Global Sky Online

Chapter 723: Strength and Skill Enhancement

"The avatar will have skills, and I will become stronger as soon as possible. After upgrading and summoning your skills, you will also be able to use all the abilities of my deity. At that time, our avatars will work together and smile and be proud of the world! Ke smiled and said to the avatar, first draw a big cake for the avatar.

Fuli nodded in satisfaction this time, "You continue to work hard, I found that Tu Xingqi's reward is good, fight for more!" Fuli said.

Rick was a little embarrassed when he heard it, and Rick knew that it was not so easy to kill the planet.

This time it ’s the Earth ’s good luck. In addition, with the special prop of rally broadcasting small speakers, it summoned the army of the Earth ’s dormants, and defeated the Blue Stars. Otherwise, this Earth player will fight against the Blue Stars. Not necessarily yet.

"You're tired too, go back to rest first!" Rake said, taking back the clone.

Lake continued to watch his gains.

Now my own sky coins have increased again. In addition to this annihilation mission, in addition to destroying the Blue Star Master World planet's 10 million sky coins rewards, I previously led three thousand Spartan warriors and summons. The coming army of the dormant battles the Blue Stars, and in addition to destroying those science and technology cities on the planet of the Blue Stars main world, Zhutian Online also rewards Zhutian Coin.

Rick now has a total of 16.5 million tens of thousands of coins.

When July 1st, summons the undead soldiers refreshed from the castle again, and can summon a large group.

The Hulk's transformational killing value has also increased, but it has increased slowly.

Although there are three major war weapons of the Undead Castle and Qin Shihuang, they will give themselves some killing value. During the previous battles, he also killed many Blue Star players.

However, now that you have improved your strength, you need to kill the average attribute value higher than yourself, you can get the kill value after killing.

Rick took a look. The killing value of the Hulk's transformation now is 72 points, which is 28 points away from the lowest killing value of the junior Hulk's transformation.

It is estimated that another 28 king-level primary enemies will have to be killed in order to reach one hundred points of killing value, and they will be able to perform primary Hulk transformation.

The energy reserve of the summoned Spartan's food now has 15 points left. In the copy of the floodland, the energy value of the 3,000 points of food wings that were hard to eat was used, but after using it, the effect was really good.

Lake is going to pay attention to the copy world in the future. If you can get high-energy food in the copy world, you must eat more, and also eat more fat with Zhong Ling.

Let Fat Ya Zhong Ling also add full endurance value, when the time has the Donghuang Admiralty mask, this is equivalent to having an invincible skill.

Rick glanced at his mid-level undead warship. After the battle with the Blue Stars and the extinction, the mid-dead warship has reached the verge of upgrading.

It seems that as long as it absorbs dozens of soul energy, it can be upgraded into a high-level undead warship.

The number of undead turrets and attack power on the undead warship will increase.

This time against the Blue Stars, in this calculation, Rick feels that the harvest is still full.

No wonder the universe players are keen to invade and seize other planets. This battle was defeated, and the extra rewards given by Zhutian Online were more than the gains of the copy alone.

I deposited it in the Zhutian Online, the yellow-sized pocket-sized version of the flood-stricken earth.

The seven-inch villain Pangu's sense of God began to fall asleep again.

Lake thinks that the current Pangu brother seems to be extremely angry because the floodland was destroyed. Pangu is obsessed with revenge. Pangu will be the enemy of all the universe players who invaded the floodland.

It will be reconciled if the stars of the universe players are slaughtered.

Rick smiled bitterly. Fortunately, Brother Pangu, only received one copy of the world's original energy, and two copies are still needed to fully recover his three lost breaths in the flooded world, and he will then find himself to bleed blood. And conveying the consciousness, and then gave him a large array of twelve capital deities and demons to complete the resurrection ceremony that reversed the world.

This Pangu brother seems to be a bit murderous now.

It is estimated that his hometown was destroyed, and the reason why the only mentor also fell.

Rick thought that he had the opportunity to enlighten Brother Pangu and tell him that there are many wonderful things in the world. Not only is there revenge, he should put down the butcher knife and immediately become a Buddha.

However, when thinking of becoming a Buddha, Rake shook his head, as if the three big Buddhas, were guarded by the flood, and did not return after being sent away by the universe players.

Brother Pangu is now vengeful. It is likely that when he saw the three Buddhas, he would also blame the three Buddhas for failing to rush back to the Honghuang world to guard Honghong's fault again. By then, his own Pangu and the three Buddhas would be in trouble.

Now I feel that I have got a pocket version of the scary earth in this prop, which is really sad.

Lake decided not to think about him anymore, anyway, to get two more opportunities for the origin of the world, recently very slim, Brother Pangu can be completely resurrected, not necessarily the year of the monkey, let him sleep first.

"Holy Lord Two, what's the harvest?" The little queen came to ask Rick with a happy look.

The little queen's question interrupted Lake's own thinking.

Lake looked at the little queen, the big queen, and the twelve veterans of the poker team who were present, all of whom had some happy expressions on their faces.

These old players of the poker team have this expression, but it is not just that human players feel defeated and eliminated the threat of the Blue Stars. They are definitely good for them.

"This harvest is okay. It is a pity to use the large one-time props in the melee battlefield of the broadcast rally horn. If we encounter the same silver planet and attack the earth in the future, we do n’t have this kind of planetary dormant. The army's artifact! "Lake said with a smile.

Rick didn't tell the people in the poker team about his Pangu brother in the flooded earth of the pocket version of the props, and he wanted to kill many high-end players in the universe, so that the people in the poker team couldn't bear too much pressure.

"You can rest assured, Lord No. 2, in the future, universe players, if you want to sneak into the central area of ​​our melee battlefield, it will be a hundred times harder than before. And the four castles in our melee battlefield also have defensive hoods. Qin Shihuang The three major warfare weapons: 100,000 terracotta warriors, twelve bronze men and the Great Wall formation method, it really deserves its name, you will know when you go back to the castle of the undead! "Said the Queen.

"Oh, go, take a look. After the Undead Castle summoned the three major pieces of Qin Shihuang, I have been fighting on the side of the Blue Stars. I haven't seen it yet!" Said Rake.

Lake then released Xiaoqing Xiaobai, letting them both feel the joy of victory.

A mage Gu Yi flew over, raised his left hand and started drawing circles. A large portal magic portal appeared at the front of the undead warship.

Rake stood at the forefront of the skull of the undead warship, pointed towards the front with a gold hoop, put a forward posture, and controlled the undead warship to fly into the portal.

The appearance point of the undead warship is directly over the undead castle.

When the undead battleship appeared, many earth players under the undead castle and the Great Wall began to shout and shout:

"Poker, poker!"

"Honor Two!"

"Little Queen, Big Queen!"

Rake started the fire-eye golden eye exploration ability and looked away. This new Great Wall formation actually connected the four castles originally owned by the earth players and surrounded the portal in the central area.

The towering Great Wall is as high as the outer wall of the castle. On the wall of the Great Wall, many terracotta warriors with weapons are patrolling here.

And many terracotta warriors also set up defensive arrow towers on the Great Wall.

Lake looked at Qin Shihuang's three large reserve coins under the Undead Castle.

There are now 300 million tianyuan coins, but these 300 million tianyuan coins are still slowly decreasing.

It should be 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses that set up an arrow tower on the Great Wall that can be attacked remotely, and consumed the three major coins of Qin Shihuang.

Twelve giant bronze men, standing near the portals in the center of the earth, divided into twelve corners.

With these Qin Shihuang's three major war weapons, guarding the portal of the earth in the melee battlefield, Rick felt that in the future, the earth's main world, the invading universe player creatures that appeared before every three to five will be a few times larger.

Now that there are universe players, it is not easy to dive into the main world of the earth. First, you have to pass the Great Wall guarded by 100,000 terracotta warriors and horses, and then slide under the eyes of twelve bronze men to the portal to the center of the earth .

At this defensive level, ordinary universe player squads will choose to retreat when they see it.

Anyway, after looking at it, Rick thought that he wouldn't choose the head iron to break through the central portal of the earth.

Lake looks at the established Great Wall with fire-eye and golden-eye skills. This Great Wall also contains the energy of the formation, forming a large defense formation.

As long as the four castles or the Great Wall are attacked with a certain intensity, this Great Wall defense formation will be activated, and the effect should be similar to the defensive cover.

Seeing that Qin Shihuang's three major war weapons were so powerful, it completely exceeded the expectations of Lake.

Rick was also relieved when he was excited. In the future, he will live in the main world. Similar to the event that the Blue Stars infiltrated the main world of the earth, it will be much lower.

The defensive offensive of the earth forces in the melee battlefield has finally reached a relatively safe defensive level.

Lake then looked at his Undead Castle. The Undead Castle was using its reserves of coins to repair the castle's gates, walls, and witch's tower.

Now look at the restoration of the Undead Castle is fast.

Although Lake didn't know to what extent the Undead Castle was damaged in the past to resist the invasion of the Blue Stars, according to the current restoration speed of the Undead Castle, it is estimated that a brand new Undead Castle can appear in less than a day.

And the restored Undead Castle should be more defensive than the former Undead Castle. Some magic runes are now more carved on the wall.

Rake thought that during the battle of the undead castle defender, his undead castle town owner was not in the castle, and he led the team to fight the Blue Star, so he did not increase the additional attack and defense of the undead castle.

The next time a universe player sieges the city, the owner of this undead castle will be stationed in the undead city, the attack and defense of the undead castle itself can be enhanced.

"The president of the Earth Defense Forces and several player guilds just sent an invitation letter to our poker team inviting us to participate in the Earth Celebration Banquet, tonight!" Said the little queen to the poker players on the Undead Warship.

"This celebration feast will not let us show our skills again! Is there an appearance fee?" The Queen asked after hearing it. After all, the Earth Defense Forces organized the conference before the Earth was promoted to the silver rank. Not authentic.

"They won't let us show our skills anymore, just by annihilating the six castles of the Blue Star and annihilating the main world of the Blue Star, our poker strength no longer needs to show anyone. As for the appearance fee They didn't mention it, the celebration party didn't seem to give a fee! "The little queen said proudly.

Rick looked at the little queen and the big queen, and then thought, and then said: "Then go to the celebration party of the earth players tonight. After all, our poker team can be said to be at the forefront in this battle to save It ’s time to relax when you ’re on Earth. Grand Queen, you ’re in charge of communicating with the Earth Defense Forces and the Players ’Guild. It ’s best to compensate the poker team for a few coins, so I used this time to summon the dormant. The army's rally horn is used as an excuse, you look at it.

And in my mailbox, there is a message from the Army of the Earth's Sleepers about the world where the Sleepers have been imprisoned, and some words of the Sleepers who want to explain to their loved ones in the main world. Then I packed the contents of the mailbox to you and the little queen. You and the little queen have studied if there is a copy suitable for us to enter, which can do some good in the process of saving a few dormants by the way. The rest of the information that we don't need are all processed by the Earth Defense Forces. The Earth Defense Forces should really like this information! "

"The information given to you by the millions of dormants, we have no energy to analyze, and the copy of the world content that these dormers have left behind may be true or false. Send it to me and I will directly transfer to the Earth Defense Forces Let them analyze. "Said the little queen.

The Queen also said after hearing: "Yes, although the information in your mailbox is precious, the identification process is very troublesome, and because the information in the copy may be hidden by the dormant. Rescue the dormant in the copy is more likely than I will make the normal copy even more dangerous. Let the Earth Defense Forces identify the authenticity of the copy information. The Earth Defense Forces wanted to rescue the dormants before. This information in your mailbox can be sold to them. They encountered difficulties. A high copy, when you can't save people, you will spend tens of coins to ask us to play poker. "

Rick thinks about it too. Those who are imprisoned in the copy world are estimated to want to get out of trouble. The description of the danger level of their copy will definitely be lower, and they have been imprisoned in the copy world. There are individual The player may have been distorted, and directly go to the copy world to save them according to the information given by the sleeper, just like mine clearance, which may not explode.

"Okay, let's take care of it. What time is the celebration party in the evening? Where will it be held?" Lake asked the little queen.

"At eight o'clock in the evening, the Great Wall is held next to the Undead Castle. This time the Earth Defense Forces have experience, knowing that there must be a large number of players from the earth, and one of the four existing castles on the earth cannot fit in one. Look at that under the Great Wall Position, now the Earth Defense Forces have begun to set up a venue! "The little queen raised her hand and pointed to Rick.

"Then I will go back to the offline to rest first. From the early morning of June 2nd, I will go online to fight, and then I will go to the Blue Star to die for twenty-four hours. I should go back to sleep and only have tonight. Attend the celebration party, "said Rake.

"Well, the poker team will dissolve first, and then contact the group!" Said the little queen.

"Dissolution, I just happened to talk to the Commander of the Earth Defense Forces!" Said the Queen.

Lake then controlled the landing of the Undead Warship, and after everyone on the poker team came down, he retracted the Undead Warship and also recovered Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi.

Rick then launched a few teleportations of the cursed jumping knife in succession, returned to the teleportation array of the Undead Castle, and chose to teleport back to his main online interface of the heavens, leaving the melee battlefield.

The next second, Lake disappeared in the Undead Castle, and returned to the main online interface of the heavens.

Rick checked the current world time at 5:30 am on June 3rd. After this time, he could go to the school cafeteria for breakfast, and then go back to the bedroom to sleep.

Lake then chose to exit the egg compartment.

When Rick opened his eyes again, the metal lid of the egg compartment he was in had been opened and opened, and Rick stepped out of the egg compartment.

I looked at the egg compartments where the macho, skinny monkey and fat man had registered. The metal lids of the three egg compartments were turned up and opened. It seems that the three roommates have left the egg compartment classroom first ~ www.NovelMTL .com ~ Lake also quickly walked out of the egg class classroom, went downstairs, left the main building of the teaching building, and walked towards the school cafeteria.

At this time, the school cafeteria has just opened, and breakfast is not available. Few students come to eat.

Rick had a bowl of rice porridge and a potato cake. He wanted to have another egg and side dishes, but the eggs and side dishes were not prepared.

Rick decided to eat something first, and then went back to his bedroom to sleep.

In less than three minutes, Rick finished his simple breakfast and walked quickly towards his bedroom.

"Ding Ding Ding!" On the way, Rick heard his cell phone ring and read the text message sent by his sister Xiao Yu.

"Lake, I was arrested, and you did n’t call my dad to ask. I said that I had a nightmare before, and you still do n’t listen. This time I was arrested and it looks like the environment in my nightmare. You say A stupid, and advised me to face the nightmare boldly, you are stupid! "

After looking at the text message sent by Xiao Yu, Rick smiled. His brother is very responsible. He led the team to the melee battlefield and attacked the blue star castle, and also destroyed the blue star main world planet. , Also counted as light rain for revenge.

Of course, these can't be told to Xiaoyu. Rick was worried that after Xiaoyu heard the news, her mouth could not help but say that she wouldn't exist in the leisurely campus life in the main world now.

And Rick still feels that in the main world, there are always bad people who want to assassinate you, and you have to hide it, and you cannot reveal your identity.

"Xiaoyu, my brother went to the melee battlefield to help the defender fight the Blue Star, but also indirectly save you, my brother is a fighting hero! Okay, I just went offline and will go back to the bedroom to sleep. I will go home this week to talk "Lake returned a text message to Xiaoyu, then put away his mobile phone and walked towards his bedroom.


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