Global Sky Online

Chapter 819: How did a good camp meeting become a brawl

Rick smiled after listening to the young leader of Gehry. He also wanted to take the aborigines in the moving maze and follow the plot in the original book as much as possible. By the way, when he entered the moving maze, he put non-humans in the way. At first glance, the youth of the universe players are killed.

But listening to Gehry meant to cancel the walkers and prevent everyone from entering the moving maze to investigate.

"In the camp now, the food is completely self-sufficient. Even if the elevator does not deliver food afterwards, it will not affect us much!" Rake stepped forward and said.

"Historian No.2, this time I asked you to come, just for you to watch. Only because Teresa, the last person sent by the elevator, called you after waking up. You did not belong. Leaders and seniors of our big teams, you have no say here! "Gary's youth reprimanded to Rick.

Reek, who had recovered his memory, was not prepared to get used to the aboriginal Gehry.

Rick stepped forward, quickly jumped his feet, and slammed the cover.

Rick still showed mercy at his feet.

If it wasn't for the young man Gehry being the protagonist with a surname in the moving maze, it will appear in the third episode of the moving maze in the future, and Lake is going to kick him directly.

"Ahem, you dare to shoot at me! You" When Gerry got up from the ground, he rushed angrily at Rick, trying to beat him by virtue of his large size and strength.

But "touch"!

Rick lifted his foot again and knocked Gary down. This foot Rick stepped up and stunned Gary directly.

Everything is changing too quickly. The youths sitting in the tent have not responded yet. Their leader Gehry has been stunned by His Holiness No. 2.

Seven of Gehry's men immediately stood up from the back of the chair, picked up the chair, and were ready to slap Lek.

In the previous tent, the captain of the walker, Yote, also stunned. Yote didn't expect that the No. 2 lord looked very good, but his temper was so hot!

In addition, he was bold enough to start a fight when he didn't agree with each other, and when he came up, he kicked the leader in the camp.

Although Yote had long wanted to hit Gary, but just thinking about it, Yote did not stun the leader of the camp in the camp meeting like Lord No. 2.

Yorte hurried forward and stood in front of His Holiness No. 2 and could not let His Holiness No. 2 engage with the people in this tent.

Otherwise, Lord No. 2 will become the enemy of this camp. Even if the seven young men are beaten down, they will be expelled from the camp.

"Yoth, what are you doing against us, even if Lord No. 2 saved your life, he dare to attack our leader Gary, but he will be abolished today." The strong young man, holding his chair against Yout shouted.

"I decided to join the pedestrian organization. The pedestrian organization still lacks a deputy captain. I'm going to be the deputy captain of the pedestrian! Come on, have the courage to come. Believe me or not today, I will throw you into the mobile maze to feed the spiders. Just where there are death spiders in the moving maze, our walker team knows the best. In the future, this camp is the world of our walker organization! "Rake stood behind, not afraid to say anything, and looked scornfully at several people. The young man in the chair also provoked his fingers.

Jot, who was standing in front of His Holiness, heard the words of His Holiness, and he regretted that he had agreed to call His Holiness to attend the camp meeting.

The Honorable No. 2 came to the conference tent for a few minutes, and the organizational structure of the camp in the camp for almost three years was destroyed, and the war between the pedestrians and Gehry was about to begin.

Yote also knew that the Supreme Lord No. 2 was so troublesome.

"Yot, I remember the night before the campfire. You can say that the pedestrian organization welcomed me to join at any time. Let's create a beautiful new life in the camp together! You leave first, go and gather the pedestrians' fighting power. I will be in this tent first Stand up, let the camp leader be replaced today. "Rake patted the shoulder of Jotte, who had yellow hair in front of him.

Jott listened to His Holiness No. 2 behind him and didn't know what to answer.

Jot wouldn't be able to leave now, and it wouldn't work to stand in front of Lord No. 2.

His Holiness No. 2 was too nonsense. What he said was half true and false, and Jott didn't know how to explain it for a while.

After listening to Rick's arrogant words, the seven young men who were holding chairs in the tent to come and besiege Rick did not dare to come forward. Their guarded eyes looked at the leader of the walker, Jot.

Although the number of pedestrian organizations in this camp was not as large as those controlled by Gehry, the combat effectiveness and physical strength of the pedestrians were high, but they gathered the strongest group of people in the camp.

If war really starts, Gehry's men are considering whether they can fight the pedestrians who run and exercise in the moving maze every day.

"Put down your chair. His Holiness No. 2 and your leader Gehry are just a small conflict. The Walker Organization will not go to war with you. The purpose of our Walker Organization is to find a safe way out in the moving maze and take everyone Leave. "Jot tried to say.

"Yes, if anyone dares to dissolve our walkers and prevent us from moving the maze to find the way, it is contrary to the purpose of our walkers and the enemy of all our walkers!" Rake said softly behind him.

"Honor No. 2, if you take Teresa out of this tent first, Teresa came to the camp today, and you took her to the lower camp to learn more about the situation inside the lower camp. I will take care of the matter here! "Yot turned and said to Rick behind him.

Jott also knew that he had to take this troublesome No. 2 priest first.

Otherwise, it ’s not long before the Honorable Lord No. 2 continues. Insiders of this camp and those under the leadership of Gehry will start a scuffle!

Yorte looked at His Holiness No. 2 to save the wicked, and he did not want to take the shot against His Holiness No. 2 in turn.

"Sovereign Lord No. 2 has taken me to the camp just now. We can just stay in this tent!" Teresa said at this time.

The condition inside the tent was not clear to Teresa immediately after waking up.

However, watching such a hot scene about to start massacres, Teresa, the memoryless undead princess, not only was not afraid, but also wanted to do something and did not want to leave.

At this time, the leader of Gary who fell unconscious, moved his body, and seemed to be awake ~ ~ Teresa walked over, kicked him again against Gary's head and kicked him again. Kick faint.

"Take it lightly, don't kill Gehry!" Rick whispered to Teresa next to him. After all, Gehry is still useful after he is alive.

"You're ashamed to say me!" Teresa whispered.

The seven young men with chairs watched their leader Gehry being humiliated again, clenched the chair in his hand, and rushed over.

The leader of the walker organization, Jotte, now feels that he can't control the situation.

Seven young men turned up their chairs to fight.

The pig's head had been hiding behind Rick in the corner of the tent.

Rick waved his fist and rushed forward without fear.

Teresa was injured in both hands, but her leg skills were not enough, one side kick followed by another, kicking at the seven youths.

Yote was blocked in front of His Holiness No. 2 and was also involved in this scuffle. He was regarded as an enemy by seven young men under Gehry.

Yotte slammed into his chair, and it was useless to explain at this time, and he had to drive.

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