Global Sky Online

Chapter 831: Moving Maze Act 1 World Ends With Teresa Waking Up

After Teresa's eyeballs were filled with Rake's memory-recovering potion, her body began to twitch, and her facial expressions began to change constantly, with a look of embarrassment, pain, and laughter.

Rick put the scalpel in his right-hand sleeve, and was prepared that if Teresa was unlucky, she would only let her go if she became crazy.

Fortunately, after more than twenty seconds, Teresa's expression calmed down, and then she opened her eyes and stared at Rick.

"Holy Number Two, what kind of medicine did you give me? Normally, isn't the blue medicine for restoring the memory of the moving labyrinth copy the blue one! You don't need to hit your eyes, but how did you inject me into your eyes just now I now feel that my memory is a bit messy! "Teresa asked Rick.

"The medicament I gave you is the blue medicament. It is the medicament for restoring memory in this mobile copy. In addition to the medicament produced by this copy, where can I go to get you back to memory! After my research, This medicament injected into the eyeballs has a better effect! You now see that the memory has been successfully restored, and according to the agreement, give me the heavenly coins and **** fruit! "Laike said to Teresa with a smile.

"Ka-K-K!" With a continuous sound, Teresa broke away from the restraints on her arms and feet and stood up straight from the metal bed.

"We were allied before, and it was agreed that you would help me regain my memory, why should I be paid!" Teresa said.

"It seems that your memory recovery is still a bit confusing. You look at your left and right hands and you will know!" Rake said with a smile.

Teresa raised her arm and looked down. The back of her left hand was a scar of "Yes! Deal!" And the back of her right hand was a scar of "No trickery!" There is also tattoo text on the arm.

After Teresa had looked at the scar, she closed her eyes and began to remember.

After more than ten seconds, Teresa opened her eyes again and looked at Rick angrily, with the same expression as if she wanted to eat Rick.

"Are you the devil! You all saw my tattoo, and it was enough for me to restore my memory! Lord No. 2, what did you do to scratch my hand lettering, is there anyone like you!" Teresa was angry. Shouted at Lake.

"Of course there is, you remember it, you see that you have some memory disorder just now! You saw this tattoo art of my artistic body, then you remembered it. Give me the **** fruit and the heavenly coins and say If we do, our allies can continue! "Rake said with a serious expression.

The scalpel in Leike's sleeve was also prepared. If Teresa refused, Leike was ready to launch the bursting bean acceleration skills of running shoes and fight with Teresa.

Teresa looked at Lake, and hesitated for a while before launching a deal with Lake.

"Five million million coins. After you eat them, you will add thirty full-blown God Fruits. Give these to you first. The remaining five million coins will clear this mobile labyrinth copy and trade to you before you leave. Rest assured. As long as I'm alive, I will definitely give you these five million astronomical coins. I am also worried that I will give you all astronomical coins now, and you will sell me! "Teresa said.

Rick quickly accepted, after collecting the five million yuan coins and **** fruit, he looked at Teresa with a scornful look.

Then Rick took out the **** fruit, a red fruit, the size of a strawberry.

Rake used the fire eye golden eye identification ability to identify this fruit.

The identification results showed that it was really full attributes plus thirty, without any side effects after eating.

But each player only has the effect of eating the first one, and again there is no effect of adding attributes.

Rick swallowed this **** fruit immediately, felt a slight fever in his body after eating, and then looked at his attributes

Strength 240

Dexterity 280

Stamina 430

Wisdom 380.

The effect of this **** fruit is really good, all attributes are immediately increased by thirty. Rick felt he was stronger again.

"There are similar fruits like this, can you increase the attributes after eating! If you can, you can trade it to me. I see the situation is worth five million coins!" Rake asked Teresa.

"The divine fruit with extra attributes is rare in the melee battlefield. I'm good with this one." Theresa touched the back of her hand and said angrily to Lake.

"Well, five million zombies, this copy of the arena must be given to me before the end of the five-year period, and I will look for you then!" Said Rake.

Rake thought that he had received the God Fruit and five million astronomical coins first. Although the remaining five million astronomical coins could be the best, if because of the subsequent interests of the copy world, he would be opposed to Teresa. Can't get it, don't care too much.

My memory-recovering potion brought from the soul-moving city has now been exchanged for one hundred and twenty points of his attribute increase, and five million coins, which are also cost-effective.

Rake also thought before that if this medicine for restoring memory was not available, he kept it secretly for Tang Seng when he kept going to the westbound copy. It might remind Tang Seng that he was his father.

Use it now, and think about it later.

At this point on the display in the laboratory, the video of the old lady Dr. Eva has been played.

"Let's go, Lord No. 2, let's meet with Yote and others. The story of Maze 2 is about to begin. Do you have any plans for the next copy, now we all have memories!" Teresa asked Ray G.

"Try to kill the universe players we found. My plan is that you stay in the laboratory organization. I will follow it to the laboratory to organize a new base. Then I will flee with Mino and Yote and go to the resistance organization. To We will meet again when we move the third act of the maze, "Lake said to Teresa.

"You are also going to follow the original plot, you can improve the contribution of some copies! I went with me before, this second world of the moving maze, I will escape from the new laboratory base with you. After all, I replaced the original The heroine in China, you fled with me, and the contribution of the two of us should be improved! "Teresa looked at Lek.

"It's just my guess. It's unknown if walking along the original plot will increase the contribution of the copy! It's better to stay in the new laboratory base to destroy other universe players in the laboratory organization. It is estimated that there will be memory recovery later As a researcher, the universe player will choose to return to the laboratory organization! "Lake advised Teresa.

"No, I will go directly back to Dr. Eva, it will not be reused. But if I follow the original book, give Dr. Eva a camp coordinate for the rebel group, and in the subsequent capture operation, let the laboratory organization catch If I take a certain number of experimental youths, my status in the laboratory organization will be promoted. In this case, it may become Dr. Eva's assistant directly. In the second act, I must act with you! ”Teresa Speaking with a firm expression, she raised her own right hand and turned her back to Rick.

Rick looked at Teresa on the back of her right hand, and the scar was "not allowed to fool!".

"Forget it, let's do it yourself. Let's meet with Minor and Yote first. There are two young spacewalkers in the laboratory. While everyone is not meeting, how about removing them first!" Rick spoke to Teresa.

"Everyone gets rid of one!" Teresa thought for a while, and said to Lake, she also worried that there was a conspiracy to get rid of the youth of the universe players.

"Okay, I tell you where they are. Choose who you want to get rid of first, and leave the rest to me!" Rick said, and looked with fire and eyes. The two non-human appearance walkers are now in The location of this laboratory told Teresa.

Teresa said, "I'm in charge of Lab 2. I'll remove them and go to the lobby to meet Mino and Yote!"

"Get started as soon as possible, the transport helicopter has arrived outside this moving maze!" Rake said.

The two then left the laboratory, and Rick went to laboratory 4 to find the single non-human-looking universe player.

Rick didn't choose to do it directly, but activated the King's Realm Skills in the Decaying God. The dark gray enchantment spread from the left cursed jump knife tattoo on Rick's left hand, which soon enveloped the universe player.

"Holy Lord Two, is this message shown on the monitor true? The outside world is infected with violent viruses! Our world civilization has been destroyed!" The universe player who has not restored his memory thought he was this The aboriginals who moved the copy of the maze, he asked Rick a little bit nervously.

"It should be true, let's go, let's go to the hall to find Yote and they!" Wake whispered.

"Hmm!" The universe player nodded for a few seconds, then nodded, and he followed Rick, but just a few steps past a corpse in a white research suit who fell to the ground and committed suicide.

The young man stepped on the arm of the corpse. It was a coincidence that the corpse had a pistol on the hand bone. The pistol was directly driven by the bone and fired a bullet.

The bullet shot penetrated the youth's head.

The young man fell to the ground and died without any other response.

"Suddenly killed himself!" Lak smiled bitterly, withdrew the King's field skills from the weak god, and picked up a pistol from the ground.

The experimenters in this laboratory all shot and killed themselves in disguise, leaving a lot of firearms and bullets on the laboratory floor. Rick didn't feel like picking up a gun, some were too wasteful.

In the process, Rake also opened his eyes to see the skills, watching how Teresa killed another universe player walker.

After all, look at Teresa's killing methods, and Lake can also understand Teresa's skills and strength.

Lake found that Teresa was very similar to her own killing methods.

Teresa had direct control over the corpse, and also let the corpse shoot and kill the universe player. She did not do it herself, and she was indeed an undead princess.

In addition to this non-human player, there is also a human-like walker. Teresa only chose to control the corpse in secret, killing the non-human player, and certified that it was not her killing.

Lake had previously thought that there should be open monitoring in this laboratory. If he killed the pedestrians by himself, they would be recorded by the laboratory organization, leaving evidence, which may be detrimental to himself in the future.

It seems that Teresa, who has just restored her memory, may take this into consideration and use the corpse to kill the walker instead of doing it herself.

Seeing Teresa at this time, Rick had already walked towards the laboratory hall with the human-looking young pedestrian, and was about to join the Aboriginal walkers in Yote.

Rick also hurry over, Teresa's memory seems to be recovering well this time, without becoming stupid.

Lake, Teresa and others arrived in the lobby of the experiment.

"It's not easy to deal with Teresa, why don't you kill her, Lord No. 2? Don't get to the point when she clears the copy, she will become the most contributor, and **** the reward of this arena copy!" Renesas, asked Lake.

"Let ’s keep it, but it ’s worth five million tens of thousands of coins. Although there is money now, no one will have more free money! And keeping Teresa will also attract some attacks from players who restore the memory universe. I Believe me is the protagonist of this copy of the moving maze. In the end, my contribution reward will definitely be Ressado! "Rake whispered to the pig's head.

Reike is very confident and can win Teresa's contribution. After all, he still has a curse and jumps the sword. It is useless to move the third act of the maze.

"Why two less?" Yotte asked.

"The one who died with me was accidentally killed by a gun in the hands of the ground corpse!" Said the young walker who returned with Teresa.

"The other was also dead and accidentally killed by a gun in the ground corpse," Rake said.

Mino and Yotte listened and looked at the corpses in white research suits lying on the floor of the hall, and the guns in their hands.

"Leave this lab as soon as possible, how corpses can kill people here, too weird!" Minuo frowned.

Yotte nodded in agreement.

Theresa looked at Lake, but didn't ask.

Suddenly, the door of the laboratory hall was opened by an external force.

Dozens of soldiers in black combat uniforms rushed in.

"Report, this laboratory researcher even committed suicide!"

"Don't be afraid ~ ~ Young people, we are here to rescue you, leave with us!"

"We are hostile to laboratory organizations. We are human survivor organizations. Young people, follow us. Hurry, we will take you to a safe place."

The soldiers in black combat suits spoke to nine young walkers such as Lake.

Yote, Mino and others, after these fighters rushed in, made a defensive posture, but found that the fighters in black combat suits did not face their guns.

Hearing the words of these fighters, the young pedestrians of Yot chose to look at Rick.

"How can you prove that you're not from the lab!" Lak asked the captain in a black combat suit with a smile.

After listening to this, the captain's expression changed. He went to pick up several youth teams who escaped from the moving maze. He heard this direct inquiry for the first time, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Okay, let's go with you. Let's go, Yot and Mino. You used to have a bunch of guns on the ground and you didn't know how to pick them up. Now these soldiers in black all have guns in their hands. Even if they are bad people We can't beat it! Remember later, there must be a gun on the ground to pick it up, not to waste! "Laike said to Yote and others with a smile, and threw the gun in his hand to the ground.

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