Global Sky Online

Chapter 428: Kill value

As soon as Gu stepped in front of Lake, raising his hand was a palm, and Lake's soul was beaten out.

"I can make my own soul and shoot me for what I do," Rake said.

"The strength of your soul is not enough, it is not thorough enough, you can't go to that space, go." Gu Yi finished, and raised his hand again.

Lake felt that his soul was rising rapidly and quickly flew away from the earth, but his soul had not stopped yet and began to break the void.

"I'm going to take off? Day takeoff?" Rick thought.

Lake's sense of time and space is no longer felt in the process of continuous rapid rise.

After finally penetrating through the layers of space, Rick stopped and found that he came into a dark space, the cold water under his feet, just below his knees, even if Rick was in a state of soul. The water is so cold, the bitter cold feeling.

This should be what Gu Yi said, the sea of ​​resentment she called.

But the environment here is a bit different from the sea, and Lake saw an old-fashioned pavilion floating in the water.

Comparing the surrounding environment, Laker was surprised to find that the consciousness space that came after the annihilation of the tyrant was very similar.

Extermination is here. I should have seen my daughter after an hour and had a conversation with her daughter.

But I did n’t bring my infinite gloves to ring my fingers, how could I come here!

Rick looked around in surprise, looking for a creature that could appear in this space of consciousness.

Rick saw a figure in front of him, standing on the water behind the pavilion, but couldn't see clearly.

Rick walked quickly to the floating pavilion.

"Fire eyes and golden eyes" Rake launched his skills.

Rick was surprised to find that the person turned out to be himself, or in other words, the same person as himself.

"Hello, my past." The man beckoned to Lake and smiled.

"You are my future. I will use my infinite gloves to ring my fingers. I am dead? After you ring your fingers, you will appear in this space of consciousness and come to see me" Rake asked to the other one.

"Almost, I die to the point that I wasted a life and wasted game coins, which is a pity. Others thought I was dead, but in fact, after I got out of this space, I could be resurrected soon. I was When I fought against the Extermination Legion, I rang my finger, but just now the heavens reminded me online that I can only be resurrected to the point of time to join the division with Dr. Strange. People outside think that I have died in Extermination. , Became the No. 2 Lord, huh, huh. "Future Lake, said with some regret.

"It's a pity that you have used up your life-saving game currency. Are you here to remind me not to ring your fingers in the future? Why should you ring your fingers?" Rick asked his future self.

"My plan is to slam my finger in the decisive battle with Hulk and get the killing value of the Hulk's transformation. This way, even if I die once, I can survive better against Domam. I The original idea was to die once in the decisive battle with Infinite Gloves, and then use the time machine in the quantum field to first travel to the time node of the ancient ancient worship. Then I fought with Domam and I had Earlier, I killed the tyrants and the killing value of many of his subordinates. I can perform the Hulk transformation status. The Hulk transformation status, I can ring the finger again, so I can use the infinite finger to kill Drop Domam and get rewards.

After all, the main task of our copy this time, but [participate in the battle against the alien invaders Domum, Domam died or was repelled to leave the earth], can be considered to complete the main line mission. The reward for killing Dammam must be very generous. In addition, Zhu Tian Online has already reminded me through a conversation with Dr. Strange and others that I will probably die in this copy of the battle with Domham. Rather than sit back and wait, I plan to consume game coins and play big one! "Said the future Laker.

"Then you are successful now, you have to play against Dom and see if you can marry Gu as soon as possible." Lake said to the future with a smile.

"Hey, it's only half the battle. The heavens are too online. After the finger was ringing, I just reminded you of the game currency. When I got out of this space, the Hulk transformed into a killing value will be cleared! Just you Here, I'm in a special state now, give me your hand, and I'll try to give you the killing value. "The future Laker said depressedly.

After listening to it, Rick was also embarrassed. He didn't expect his future. He was miserable online. Although the tyrant was killed, the killing value after resurrection with game currency is no longer needed.

Rick was rude, reached out and shook hands with the future self.

Shaking hands with future self, Rick feels strange

"Get 1027 kill value." Zhu Tian online reminder sounded in Rick's head.

Rick heard the prompt and was relieved, it seems that he did not lie to him in the future.

"In the process of passing the kill value, there is some loss, but you can transform into an intermediate Hulk. After the transformation of the intermediate Hulk, your attributes are not much different from that of Hulk. You ca n’t kill your finger, but it should Seriously injured, at least one arm was broken. "Future Lake said ~ ~ Then I used this Hulk to transform into a killing value to deal with Domam, or to deal with the tyrant. The Hulk turned into a state and started to kill with his finger, but there was no killing value. I should only use it once. "Lake asked his future self to see if he could provide some advice.

"Look at it for yourself. If I analyze the killing of Tyrant and his men first, there should be some rewards when the mission is cleared. But even if it is used later, this infinite glove can completely kill Domham. It's not necessarily. I ordered to talk to my avatar, so that when he played against Dom, he brought in infinite gloves and rang his fingers. The avatar had always disagreed before, for fear of permanent death. With.

Then, Rick felt great attraction and sucked him into the cold water.

Rick's soul traversed through many spaces again, then shook it, and returned to his original body.

Lei leaned on Gu Yi's shoulders, panting heavily, and Gu Yi's face paled.

Rick looked around, and he had returned to the roof of the wizard's temple.

"Holy Lord Two, you should go. I hope you will be alive and come to me with Dr. Strange to worship." Said the ancient couple, Rake.

"You still have that soothing tea or something. Give me some more. Do you have any good things? Give me more. I guess when I go back, I will save the world and fight against tyrants. I, Lord No. 2, haven't learned any good spells yet. "Rake extended his right hand again.

Gu Yi turned directly and went downstairs. She chose not to stay on the roof of the temple. She just sent the No. 2 Soul to the sea of ​​resentment. She looked at it with ease, but her consumption was huge. This No. 2 lord also has advantages. Gu Yi is afraid that he will stay there, and he can't help but shot at his lord.

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