Global Sky Online

Chapter 727: Lord No.2, don't commit suicide when you come back

"There are battles to join again, yes, six-eyed star, six-eyed!" Said the queen excitedly, already lifted off.

"No, it's the six-eyed star man's mother star who was killed by the dormant in the blue city to declare war on the earth. The silver band's blue star team is very strong, and we can barely resist it. The golden band's six-eyed star team Even if we now have the three great weapons of war of Qin Shihuang, they are enough to stop them! The old players of the poker team obeyed and everyone took off and flew over the undead castle to prepare for battle! "The little queen's face changed, and she immediately confronted her. The old poker team next to him ordered.

The scene of the conference started to get confused.

The commander of the Earth Defense Force immediately arranged manpower, maintained order, and shouted at the venue, so that all black iron and bronze players would immediately use the central area to transmit the legal array and leave the melee battlefield.

Players of Gold and above are heading to the Undead Castle to prepare for a defensive battle.

Players with gold and above flying ability can hover and fly above the castle of the undead.

There are too many players in the Great Wall. Even if the Earth Defense Forces allocate some staff to maintain order, it is impossible for all bronze and black iron players to evacuate in a short time.

Rake also frowned, activated the red magic levitating cloak on the back, and took Xiaoqing Xiaobai, avatar and Gu Yi, and immediately rushed to the sky above the Undead Castle.

In the copy world of the Famine, Lake saw the power of a multi-eyed array of six-eyed stars.

Even a single six-eyed star powerhouse, the minimum strength when invading floods is king.

It can be said that the six-eyed star in the golden ranks, with a king-level legion, is not what the current earth players can resist.

Even if the earth has the three great war tools of the Emperor Qin Shihuang, the 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses that have just been recruited are only gold-level. These terracotta warriors need to spend days of constant currency to upgrade.

The gold level is away from the king level, and there are two major levels of platinum and masonry in the middle. Even if the terracotta warriors have the ability to resurrect, they are not the opponents of the Six-Eye Star Army.

Even the army of 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses is not an opponent of the Six-Eyed Stars, and the Army of Earth Players is not an opponent.

Rick felt that today's celebration party of the earth is expected to become the death day of earth players.

I didn't expect Feng Shui to take turns. For decades after the advent of the earth online, players on the earth have been beaten. This time, it was hard to fight back. This time, the Blue Star Master World planet was just destroyed.

The celebration party is not over yet, and the army of six-eyed stars in the golden band is about to come.

The earth is estimated that the subsequent end will be destroyed by the six-eyed star-level army like the floodland.

Rick sighed, feeling a deep sense of weakness.

Lake summoned the undead warship, came to the sky above the undead castle, and prepared to join the players of the earth to make the final resistance and coexist with the earth and die.

After all, Lake knew that his body was still in the egg cabin of this earth's main world.

Once the Six-Eyed Stars destroy the Great Wall defense formation of the earth player in the melee battlefield, the Six-Eyed Army enters the Earth's main world. At that time, the end of the Earth should end with the Blue-Stars World.

The three-minute early warning countdown to Zhutian Online ended shortly. Lake launched the fire-eye golden eye skills to watch. On the ground covered by the white mist area in the far away from the Undead Castle, a large-scale transmission channel exit appeared.

Rake activated the identification and exploration capabilities of the true state of fire eye golden eyes, looking at this transmission channel.

This large transmission channel will stabilize after 100 seconds. At that time, the Six-eyed Starmen Legion will kill through this large transmission channel.

Rick glanced at Xiaoqing Xiaobai beside him, ready to say goodbye to them.

The earth has just developed on the road to becoming stronger, but the six-eyed star in the golden segment higher than the earth does not give earth players time to develop.

Rick regretted a bit. He didn't try to level up like the Great Queen before, and now he is the handle of the earth. At this time, he is unable to turn the tide to protect the earth and the home of the main world.

Suddenly, Rick suddenly thought of a prop he had, a special prop he had left to prepare for a nuclear bomb against the Blue Stars, but did not use it.

[Danger Wanderer] Mech.

This mech, in the Pacific Rim original, blows up the wormhole below the Pacific Ocean and delays the attack time of the giant monster on the copy of the world earth.

Now that Rick has a clever idea, the most dangerous way to use the Hidden Rover's hidden nuclear explosion is not to use it as a nuclear bomb to attack the enemy, but to blow up the forming transmission channel.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought he was right.

After all, the teleportation channels from the universe players can be destroyed or sealed.

In the copy of Honghuang, Hongyun sacrificed himself and sealed the large transmission channel of Zhutian Online, leaving Honghuang World a year of preparation time.

"Separated, ready to join me in driving the Danger Rover Mech, we will be the last hope of the earth."

"Guyi, open a large magic portal, wait for the Danger Rover, and go directly to the forming channel in the distance!"

"Xiaoqing Xiaobai, the big queen, the little queen, the poker team obeyed, and went to the vicinity of the transmission channel with the dangerous Ranger Mech I drove. If sporadic six-eyed star players were found to advance through the large transmission channel being generated Come out and kill immediately! "

Shouting, Rick immediately took out the Danger Rover Mech.

Suddenly, a huge metal mech appeared on the ground outside the Undead Castle.

The Danger Rover Mech appeared.

The Danger Rover's mech's control room opens, and Rake takes his clone, quickly enters the mech's control room, and starts the mech's power program.

Rake shares a connection with avatar consciousness.

"The start-up procedure for the Danger Wanderer Mech was completed, and the driver's mental coordination was 300%.

Strength +300, Dexterity +300, Stamina +300, Wisdom +300

Weapon: One-handed metal sword

Skills: 1: Heavy Punch-Thunder Strike

2: small missiles (36)

Power System: Nuclear Power Reactor

Rake used the fire eye golden eye skills to look at the properties of the Danger Rover Mech, although it did not directly show the use of its own nuclear power reactor to self-explode, which could destroy the forming portal.

However, Rick felt that his judgment must be correct, and at this time he could only try it once.

"Start the nuclear power reactor self-detonation countdown!" Rake and the detachment controlled the mech's self-detonation procedure.

"The nuclear power reactor self-explosion program was started. After 60 seconds, the Danger Rover Mech will self-explode. Please leave the driver as soon as possible!" The electronic program sounded in the cockpit.

Rake and the avatar quickly drove the Danger Rover Mech into the large magic portal opened by the ancient wizard, appearing outside the large-scale portal exit of the melee battlefield that was opened by the six-eyed star.

Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Gu Yi and all the old players of the poker team also followed.

"This is the mech in the Pacific Rim. The mech with a nuclear-powered reactor that can self-explode! Lord No.2, you have to drive the mech to enter the developing transmission channel? Are you going to blow up this channel? The little queen looked at the mech driven by His Holiness No. 2 and felt a little familiar. After thinking about it, she was surprised.

"Yes, the six-eyed star in the golden rank is stronger than you think. The six-eyed star has a legion of king-level strength, which is not what the current earth players can resist. I must blow up this channel." Rick passed the Dragon Knight's mind Communication skills, said to the little queen.

Fortunately, the transmission channel of these six-eyed stars has not been fully formed, and the army of six-eyed stars can't get through now.

Rake and the avatar immediately controlled the mech and rushed into the large transfer channel that was gradually forming.

The transmission channel is not completely stable. Now there is a certain risk through the transmission channel, it may be transmitted to the unknown world, or it may be attacked by unknown energy radiation.

But Lake couldn't wait for the large transmission channel to stabilize.

Once the transmission channel is stable, the six-eyed star king-level army will immediately teleport over. By then, they and their avatars will have no chance to drive the dangerous Drifter Mech and then pass through the transmission channel.

It is estimated that at that time, as soon as it was close to the transmission channel, it would be burst by a multi-eye array of six-eyed stars and many laser-like rays.

Rake activated the Eastern Emperor's Admiralty Cover, which enveloped the Dangerous Rover Mech, and, along with the avatar, ventured into the currently unstable transmission channel.

Some of the Earth players in the Undead Castle also recognized the names of the large mechs that the Poker Team Lord No. 2 had just summoned.

"My God, Lord No. 2 is driving the Danger Rover Mech, and he entered the unstable transmission channel ahead of time."

"Holy Lord No. 2 is about to explode with the Danger Rover Mech, and wants to blow up this transmission channel to prevent the six-eyed star from invading!"

"There are so many special items for the poker team. I hope that the Honorable No. 2 can successfully blow up the channel this time!"

"Do you want to sacrifice yourself, Lord No. 2! Entering this unstable state of the transmission channel, it is likely that there will be no return!"

"Holy Lord Two, come back, don't commit suicide!"

"Hero, you can't die!"

The Earth players talked and looked nervously outside the castle of the undead, and the situation of the stable channel was gradually stabilized.

The Earth Defense Force continued to mobilize low-level players to leave the melee battlefield as soon as possible, and coordinated high-level players, laying out defenses in the castle of the undead.

The Earth Defense Forces are planning for the worst. Once Lord Poker Team No. 2 blows up the transmission channel and fails, they will lead the Earth players to fight against the invasion of the six-eyed star group in the golden segment.

Rick put himself on all the circles of Shadow Words to restore his strength.

There are many kinds of rays in the unstable transmission channel, which hit the Emperor's golden bell jar, consuming Rake's stamina.

It's a pity that Fat Ya Ling hasn't eaten enough. Now Fat Ya Zhong Ling's endurance value is one hundred points left. She is weak and cannot share the endurance damage to herself.

Rake must ensure that the Danger Rover's mech is intact and that the nuclear power reactor is detonated.

Fortunately, the space area in this large transmission channel is not too long. After the dangerous Drifter Mech entered, it fell down.

Rake and the avatar control the dangerous Drifter Mech and try to avoid some special unknown radiation attacks. The exit of the transmission channel can already be seen in front.

Outside the exit, it should be the castle of the six-eyed star in the melee battlefield.

Now that the Dangerous Wanderer Mech has detonated, there are more than ten seconds left.

"My dear, let the Dangerous Wanderer mech out of the transmission channel mouth and explode near the mouth of the channel. This is similar to the way the Dangerous Wanderer bombed the wormhole in the Pacific Rim copy. Blowing up or sealing the transmission channel was successful Chances are even greater! "The avatar suggested to Lake.

"Okay, let's calculate the time. After three seconds out of the exit of the transmission channel, I will explode. I evacuated for the last second. At the last second, you fired all the missiles carried by the Dangerous Ranger!" Rake quickly turned to the clone Talking.

The avatar nodded, knowing that the deity did not take him away.

However, the avatar was used to it. Anyway, he died, and after 24 hours, he could be summoned again.

Three seconds after the Danger Rover exploded, the Danger Rover's mech emerged from the entrance of the transmission channel and appeared over the other area of ​​the melee battlefield.

Rake opened his eyes and fired his eyes to see that there were tens of thousands of king-level six-eyed stars floating near the mouth of the transmission channel. After waiting for dozens of seconds, the transmission channel was completely formed, and they were able to pass.

However, when looking at the stable transmission channel opening, a huge metal mech fell out, and the Six Eyed Stars were also alert.

With two seconds left before the dangerous Drifter Mech blew up, Rake quickly unfastened his seatbelt ~ ~, raised his left hand, and concentrated on painting the magic portal.

With one second to go before the dangerous Drifter Mech exploded, Rake stepped into the magic portal.

The clone activated all the missiles on the Danger Rover, and hit the six-eyed star army ahead.

The clone then closed her eyes in preparation for another death.

The Six Eyed Stars also launched an attack to destroy this huge metal mech and intercept missiles.

But before the six-eyed star strikes to hit the Dangerous Rover Mech, this mech explodes first.

"Boom!" A loud noise accompanied the huge mushroom cloud.

At this time, Rick had come out of the magic portal and stood at the entrance of the Undead Castle Skeleton Recruiting Barracks.

"Ding Dong, the avatar is dead, and can only be summoned again after 24 hours!" Rake sounded an online reminder sound in his head.

Then, another Zhutian online prompt sounded.

However, these heavenly online prompt sounds are released to all Earth players.

"The melee battlefield time was 11:50 on the third of June.

The teleportation channel opened by the six-eyed person in the golden band was sealed by earth players using special props.

Seal lasts 365 days

After 365 days, this channel will resume.

Only the Six-eyed Starmen Army can attack the earth through this transmission channel.

Due to the protection mechanism of the lower planet, the Earth player has sealed the large-scale teleportation channel of the six-eyed star.

Within 365 days, the Six-Eyed Star cannot use other methods to actively travel to the region of the earth. "

Rick listened to this online reminder of the heavens and knew that he had succeeded, giving Earth players a year of valuable development preparation time.


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