Global Sky Online

Chapter 703: End of Mission Return and Reward Mini-Flood Earth

Pangu, who was resurrected, blew himself up.

Hong Huangsheng's souls and the saints were extremely grieving.

Before Pangu God, they were the spiritual pillars. It was only over ten days before Pangu God was resurrected.

Pangu God reversed the horizon and led the Honghuang creatures to resist the invasion of the universe player army. At the beginning, there are still saints, monsters, and monsters who think they can defeat the universe player army.

As a result, the **** Pangu has fallen again in the form of ground breaking.

Although the flooded and famined earth has gained and lost, the flooded and fragile earth that just appeared is not suitable for them to live.

Before the flood and wild beasts, the flood-waste earth that the monsters live on has evolved the earth after countless years. They have become accustomed to the air and environment of the original earth.

And now this newly emerged earth is covered with green corrosive and toxic liquid, and a thick layer of green poisonous mist is shrouded outside the earth, which is not suitable for living beings at all.

In Reck's view, the newly emerged flooded earth also deviated from the original earth's rotation orbit. After all, it was the earth that the Pangu brother hurriedly transformed, which is far from the position of the earth that appeared in Pangu in the ancient times.

Now that the flooded spirits and saints in the large array have listened to the words of the Supreme Lord No. 2, they have decided to make a final decision with these universe players who dare to invade the flooded universe.

The Great Famine accelerated and moved quickly towards the area where the universe player legion was located.

More than 10 sage strong men led by son-in-law are ready to detonate.

Rushing in the face of the flood.

There are still about two-thirds of the players of the Universe Player Corps, and the formation is again arranged.

The battleship's energy artillery fire turned on, and the main gun launched the first round of volley attacks. The speed of energy light ignited the nearby universe, and it fought against the flood.

The sage strongmen in the flood field launched a large array of defensive energies. They did not fight back and continued to accelerate the movement of the array.

Before the Great Famine, many flesh and souls of dead universe players had been absorbed. The power of the Great Faction is much stronger than the energy when it was first established.

With more than 280 Spartan women soldiers holding shields, led by Rick, they stood at the forefront of the battle.

After the defensive energy of the Great Famine was penetrated by the battleship's main gun, 280 Spartan goddess of war formed a Spartan defense formation and raised a huge metal shield to block the defense.

After the first round of salvo of the battleship main gun was over, only more than 80 Spartan gods of war were still alive. The rest were hit by the energy beams of the space battleship that broke through their shields, and they were turned to ashes.

Fortunately, this summoning skill of Rake can be summoned again next time, even if the Spartan God of War is attacked and killed, as long as Rake has the energy value of food reserve.

Rake did this in order to ensure the integrity of the Flood Wilderness Formation, so that when the Flood Wilderness Explosion bursts out, it will be able to emit more powerful power, completely kill the surviving universe of players, and let itself better complete the heavens. The main task of the online copy.

Now that the final moment of this copy is reached, Rake is not prepared to waste another 3000 points of food reserve energy that he has accumulated so easily, and decides not to summon a new Spartan team.

The sacrifice of the Spartan God of War gave precious time to the Warrior Spirit Array, and now the Warrior Spirit Array is close to the universe player army.

The second round of volley of the battleship main gun of the space player legion soon arrived, and the Spartan **** of war all died out this time.

Rake also moved to the side of the Great Flood with a teleport, avoiding the attack.

After the energy defense at the front of the Great Frozen Formation resisted the energy attack of some of the battleship main guns, the saints took the shot and used their mana to set up a defense array that once again resisted the second round of battleship main gun attacks.

The floods continued to accelerate, and now they have shrouded some players in the universe.

The sage strong commanded the trend of the floods and never stopped, but continued to approach the battleship group of the universe player legion.

Commander-in-chief of the Space Player Legion has discovered the anomaly in this large and famine, and immediately transferred the battleship to evacuate.

But this time the commander of the universe player legion responded slowly, and something unexpected for the universe players happened.

In the flood, the blood-red energy is lit from the center!

Everything in the Great Famine array began to spin rapidly.

The creatures in the large array, whether it is the body or soul of the alien beast monster, are moving at high speed.

The large array began to operate at a rapid speed. The blood vessels on the bodies of the undead beasts began to burst, and the spirits of the monsters also flew out of their bodies.

The sage strongmen, together, started the war of famine and the ultimate mystery.

Some universe players have discovered that the strangeness of this large array of universe players, who have not been shrouded by the large array, quickly flew towards the mouth of the large transmission channel.

The universe players are ready to escape from this world.

Raike raised his left hand to draw a circle and immediately opened the magic portal to locate in front of the exit of the large channel.

Rake quickly stepped into the magic portal and appeared directly at the exit of the large channel.

More than 10 sage strongmen have also escaped from the fast-growing flood of wild creatures and flew towards the exit of the transmission channel.

Now the Great Famine War is in a state of rapid operation, and the final uprising of the Great Famine War has been started. It is only a matter of time before the self-destruction. The saints do not need to continue to control the Great Faction.

At this moment, the giant Hulk, holding a gold hoop, guarded the exit of the large transmission channel.

Rake waved the golden hoop and resisted the way of the universe player who was about to run away.

In the face of attacks from many universe players, even after the Hulk's god-level transformation, with his own God of War and absolute defense skills, Rick felt a bit overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the saints in the rear also flew over at this time. Stopping these cosmic players from escaping with Rick only made him less stressed.

Rick felt that at the last moment it was time for him, a saint leader, to shout something.

You need to have more sense of presence, so that the heavens can judge themselves online, leading the saints to kill the players of the universe.

Rake shouted to the sage strong son-in-law and others beside him: "Master Hongyun sacrificed her own seal this transmission channel, and now my brother Pangu has fallen. As the last deity of Honghuang, I should also follow them In the footsteps, we cannot let the saint ’s power of Honghuang be ashamed. As a saint of Honghuang, I co-exist with Honghuang today. The saint who wants to stay with me resists the entrance of the universe player to the entrance of the transmission channel. I want to leave directly!

When Rick's voice was over, more than ten saints and strong men looked at each other, and they all chose to stand beside Rick, none of them left.

Rick did not expect that more than a dozen saints were left behind. This is too unexpected. Are these saints preparing to sacrifice, Rick feels that it should not be!

The son-in-law explained bluntly: "After the upheaval of the Flood, the two rounds of self-explosion will occur. The cultivation of our saints should be able to withstand the power of the first round of self-explosion. After the first round of self-explosion, we immediately Enter the teleportation channel, so that fewer invasion universe players can escape. "

When Lake heard the explanation from her son-in-law, she felt more reasonable.

Rake led more than 10 sage strongmen to block the entrance of the transmission channel.

The players in the nearby universe also heard the conversation between His Holiness No. 2 and son-in-law.

They shocked the teleportation even more to death.

After all, the floodfield is buzzing now, and it looks like it will soon explode.

More than a dozen sages guarded the mouth of the teleportation channel, but because the teleportation channel was too large, some universe players ran across their line of defense and ran away, but most of the universe players were stopped by Lake and more than ten saints.

The Great Famine has now become blood red, as bright as a little red sun.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The explosion finally appeared inside the Great Famine, and then the sound exploded throughout the Great Famine.

All the floods shrouded the area, and the internal blood gas rolled and started a continuous explosion.

Under the power of the explosion, all the living creatures in the interior began to melt away and die, and transformed into the energy of the flood and wild spirit array, and continued to provide the rapid operation of the flood and wild array.

After a terrifying squeak, the floods burst completely.

Although the battleships of the space players have turned around and evacuated, the movement of the battleship groups is not as flexible as the scattered space players, and the battleship groups have not yet reached the port of the teleportation at this time.

The defensive hood opened by the battleship group could not withstand the impact of the self-detonation energy of this devastating flood.

The defensive hood of the space battleship was instantly destroyed, and the battleships exploded one after another, like a small firework in the universe.

The huge explosion energy caused a hole in the universe to tear open, and a small black hole appeared in the center after the explosion of the Great Famine. The black hole generated a huge suction force and expanded with the explosive energy of the Great Famine.

Rick immediately activated the Emperor's golden bell jar to protect himself.

More than a dozen saints have also launched their mana to defend.

But this first round of explosion energy shock was stronger than they expected before. The saintly strong man was seriously injured after the explosion energy spread.

The appeal of the black hole later also made several weak saints more directly attracted to the black hole.

The defensive formation formed by Lake and the saints' strongmen has been disrupted by the impact of the explosion, and no one went to the saints who were sucked into the black hole.

After all, at this time, the saints and Laker could barely protect themselves.

The son-in-law and the few remaining saints rushed into the transmission channel behind them with serious injuries and left the world.

Rake started the fire eye golden eye identification skill and found that the energy of the small black hole generated by Honghuang Shengling Formation was very unstable. As the son-in-law said, Honghuang Shengling Formation had two rounds of explosions.

Neither the son-in-law nor the saints were confident that they could survive the second round of explosion power of the Honghuang Soul Blast, and Rick was even less confident.

Looking at the remaining stamina value of Fat Yazhong Ling, Rick just resisted the explosion of the first round of flood and wild spirits, and the fatness value of Fat Yazhong Ling's original 1 million was hard to eat, leaving more than 10,000. Already.

"Master No. 2, run away, don't hesitate, and quickly enter the transmission channel. The second round of explosive power can destroy my Eastern Emperor Bell! That is the star-level explosive power, which can destroy the floodland Explosion! "At the heart of Lake, there was an urgent call from Fat Zhong Ling.

Fat girl Zhong Ling doesn't want to die!

Rick glanced sadly at the large aisle portal not far behind him, unable to get in himself.

Rick immediately raised his left hand to draw a circle, and positioned the teleportation location on the back of the poisonous new earth that Brother Pangu had just opened up.

Before trying to set the magic portal farther away, Rick found that the energy around it became extremely unstable after the explosion caused by the flood.

Although my magic portal can still be used, the range of use is limited, and you cannot run too far.

Lake then chose a new location behind the Earth to avoid the Pangu incarnation.

Immediately after the magic portal appeared, Lake entered the portal and appeared on the back of the earth.

"Brother Pangu, why are we also a brother brother, you have turned God into the earth, then cover my brother once again!" Muttered on the back of this earth.

The energy storm that caused the small black hole produced by the War of Desolation and Combat has come again.

This time the black hole blew up, not only the impact and destructive power of the blast, but also the annihilation energy that destroyed all matter.

Just in the first explosion, the universe player who reluctantly survived by armor or skills had no time to be lucky, and was instantly penetrated by the energy of the black hole explosion. The body was turned into dust and destroyed.

The annihilation energy of the black hole's self-explosion impacted the newly formed earth, and everything on the earth began to disintegrate, and the earth was shrinking rapidly.

Fortunately, the earth is large enough. When being impacted by the energy of the black hole, the earth starts to rotate and is pushed into the distance.

Rake hid behind this earth, put himself on the recovery circle of ten true shadow words, and he embodied several defensive covers with green light rings to cover himself.

Rick started the red magic levitating cloak behind him, flying on the back of the earth, following the movement of the earth.

All matter in the earth is rapidly decomposed by the energy of the black hole self-detonation.

Rake prayed, "Brother Pangu is going to be stronger, hold on, I will burn incense for you in the future!"

The defense hood and the Eastern Emperor's Bell on Rick's body are also being consumed with energy. Fortunately, with the annihilation energy of the earth helping to withstand most of the black hole's self-explosion, Rick was not annihilated for the first time.

When the earth was annihilated to the size of a football field, Rick was a little scared.

Fortunately, the earth finally became almost as tall as the Hulk, and when it couldn't stop the Hulk's body, the self-exploding energy of the black hole finally began to weaken and disappear.

There is still some chaotic energy and cosmic rays in the nearby space.

However, in the transformation state of the god-level Hulk, even if these energies hurt the body of God, the body of the god-level Hulk can quickly heal itself.

Rake used the fire-eye golden-eye perspective to look at the universe behind this little earth.

In the universe, even the remains of battleships have not been left, and the bones of high-end players in the universe have been annihilated.

This area of ​​the universe is now exceptionally clean. .

This special little black hole blew itself up, it is simply the best cleaner in the universe.

The exit of the large space transmission channel leading to the melee battlefield was completely destroyed by the black hole.

Fortunately at this time, in the brain of Rick, the voice of the online clearing of the heavens came: "Congratulations to the honorable player No. 2 and the completion of the main task of the copy of the era of the flood and the end of the law: the respect of the flood and the earth.

Player No. 2 has successfully led the Honghuang Earth Sage strongman, defeated the invasion of the universe player legion, and guarded the Honghuang.

Count the world contribution value of the second copy of Player No. 2.

Clearance evaluation, perfect level clearance.

Clearance reward: The honorable player No. 2 can get the reward of God-level treasure chest * 1, or the small earth that evolved after Pangu God opened the world in front of you.

Ask the player No. 2 to make a reward selection within 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the player No. 2 will be teleported away from this copy world. If no choice is made within thirty seconds, the customs reward will be randomly selected by Zhutian Online! "

Rake listened to the online evaluation of the heavens, but did not expect that when he played in this copy, he did not make much contribution, and in the end he was able to obtain a God-level perfect customs evaluation.

It's true that he guarded Hong Huang, but Hong Huang didn't seem to keep it.

Hong Huang left only the son-in-law's severely wounded saintly strongman to escape before the black hole blew up. Now he doesn't know which copy he has fallen into.

The rest is in front of himself, this new flood-earthed earth created by Pangu God.

It's just that this flood-stricken earth is a bit too small.

Rake's fire-eye golden eye skills immediately identified this miniature version of the flooded earth in front of his lower body.

"Honghuang Earth: Pangu God uses the Pangu axe to form all the mana in the body and condense.

Reminder: This flood-stricken earth has experienced the impact of the black hole annihilation energy of the universe. "

Rake found that this fire eye golden eye identification ability gave poor and poor information, and did not specifically introduce the use of this mini version of the flooded earth.

However, Rick thought that so many high-end players in the universe had invaded this flood-dead world before death. Perhaps what they want to obtain is the flood-dead earth evolved from Pangu.

Although the flood-stricken earth has become a little too small now, no matter what, it is also evolved from the body of God in Pangu, which may be very valuable.

"I chose to get the flooded earth as a copy to pass the reward!" Rake told Zhutian Online, choosing this small version of the flooded ball's reward ~ ~ Rake decided to bet once, in case this Honghuang Earth, in the future, can be resurrected from the ancient **** Pangu, or the one holding the super artifact Pangu axe.

It really doesn't work. Be a collectible. This level of collectibles is definitely the most valuable of all copies.

After Rick chose the reward, a transmission channel appeared under his feet, and Rick's body was sucked into it.

When Lake opened his eyes again, he had returned to his main online interface.

Looking at the harvest of his flood copy, Rake obtained the Emperor Zhongling Ling, in addition to the mini version of the flooded earth that he did n’t know what to use.

It is a pity that Dong Zhong Zhong Ling is now leaning on the one million endurance value eaten by the copy of the flood, and now has 100 endurance values.

For the time being, Donghuang Zhong can't share the harm for himself. He has the opportunity to take some fat with Zhong Ling and eat more.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai also upgraded to Diamond Elementary, which can improve her 38% full attributes.

Your attribute value has also been increased by almost half, reaching the king (junior level)

Physical attributes changed to: Strength: 200

Dexterity: 210

Stamina: 400

Wisdom: 350.

He has also accumulated 3,000 food reserve energy values, which can summon a team of ten Spartans and three hundred to help him fight.

And he mastered the formation of the Twelve Capitals.

The most important thing is that my game currency has not been used up.

It can be said that the copy of the flood was extremely huge.

It seems that the future self did not deceive himself, and entering the famine in early June is really good for himself, and the benefits are quite great.


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