Global Sky Online

Chapter 504: Warship

"It's all safe, tonight, the ancient Master 1 and Lord No. 2!" Said the little queen. Her vigil was somewhat guilty. Although she provided a warning, she did not make any contribution to the enemy.

The little queen also issued a warning later, and almost everyone was hypnotized by the butterfly, so she issued a warning alert. .

"Let's rest. For the rest of tonight, I'm vigil!" Rake said, experiencing the attack from the alien butterfly player squad, Rick was also mentally tonight and couldn't sleep.

"I'll stay with you, after all, it's my turn tonight!" Said the little queen.

Rick nodded, not refusing.

The rest of the people started to lie down and rest. Under the attack of the alien squad, members of the poker squad, even if they were not drawn into the [lost] fantasy, fight against the hypnosis of butterfly players, they also consumed a lot of spirit force.

Rick looked at Godzilla aside. Godzilla was already asleep. When they talked, they fell asleep. The big head was still drooling.

It's really heartless brother.

Rick and the little queen sat on the haystack and looked around.

Every so often, Rake activates the Fire Eye Golden Eye skill to check the situation nearby.

Other teammates fell asleep, and the little queen didn't say a word, so she sat with His Holiness No. 2 and sometimes the Little Queen would look up at His Holiness No. 2 in front of her.

After dawn, Rick and the little queen went to sleep. Others got up and inspected the environment around Godzilla.

Fortunately, nothing unusual happened this time.

Rake slept until noon. After waking up, he drank the fish soup stewed by Xiaoqing Xiaobai.

"Let's go, it's time we left this Skull Island!" Rick got up and said, kicked Godzilla who was still asleep, and woken it up.

"Wow!" Godzilla yelled twice, but turned his head and looked at him, and found that the person who hit him was the No. 2 lord, and he dared not to make a sound again.

Rick took everyone to the beach.

"Undead Ship, come out!" Lake launched the Undead Summoning Ability.

A small black battleship floated on the beach, and the bottom of the ship floated directly on the sea.

This small battleship also has a special look of the turret.

In front of the ship is a huge skull sculpture.

Lake looked at the attributes of his undead battleship:

"The primary undead battleship, 5 meters wide by 30 meters long, has undead turrets * 10. Each undead turret can fire 10 undead cannons in succession, and then it takes time to recover. Consuming the soul power of the undead ship can increase the speed of recovering the undead gun . "

From the distance to the intermediate undead battleship, you also need to absorb a large amount of soul energy, the more the soul energy required for this undead ship upgrade.

"This is the undead ship I saw in the grave river of the underworld, Lord No. 2, you can still call it!" Gu Yi's soul floated over, looking at the undead ship by the sea.

Captain Lin Huaer, the chief mate Lina Wraith also came out of the cabin.

"I'll introduce you to each other!" Lake stepped on board and demonstrated to others. And said to the crowd, Lin Huaer and Lina were introduced to the people on the bank's own team.

The great queen reached out and tried to touch the Undead Ship, feeling it, "Female ghost, or two female ghosts, Lord No. 2, you actually raise a ghost! No, you not only raise ghosts, I can feel this Undead Ship, It absorbs soul as energy. No wonder I have devoured the corpses you killed before. When I devour corpses, I always feel a little strange.

It turned out that the souls of the enemies killed by you were all sucked into the undead ship, swallowed up by the undead ship, and used up by the energy of the undead ship. Are you doing something evil? "

The big queen looked at the undead warship, and after looking at Lin Huaer and Lina standing on the ship's splint, she said to Lake.

"Don't say it so bad, my name is not devouring the soul, my name is overdoing, overdoing grudges. Besides, are you even a person who has devoured a corpse, and still qualified to say that I am overbearing evil? This is Captain Lin painting Son, this is the first mate Lina, you know each other. Get on board, my undead ship will not devour your soul, I promise you that.

The undead ship can sail under and on the sea, as well as the firepower of the undead turret and Lin Huaer's assistance. In this way, we can rest assured at night, and will not be attacked as easily as last night. And the defense ability of the undead ship is not bad. I have been to Huangfu, Hellfire Sea, and Underworld River, all returning intact. Even if a volcanic eruption occurs on the bottom of the world and a huge tsunami storm at sea, we can be safe and sound. "Lake said to everyone.

"Oh! Yeah, I heard you say, this undead ship is really good." The queen said, then jumped on the ship and chatted with Lin Huaer and Lina two ghosts.

"Are you a pirate ship? Have you been a pirate before, tell you that I have also been a pirate before." The Queen said ~ ~ Lord No. 2, this undead ship, can be brought to Is the melee battlefield used? If there are sea areas in the melee battlefield, is it possible to summon the Undead Warships and bring players from our poker team. "The little queen looked at the undead ship and asked what she cared about.

Although the ten undead turrets of this undead ship have not seen the launching power, it is estimated that the firepower is not weaker than the land tank already owned by the poker team.

And now that the size of the Undead Warship is too large, it is enough for the poker team to ride.

If this undead ship can sail in the waters of the melee battlefield, the poker team will be equivalent to another small mobile base. Although known as a melee battlefield area, it has not encountered sea waters.

However, the little queen judged that the melee battlefield area is now like a large game map. When the scope of the exploration of the earth force is expanded, many terrains should be found.

"Now is the main world time is May. It is estimated that there will be another month or so in the main world time. In more than June, my undead ship will be able to fly and move directly in the melee battlefield. At that time, the undead ship will move in the melee battlefield. It is not necessary. Sailing in the ocean, you can fly directly, similar to the undead warship. "Lake said proudly.

"Honor No. 2, can you also contribute to the poker team and become the team's common property like my land tank?" The Queen asked Enke enviously.

"No way, this is my own undead ship. Your land tank is because you owe the team too many coins and items. I don't owe anything to the poker team members. But if the poker team needs it, When the undead ship moves and fights in the melee battlefield, if conditions permit, I can provide it for free. "Said Rake, all wanting to use the gold hoop to pump the big queen.

The little queen, the green and white snakes and the ancient soul jumped into the ship of the undead.

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