the door and led Rick out of the interrogation room.

Jensen told his soldiers to send Lake back to the dormitories of Yote.

Rick followed the soldier, and Jensen watched Rake's gradual back. Then he took a soldier and went to the laboratory in the base to contact Dr. Eva.

Rick pushed open the bedroom door, walked in, and saw Yot, Mino, and others sitting on the bunk of a few beds and discussing things.

"You were sent back, what is this base going to do with you," Yotte asked.

"Why deal with me? It wasn't me who caused the problem first. It was the young man who provoked first." Rick went to sit in an empty bunk bed, which should be reserved for him.


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