Global Sky Online

Chapter 814: Why don't others see you

When it was dark at night, Rake woke up.

"The elevator is not moving today, I said the elevator will not send new people so soon!" Piggy said to Rick.

Rake opened his eyesight and looked at the elevator in front, just as it was.

Rick looked again at the entrance to the moving maze in the distance, now closed.

"Is [walker] entering the moving maze safe today?" Rick asked the pig's head.

"It should have come out safely. I went to a few people today and returned in the afternoon. I explored the [walker] of the moving maze today and didn't stay in the moving maze! The camp is about to start distributing evening food. Let's go eat , It's gone late, "said Piggy.

"Okay!" Rick stood up and said, raising his hand to pat the pig's head on the shoulder.

Wake was awkward in his wake, but to his surprise, Rick almost fell.

Rake's hand fell directly through the shoulder of the pig's head, as if the pig's head was a virtual image, not real.

Rick shook his head, surprised, and patted the pig's head on the shoulder again.

This time, I took a picture of the piglet's head and shoulders, and my hands felt a touch.

"What did you do to me? What's wrong, you looked at me with a strange expression!" The pig's head asked Lek in confusion, and took a step back.

Rake started the fire eye golden eye identification and perspective skills, looking at the piglet in front of him. It's still a pig's head, not a virtual image.

"It's okay, go to eat!" Rake said, a little confused, wondering if it was his own illusion.

Rick and Piggy head went to the campfire by the campfire to collect the toast for tonight.

[Walker] The leader of the organization, Yotte, came over again with a few skewers.

"It's for you, Lord No. 2. It's not [walker] organizing the food for you. I gave it to you in my personal name. This is the food I'm allotted tonight!" Yorte, the yellow-haired, said to Lake And handed over the kebab.

Rick wasn't polite with Yorte either, after all, the pig head beside him was still staring at the kebab.

"Want to join us [Walkers]?" Yotte sent an invitation to Rick again.

"Wait for two more days, I think about it again! By the way, if I want to join, can I bring a friend to join, is it the pig head beside me?" Rake said, pointing at the side and eating roast Pig head on skewers.

Hearing at the words of Rick, Jot froze.

"What's wrong?" Lake asked Yot.

"There is no one at your finger position, no pig head!" Yotte said to Lake in wonder.

Rick was stunned this time. "That's it. The little pig head eating a skewer is him! Come to the pig head and say hello to Yote!" Rake took a picture of the pig's head.

The piglet was eating skewers, and said with a smile, "The skewers taste good, Hello Captain Yote!"

"Holy Number Two, there is really no one next to you. Are you eating yakitori yourself! Is it because of the recent changes in the moving maze? You are too stressed, just relax!" Yoth said seriously to Rick. With.

"You can't see the pig head, shouldn't! The pig head took me to the tent in the camp before, and we lived together. On the first day I came to the camp, the pig head also took me to walk around the camp." Rake said However, the little pig's head was right next to him, but Yoth couldn't see it, and it seemed like Yot wasn't joking.

"Holy Lord Two, do n’t be kidding. I asked about it yesterday. You almost got into a fight with someone on the first day you came. Then you walked around in the camp yourself. You also found an empty tent yourself. No kid The pig head exists, and the position you are pointing at is really empty, "Yotte said.

After listening to it, Rick felt a little weird.

Rick looked at the pig's head beside him and felt he was real.

"Isn't it only you who can't see it, others can see it, I remember when I first came up from the elevator, there were other young people talking to the pig head!" Rake said, and went next to him, and found two young people.

"Can you see the piglets eating skewers?" Rick asked.

"Just you are eating yakitori, no one else!"

"Brother, don't make a joke, if there is a pig head, if there is a pig head, we will eat pig head meat!" Said another young man with a smile.

The two youths also saw [Walker] Captain Yot standing not far away, and they spoke quite well to Lake.

Lake returned to Yotte again.

"Piggy head, what do you have? Why can't others see you?" Lake asked Piggy Head this time.

The pig's head continued to eat kebabs as if he hadn't heard Rick's question at all.

"Holy Lord Two, you may have lost your spirit after amnesia, and you fantasize about a non-existent piglet head. After a while, when your spirit is restored, you are all right!" Yotte said to Lake.

"Oh, I'm leaving!" Rake said, rising to his tent in the camp.

The piglet also followed Rick's side, eating skewers while walking, and soon ate the skewers.

Rick didn't talk to Piggy Head along the way.

Back in the tent, Rick sat on his bed, and Piggy sat on the bed opposite Rick.

"I was fantasizing! Yote they can't see you, you disturbed my perception! I just woke up in the afternoon and I was still confused, I couldn't reach you, you weren't real! At first you weren't real Existing, because my practice of whip training has consumed a lot of mental power and changed my own mental power, so when I woke up in the afternoon ~ ~ I can't touch you anymore.

Maybe for the reason that I have been exhausting too much mental power recently, when you first entered this camp, the piglet you imagined was okay. But now I can no longer let me continue to fantasize about what they say when I talk to other people, making me mistaken that you also exist. "Lake said to Piggy.

"Toast today is delicious!" Piggy said to Rick, as if he hadn't heard him.

"Are you the existence I imagined, or are you a special being, and cannot be found by others?" Rick asked Piglet again.

Little pig head still didn't answer.

Rick couldn't figure out now, what kind of existence of this piglet.

However, it seems that the piglet exists, and it is not malicious to himself. Rex will ignore him first. After he restores his memory, see if he can understand the existence of the piglet.

"Whether you're mentally troubled, fantasised, or you're a special being, let's continue to be a roommate. If you think of moving mazes, I'll try to take you out safely!" Rick was serious The expression, said to the pig head beside him.

"Is the world outside the moving maze very dangerous? If it is very dangerous, I actually want to stay in this moving maze. Life here is very peaceful and very good!" Piggy said to Rick this time.

"Sleep, wake up, and go to the elevator with me tomorrow and wait for the elevator to send the new one!" Rake said to the pig's head.

Rick then lay down, and now had too many doubts.

Rick was eager to restore his memory, and quickly clarified these things, especially the existence of the piglet, what kind of existence.


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